Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 7: Falling from the Sky (3)

The large shield carried by the monster is nearly four feet tall and can block the entire front in terms of width, which is more exaggerated than a door leaf.This piece of equipment allows the shield-bearing monster to gain the upper hand in the defense. The mercenary's long sword and hook, although they have been slashing upwards, they can only push the infantry back, and it is difficult to break the shield itself.

With the right weapons and equipment, and at least three times the number of advantages, the monster infantry, despite the heavy casualties, also suppressed the mercenary formation.The remaining armored infantry were forced to be almost shoulder to shoulder, all of them mixed together, barely forming a hedgehog circle.They have no possibility of breaking through, they are simply forced by the desire to survive, and one more second is one second.

This powerful soldier, famous in the southwest of Aquitaine, came to the end in a very frustrated way.[The Robber Baron once predicted, "When the moon rises above the sky, the sanctions of justice will fall."] Little Albert looked at the last battle of the mercenaries, only feeling that his heart was beating wildly, and his mouth was like a dry year. The field:

[Now, the moon does rise very high, and there is no dark cloud obscured it, it looks very silvery.The sanctions also fell on time, but they fell on them.Moreover, it has nothing to do with justice.

The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend.He knew this when he had a snowball fight with children in the village.The family soldiers of the Baron Bayonne did nothing wrong with burning, looting and looting, and they even made dirty deals with the devil, but what could be better for the monsters who slaughtered them?

From the beginning of the fight to the present, this group of evil spirits, with their gray skin and attachments on their heads, did not even say a word to persuade them to surrender; as long as they were the baron family soldiers who stayed on the battlefield, they were all targeted.The orcs will leave a few living as slaves, and sometimes blackmail the villagers for ransom, but these monsters from the dark are not even willing to give the opportunity to communicate. They have the same attitude when facing mortals and take money to kill insects. The vineyard hires are no different.

In them, little Albert only felt strong hostility.He licked his lips, trying to persuade the boss of Gerald to take precautions, and when he turned his head, he realized that the village owner was already busy with this.

This time, Gerard Chevalier did not engage in speeches and other tricks. Instead, he called Paul and his confidants to his side and whispered to them. Little Albert listened for a long time, but only collected Some fragmentary words and sentences.

Gerrard must have spotted him, but immediately turned his gaze back.He put his hand-picked "mascot" aside, and kept giving instructions on the wall. In addition to arranging the defense of Dongzhai Gate himself, he also sent four groups of people out to spread the orders all over the village on horseback. .

Ten minutes later, the other three village gates flicked torches and sent contact signals to the village owner; the tall church bell tower also "swizzled" out a yellow fire snake, announcing that the matchlock gunner was in place.In the central square and the council field, some people also released a number of fireworks, which exploded in red and green in the sky.

The planning village that hadn't been relaxed for a long time became a war machine again.The defenders are in their respective positions and become spikes against foreign enemies.Little Albert clearly saw that the militia had loaded enough ammunition for the fire gun and the iron crossbow, and the short spearman sat back against Duo Yin, and pointed his weapon at Duo Yin again.[The air is getting hotter.It was even hotter than when the Baron family soldiers climbed the wall.

He knows very well that fierce fighting is inevitable and the question is only when it will break out.Although very discouraging, it is not defenders like them who have the initiative and can start a war at any time.

When Kotweimel strengthened the city's defenses, the sharp-faced and short-tailed monsters were not idle.During this period, they overthrew the last iron-clad infantry, and literally wiped out the family that Baron Bayonne had painstakingly managed.

For this victory, the monster also paid a heavy price.The lights flickered, reflecting the many corpses, many monsters were smashed by hooks and sickles, lying on the ground completely dead; a few had their arms cut off, and the spray of plasma made mud under them.Around the place where the regular soldiers fought last, the corpses even formed a gray circle. A dozen or so dull infantrymen died suddenly and fell on their unique equipment.

The number of injured is also quite large, and the situation is not as optimistic.Those monsters that are not seriously injured can still crawl on their own strength, but these lucky ones are only a few, and more of the wounded can only lie on the ground for a long time to move.This situation can be described as miserable.However, the commander (if any) hiding in the dark showed no mercy to these subordinates, and the healthy monsters who were still standing were equally indifferent to their companions.

The dead infantry and archers were thrown directly to the ground by them. I don't know if they were discarded or planned to be dealt with after the war.Injured monsters also need to take care of themselves. Those who can walk around will squat under the fence and wait silently; those who are out of breath can only fall into their internal organs and twitch slowly until the blood mud around them solidifies. Hard, colder than their bodies.

Compared with rescuing the dead and wounded, monsters are more concerned with siege equipment.The reason is simple, these things are too big and hinder their actions.In front of the militia, hundreds of shielded infantry temporarily put down their weapons, approached the chassis like ants, and pushed the machine out of the lighted area little by little.

Although they are slow, and occasionally forced to pause due to obstacles (either garbage or corpses), they win in perseverance.Siege engines and trebuchets are big guys with hundreds of fatal loads (thousands of kilograms), but they just run over corpses all over the ground. Under the lubrication of blood plasma, fat and mud, they can clean the semi-finished products in less than ten minutes complete.

After finishing these tasks, the monsters easily occupied the barracks again, driving out a group of humming wounded and sick from there.They did not intend to capture slaves, nor did they force these baron family soldiers to shout, but in front of the defenders on the Dongzhai wall, they cut the throats of these poor people one by one.

This is a demonstration.The demonstration couldn't be more obvious.Little Albert watched this scene, only to feel the blood rushing to his forehead, and he almost fainted."Curse you!" He squeezed Duo Yin, and heard his hoarse voice, shouting angrily:

"Curse you demons! They are people, not pigs and sheep!"

An angry condemnation swept across the entire wall.The civilian-soldiers waved their weapons and spontaneously pointed at the monster's nose and yelled at them. They didn't need to be agitated by the officer.

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