Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 8: Doubts (5)

However, Gerard Chevalier is a battle-tested after all, and there is never a shortage of courage.Whenever Suo Zhongwu stopped taking pictures and thought about the monster's corpse, he would quietly get close to the power armor, lowering his eyebrows and brushing a wave of presence.If Suo Zhongwu didn't express his objection, the master of the village would even take the initiative to speak, pointing at the dead bodies on the ground and throwing out a lot of explanations:

"This one looks like it was stabbed to death with a hook sickle", "This one and that one were shot to death by your own hand", "When found, this one was hung on the Juma picket. We don't know. , What happened to him", "Look, please see. After stripping off the heavy armor, the big stiff body immediately appeared!"


The purely technical discussion on individual equipment has long been over.The current Gerard Chevalier seems to have become a tabloid reporter, as long as he sees an abnormality, he will talk endlessly.However, after all, he is the master of the planning village, and he will still show sharp eyes in the gaps between the ramblings, and deliberately or unintentionally raise serious questions to Suo Zhongwu, and he can often step on key points.

For some questions, Suo Zhongwu can answer him on the spot, such as "Why is the power of the bullet that killed the monster so powerful?" But for other questions, he needs to consider the answer repeatedly, such as "If the monster comes again, can we borrow you? Advanced weapons.” Among them, there is another very special question that makes him unable to hide. Even if he is reluctant, he must come up with an answer as soon as possible:

"Excuse me, my respected Corporal Suo Zhongwu. How should such a monster be called?"

It is also funny, the first to ask this sentence is actually his partner Francine.At that time, they had just arrived under the Dongzhai Wall and knew nothing about the actual situation of Kotweimel. They thought that this kind of monster was born and raised locally. As long as they asked the defender on the wall, the answer would be easy.

But the facts were far beyond expectations. Both Gerald and ordinary villagers knew nothing about these taciturn monsters.The reason why they are eager to help collect corpses is largely because they want to use the hands of the "Twins of Heaven" to figure out the details of the vicious enemy.

Suo Zhongwu understands the local people's expectations of him, and he also knows what Gerrard said.The village master wants more than just the name of the monster.He also wanted to know the origin of this race and the true purpose of appearing on the ground, so as to gain a deeper understanding of this vicious enemy.For the village owner who guards the dawn of the party, these requirements are completely reasonable, and Suo Zhongwu can understand this.

But he himself is also in the stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones, and his understanding of monsters is really limited.What's more, if the inference involving zero-face tolerance is made public, it will definitely cause unnecessary panic to Kotweimel.After thinking about it again and again, Suo Zhongwu felt that at present, he could only give the monster a temporary name, and only answered the part that floated on the surface, and dealt with the master of the village.

Of course, naming brand-new species should not be rushed.Before answering Gerrard, Suo Zhongwu specifically contacted Francine and sent an encrypted text message to his partner.Captain Davot, who was investigating at the church, immediately sent a reply to his partner. Not only was the efficiency extremely high, but he was also very generous:

"I gave them a bunch of nicknames, and I'm satisfied. The name of the monster race, I'll leave it to you. Remember to make your pronunciation better."

Suo Zhongwu grinned and relaxed, rare.He was too lazy to use his brains, directly raised his left arm, clicked on the holographic projection screen, and entered the keyword "folklore underground monster" on the search page.[Dorothy just upgraded the database, so she has all the knowledge she should have.Leave the task to the algorithm, no matter how the results are arranged, choose the third positive number.Ok, deal!

Gerard Chevalier pressed his hand on his chest and watched this series of operations in admiration, and even his breathing became rapid.The big Paul took three of his subordinates, stood on tiptoe and stared at the projection, one of them was unstable and almost fell to the ground collectively.Seeing this, Suo Zhongwu simply turned on the helmet microphone and played the trick of pretending to be professional again.

"For the convenience of the name, but also for the convenience of the professional and reliable team, we have temporarily named this race—" He raised his armor-wrapped forearm to his eyes, quickly scanned the search results, and fixed it on the third row. Chinese character:

"Named as'Tu Wushang'. This is a kind of underground intelligent creature mentioned in the ancient Chinese book "Shizi". The specific pronunciation is TuWuShang. According to preliminary observations, there are at least four subspecies of this race, and it may be Four different castes. Captain Francine Davot has given temporary names to each species, and we will describe them in detail in the official written report."

The more Suo Zhongwu spoke, the more confident he became, the louder and louder he spoke, and he felt a little fluttering for a while.After the recording, he simply magnified the word "no injury", waved his arm, and moved the projection to Gerrard's eyes:

"Look, this is the name of the monster. You can call this race TuWuShang, either in alphabetical spelling or in the original Chinese characters. I personally suggest the latter option, Mr. Zhaizhu, what do you think? ?"

"Chinese characters. It turns out that this kind of text is called'HanZi'" Gerrard's eyes were full of awe, and there was an uncontrollable tremor at the end of the sentence.He began to rub the big beard, and he tried harder and harder, obviously subconsciously:

"When the ancient ancestors excavated the imperial ruins, they found many magical products painted with Chinese characters. Now, only a few of those sacred objects survive, but rubbings and sketches have been passed down to this day. I once saw a masterpiece handed down in the Duke’s castle. "Girl with Bouquet" by Jean Adolphe Degas. On its gold frame, there are many Chinese characters engraved as decoration. It's really—it's really beautiful indescribable."

"..." Suo Zhongwu pressed his left arm and frowned reflexively.As a descendant of Yan Huang, he was really happy to hear people from other world praise Chinese characters so much.But what Gerrard said is really incredible.The village owner himself said before that this is Frank in AD1499, and the year should be the standard end of the Middle Ages.In this period of time, local residents have actually seen Chinese characters long ago, and they have been applied to luxury design?It is too ridiculous.

"There is one thing, I'm very curious." After thinking about it again and again, Suo Zhongwu decided to go straight ahead and ask the matter clearly:

"Mr. Zhaizhu, how did you treat Chinese characters before? Can anyone read it?"

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