Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 7: Falling from the Sky (End)

Under the kindness, Suo Zhongwu couldn't keep his eyes open, so he could only bite the bullet and respond.He raised his arm and waved to the enthusiastic audience reluctantly. He paused for half a minute and took a large tin of fresh ale from the tavern owner with the red nose.

In all honesty, this drink tastes really good. It is thick enough to chew. Whether it is fresh, wheaty or sweet, it is much better than the mid-range brand of the 22nd century; but now he is impatient and impatient, and can't do it. After tasting the ale, although I pondered for a long time, I couldn't even say a word.

This is so, the action of accepting the gift still provokes the villagers to applaud.The reaction of the girls was particularly strong. Some people simply threw a handkerchief from the upper floor, which not only had beautiful verses written on it, but also had cute pink lip prints; the civilian-soldiers played harder and the repertoire changed. Become a rural tune, even happier than the jumping deer.

Suo Zhongwu only felt extremely embarrassed and quickened his pace unconsciously.He kicked a lot of pebbles to pieces, left the music, handkerchief, and flower petals behind, and ran towards Dongzhaimen.The strong perfume smell gradually dissipated, replaced by the fermented smell of domestic garbage, and the long-lasting bitterness of gunpowder smoke; the houses have also changed from brightly lit to closed doors and windows, and there are still ruins of houses destroyed by fire and broken walls. Yuan seems to have leftover fish bones.

This place has just been ravaged by war, and the overall atmosphere is very depressed.Ironically, Suo Zhongwu was more familiar with this kind of place, and he also developed an inexplicable intimacy.Too many wars and fights just left this sequelae.Alas, it is probably difficult to change.

Before he and Francine arrived, the mercenaries under the Baron Bayonne had bombarded the area with rockets.If the owner of the village had not prepared in advance, the fire would have burned at least half of the planned village, dispersing many families.

Fortunately, this disaster did not happen.The villagers relied on their own strength to resist the attack and saved the family wealth they had accumulated over the years.At this moment, there are still people left behind among the ruins, and that is the handyman team supporting the militia.Others are celebrating the victory, but they are still patrolling the village to guard against possible accidents.

Suo Zhongwu discovered that he and these handymen actually have a common language.Obviously tired, but no chance to rest; both have a heart that is endless and keep their eyes on all directions.But what is the solution?Who makes us carry the tasks we have to complete?

Driven by empathy, Suo Zhongwu specifically stopped and gave a thumbs up to a middle-aged handyman who looked honest and had a big brown beard.The poor man was stunned, and it took a long time to reflect, calling out to the alley behind him.

He may want his children to come out to see the world, or he may want to show off his adventures to his wife, but these have nothing to do with Suo Zhongwu.The Dongzhai Gate is right in front of you, the heavy door leaf is ajar, revealing the red and yellow fire on the open ground.Passing through the doorway is the destination of this trip: a "test field" designated by Suo Zhongwu and Francine for stacking monster corpses

A militia-sergeant wearing a cloth faceplate has been looking around nervously.After discovering Suo Zhongwu, the man immediately brought his heels together, and the short spear hit the ground, making it straight like a small tree."By the order of the Lord, I am here to lead the way for you!" He raised his chin high, not even daring to look directly at Suo Zhongwu's face:

"Just ahead! Just ahead! Please come with me, pay attention-uh, please pay attention to this too low gate. I'm very sorry!"

"Okay, okay, just have the intention." Suo Zhongwu coughed awkwardly, and signaled the sergeant to stay in place, slipping forward and entering the doorway.He has hands and feet, and his brain is not the wrong line. If he can't take a pee, he can use others to lead the way.[Walking from the square to the Zhaimen, all I met were fanatical fans.I am not a traffic star!

Probably because of a bad mood, he didn't pay attention when he walked halfway, and his helmet smashed two blue bricks.The crumbs fell down and put on the generous shoulder armor, which made Suo Zhongwu very embarrassed for a while; but the group of people waiting across the trench completely turned a blind eye to it, still standing stupefied like a stone sculpture.

The short spearman yelled loudly. They were given enough early warning time and were impeccable in military posture.However, due to the special nature of their work, their military appearance is really not good, and it can even be said to be sloppy:

Gerard Chevalier, who was standing in the front, had a lot of blood stained on his plate armor, and most of it had solidified.His right-hand man Paul Paul, with three other veterans who understand English, stood fan-shaped behind his boss, but the surface of the armor was also stained with dirt, and even a faint phosphorous fire could be seen.In addition, they also covered their noses and mouths with towels. If outsiders who didn't know them saw it, they would definitely recognize them as cutting-edge men.

Suo Zhongwu understands these difficulties.After crossing the trench, he did not blame Gerard Chevalier, but praised him.But the planning village owner is quite concerned about his appearance.After Suo Zhongwu finished speaking, he immediately lowered his head, and a verbose call came to blame himself.The others also rushed up all together as if they had negotiated.

In the beginning, they, like the village owners, criticized themselves without trouble.However, there must be a lot of people with mixed speech, and Suo Zhongwu's kind attitude, these veterans changed their tastes as they talked, and later turned into a disguised invitation for credit.The youngest blonde soldier simply squeezed into the ground and ran to the front, showing Suo Zhongwu the long cut on the cloth faceplate.

"At that time, I patched the sword in my armpits and the roots of my thighs. Maybe I was covering my face, I don't feel that I went in deep." He has a heavy accent and speaks quickly, and he makes gestures while talking, exaggerated as if acting :

"Then I waited for five heartbeats, a full five heartbeats (opening the palm), the big one still did not move. Then I went to grab the ankle, who knows, the monster suddenly bounced from the ground, according to me here is one Axe (finger on the right rib). It was really dangerous at the time, and almost knocked me over, thanks to the help of Paul the Great... Your Excellency, it was so dangerous, I almost missed you!"

Suo Zhongwu couldn't understand it, so he had to follow the standard disposal procedures and smiled and said "hard work" to him. He has the same attitude towards other militiamen. If you nod your head, you can nod your head. If you shake hands and encourage you, you can shake hands and encourage. There is no other words other than encouragement. Make these people happy.

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