Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 6: Sudden Change (End)

Iron bullets flew more smoothly, not wobbly like lead bullets.The impact points of the two shells are very close, and the distance between them is only one person long.But their accurate head is not worthy of compliment, let alone siege equipment, and even the stubs of refusal are not reached.The black pressure crushed such a large group of people, the shells fell to the side where there was nothing, and the dust and smoke raised were not spectacular. Before it turned into a column, it was instantly blown away by the north wind.

But the sand was unbiased, just scratching the regular soldiers' faces.For the wailing conscript serfs, this was enough.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the serfs turned from defense to offense. Some picked up a stone and slammed on the regular soldier. Others were more courageous and actually rushed to try to seize the sword. Moreover, a few people worked together to direct the mercenary and the sergeant. Pushed to the ground.

The conscripts were first killed and wounded at Dongzhaimen, and then they were called by regular soldiers as coolies.It is completely reasonable for them to find someone who bullies them to vent their anger.But different people have different positions. For regular soldiers and knights, these serfs are undoubtedly committing chaos. If they don't suppress them, not only will they have no prestige, but their companions will also be life-threatening.

Sentinels near the scene raised their long-handled hooks and rushed to recruit serfs with curses.The knights pushed away the attendants, and hurried into the middle of the crowd despite the fact that the armor was only half-worn and the horses had not yet been brought.They attacked very ruthlessly, and the serfs were cut down on the spot. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people fell to the ground, crying and shouting.

Gerrard didn't make any further twists.The master of the village took care of the city wall leisurely, watching the theater with gusto."Brothers," he even had a leisurely mood, joking with the civilian-soldiers around him:

"Would you like to take a gamble? I bet two livres and bet that the robber baron will appear in ten minutes. Has anyone followed?"

No one really followed.It's not that others are unwilling to cooperate, but that the development is so fast that there is no time to bet.Gerald.As soon as Chevalier finished saying this, the Baron Bayonne rushed into the fight on horseback. The white horse screamed, not knowing whether it was frightened or angry.

Beltran did not appease the mount.Because he has more important things to do.The robber baron rushed to the regular soldiers, scolded them with whips, and ordered the men to stop immediately; after the mercenaries, sergeants, and knights stopped hacking, he ran up to the conscripted serfs and screamed for several minutes with a dull voice. Will not stop anymore.

The baron was really anxious.Although he was fully clothed, he kept small movements while riding on the horse. When training people, he either waved his arms or lifted his mask, just like a swarm of hornet in his armor.The most proficient speech is also completely out of the previous level, even the basic words can not be rounded, and there are a lot of words, and the little Albert understands less than one-third.

The lord became this virtue, and the mentality of conscripting serfs would definitely change.They were no longer conscientious, let alone cheering to the baron, and few took off their hats; some particularly bold serfs even showed their wounds and uttered their words against the baron fiercely.Their speech was even more illegible, and only a few words such as "bounty" and "life" were passed on to the wall.

Bertrand.Germany.Bayonne was completely irritated before long.He neither moved out of the cauldron of stew, nor did he show up a large sum of gold and silver. Instead, he stretched out his hand to his waist and drew his ancestral splendid sword.Next, he may kill people to gain power, or he may just play with foil a few times, but no matter what the baron thinks in his heart, he has no chance to put it into practice:

A strangely shaped feather arrow suddenly flew from the diagonal stabbing, unbiased and shot right through the neck from the side.Neither the white goose feathers nor the small oval pieces of wood can be seen at the tail of the arrow. Instead, there is a weird glare, which is fleeting.

The baron let go of his right hand, and the ancestral saber fell into the dust with a sound.He covered his neck with iron gloves, but the blood still gurgled from the wound, unable to stop it like a fountain.The white horse was excited.Becoming more and more disturbed, first he shook his head and shook his head vigorously, and then began to run and jump again, irritably tempered.

Bertrand de Bayonne can do nothing about this.His arms slumped, and the whole person swayed back and forth like a puppet. He was quickly pushed down by the saddle on the bridge, and smashed into the ground like an iron block.The white horse was surprised, and immediately ran with his legs and the baron whose feet were still trapped in the stirrups. Naturally, he was dragged behind the horse and stumbled all the way. The Gothic plate ran into a stone, and the sound of "Ding Li Bao" continued to be heard.

Conscripts, regulars, knights... the numerous baron family soldiers present witnessed this happening.They stood there, leaving all protests, fights, and even escapes behind, let alone taking action. They didn't even cough and clear their throats.

The situation is not much better at the East Wall of Kotweimel.Little Albert was completely stupid and even suspected that he was dreaming.Gerald.Chevalier held the battlement in his hands and watched the enemy camp intently, no matter who shouted.The Great Paul and the other civilians, soldiers, were stunned, and whispered, but no one laughed, even though the enemy's head was killed right before his eyes.

The death of the baron completely exceeded everyone's expectations.However, this is just the beginning of a series of changes.Just as both the offensive and the defenders were stunned and slowly digested the news of Bertrand's death, another group of sharp arrows flew out of the shadows and rushed towards the knights at the west entrance.

The group of monsters who are shooting cold arrows are very accurate.Those knights who rushed to squeeze the serfs, neither wearing their armor nor waiting for their horses, their exposed legs, arms, and even backs were shot with arrows, and the screams suddenly became a piece;

The armed knights who have mounted their horses are fully protected by Gothic plate armor, but their mounts are bare and almost naked. The horse's head is shot with an arrow or the horse's butt is drawn. The pain makes these beasts jump and shake, and there is even a horse. The horse turned his head and ran away, knocking his master to the ground on the spot.

The siege camp that was extremely quiet just now suddenly became noisy again.The baron was dead, the knights were in chaos, and the conscription of serfs was not restrained, and he became completely at a loss.Some people were frightened and just yelled in place, while others looked around and quietly moved themselves towards the shadows; there were also a few who didn’t know whether they were courageous or stupid, but ran to the siege machine that stopped assembly, probably thinking Remove the parts and sell it for money.

The regulars ignored these people. Because their order is not much better than that of enlisting soldiers, they almost can't take care of themselves.

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