The test flight of the H-20 ended in more than an hour.

General Liu immediately held a press conference, and a group of media scrambled to ask questions.

Admiral Liu was upright and confident in the face of the live broadcast.

"My compatriots in the country, the successful test flight of the H-20 represents that our country has a complete trinity of nuclear strike forces. This is the result we have dreamed of."

"From today, no country can threaten the security of our country."

"The fate of our 1.4 billion compatriots is in our own hands."

"From now on, in any international affairs, we can say 'no' loudly in the face of various unreasonable demands that do not conform to our country's interests."

"Booming 20S has given us enough confidence. With this artifact of rejuvenating the country, no country dares to imagine using force against our country."

"My compatriots, although it is the 21st century, the world is not peaceful. Fortunately, we were born in a peaceful country."

"My compatriots, peace has never been prayed for. Peace is achieved by one's own strength. When you have enough strength to fight back against the enemy, he will be afraid of those who want to attack you."

"Our country is a peace-loving country. The development of our military power is only to protect our compatriots."

"Our military power will become the most powerful defender of world peace."

"Compatriots, the birth of our H-20 is inseparable from a great genius. His name is Su Chen."

"On the successful test flight of the H-20 today, I would like to invite all of us, Su Chen, and all the scientists who silently contributed to the national defense cause, to give a warm applause."

"thank you all."

General Liu's speech caused thunderous applause from all around.

After the speech, reporters from all over the world rushed to ask questions.

"Admiral Liu, I'm a reporter from Yingjiang, can I ask a question?"

"This reporter, please ask questions."

A blonde female reporter stood up and said, "General Liu, now is the era of peace, and the economy should come first. Your country is also developing this supersonic stealth bomber. Don't you think this will cause panic in other countries?"

General Liu laughed and said: "Your military expenditure has reached 800 billion US dollars, and your strategic bomber has been tested decades ago. Why can we do something that you can do, it will cause panic in other countries. "

"My country's military development is only to protect 1.4 billion compatriots. Other countries are not qualified to point fingers, and we don't need to look at your faces. The next one."

Another reporter stood up: "Admiral Liu, I'm a reporter from the Footpen country. Your country's bombers are too advanced and the threat is too great. Don't you think this will start an arms race?"

General Liu sneered: "Our military power is a force for peace. If we are a threat, it will only threaten the aggressor. As long as you are not the aggressor, I promise, we will not become a threat. The next one!"

A Maoxiong country reporter stood up and asked, "General Liu, I'm a Maoxiong country reporter. I want to ask: Your country's strategic bombers are so advanced. Is there any hope of exporting them to my country?"

Admiral Liu said with a light smile: "The weapon of the country should not be shown lightly to others, let alone exported. If your country has security needs, our country will provide support to your country from the perspective of strategic partnership."

"Thank you, General Liu. I hope your country will become stronger and stronger."

Mao Xiong's reporter sat down happily and stopped asking questions.

"Admiral Liu, I'm a reporter from Ah Sanguo. I want to ask a question."

"This reporter, please ask questions."

A reporter from the Three Kingdoms asked: "General Liu, is your country's military power increasing to deal with our country? Does your country regard our country as an imaginary enemy?"

General Liu smiled slightly: "This reporter friend, you think too much. From the perspective of strength, our country has never regarded you as an imaginary enemy, because you are not worthy. Our two countries are big powers in Asia, and I hope the two countries can coexist peacefully. Next person!"

"General Liu, I'm a reporter from Baba Yang Kingdom. I want to ask a question."

"Please ask."

"General Liu, your country's scientist Su Chen is so powerful, can you invite Su Chen to help our country develop some military technology."

"This reporter friend, Su Chen is very busy right now. He has to complete many important plans for our country and may not have time to help your country. Next!"

"Admiral Liu, I am a reporter from Kangaroo Country. I am very curious about Su Chen. Can you introduce Su Chen, a great scientist."

"This reporter, Su Chen, is a genius scientist in our country. He will be the greatest genius in human history. For his safety, and to protect this genius and his family, I cannot grant your request. "

At the press conference of the H-20, reporters from all over the world asked questions one after another.

At first, people were most interested in the H-20 stealth bomber.

But later, what everyone was most interested in was the mysterious genius Su Chen.

Admiral Liu praised Su Chen very much. He has described Su Chen as a super scientist who has never been seen before and never came after.

For a while, Su Chen, like a mystery, caught everyone's attention.


Eagle sauce country, in the palace.

The successful test flight of the H-20 made the Eagle Sauce Kingdom extremely flustered.

The Great Emperor of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom summoned all the military generals at the fastest speed to discuss the impact of the Xia Kingdom's test flight of the bombing 20.

In the Oval Office, the old emperor looked gloomy.

"Generals, Xia Guo's H-20 has been successfully tested, what do you think?"

"Your Excellency, the H-20 is too advanced. His various performances have completely abused the B2 stealth bomber. We are helpless."

"Your Excellency, the successful test flight of the H-20 has a great impact on our country. For a long time, our air force has been leading the world, but now, we will fall behind."

"Your Excellency the Great Emperor, I propose to hold a plenary meeting to convene all ministers and generals to discuss how to solve this crisis."

"Your Excellency the Great Emperor, God has abandoned our country. I suggest that from now on, change the national policy, have a good relationship with the Xia Kingdom, and stop stimulating them."

"Your Excellency the Great Emperor, there is a super genius in Xia Guo, and it is he who helped Xia Guo come up with the Boom 20. That guy is Su Chen."

"Your Excellency the Great Emperor, I suggest doing everything possible to dig Su Chen into our country and let him serve our country. If he doesn't agree, we should send agents to kill him."

[This chapter has been reviewed and revised. The author's mentality is a bit broken. Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, thank you for your support. ]*

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