Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 6: Sudden Change (4)

As if cheering on the fire python, a group of militiamen stood up between the battlements of the Nanzhai wall and shot rockets at the "Dashan".They used hunting bows, which were soft and weak, and could only make the feather arrows barely fly to the destination, with almost no lethality.But Gerard Chevalier, probably didn't expect the hunting bow to kill people from the beginning.[He should be thinking—his back hand is probably—I know!

Little Albert had an epiphany.Ecstasy and terror rushed to his body at the same time, almost making him faint on the spot.The great Paul seemed to understand. The veteran immediately raised the mace and angrily began to order:

"Gerald who owes XXX! Brothers, open your mouth and plug your ears. Don't look at it when you close your eyes!"

Little Albert obeyed the first two items, but still kept his eyes open.After seeing it, he will definitely regret it for one day, but if he misses this opportunity, he will definitely regret it for a lifetime.[Burn it up, get it up quickly!What's the matter, the fire is so small that the grass at the bottom of the mountain is not burning?Tommy has noticed that the hooker and the longbow are all retreating, and the gunpowder keg is being reloaded, why hasn’t there been any movement, why hasn’t it been—]


Like the uncork of a giant wine bottle, but also like the weird sound of a super moon gate jet, suddenly burst out of the dirt pile.The brown and green "big mountain" trembles violently like a patient with a high fever, and the mountain is split with many large cracks, from which a blood-red flame burst out.

The mountain moved.But this is only the beginning.The scale of the first round of explosions was already quite large. Not only did they blow up large chunks of "sludge" in the air, they also shook the longbowmen on the top of the mountain upside down, and fell into the yellow-green softness.But its greatest effect is to shake the "mountain" from the inside out, releasing the methane that has been breeding for many years at the bottom of the dung pile and is even more foul than the devil's breath.

In the Frankish kingdom, farmers probably have seen this poisonous gas.They breed quietly in the garbage dump, not only can poison passing small animals to death, but also extremely flammable, a small inconspicuous strand that can make a drunk's face black when lit.

The biogas released by "Dashan" is far from comparable to this kind of trifling. I am afraid that "thousand cans" must be used as the unit of measurement.When the light green air mass encountered an open flame, it immediately caused a landslide-like second round of explosions, covering the surrounding land of half Bonnier (about half a hectare) into a bright yellow fireball.

The air wave rushed first and set off a howling gust of wind at the top of the wall.Sawdust, cloth pieces, blood residue, flag surface, all kinds of messy things flew in the air, hula la flew in all directions.Little Albert squatted on the ground, tightly blocking his ears with his fingers, but before the wind was in the boat, thunder-like loud noises followed one after another, hitting him like a huge fist.

For a while, little Albert's internal organs were shaking, and the pain was so painful that he screamed on the spot.Not only him, but all the civilians and soldiers on the wall suffered. Some fell to the ground, some covered their heads and groaned, and others clung to the battlements, cursing vaguely."The one above!" Gillar, the clever musketeer, was scared to death by the explosion, lying on the ground with his butt upside down, crying with his nose and tears:

"Don't blow it up! Don't blow it up again!!"

I don't know if it was the one above who heard the prayer, or was it pure luck. All in all, there were only two rounds of the explosion, and it did not last forever.After the violent wind and sound, the battlefield gradually became quiet, but in the previous ten seconds, some things have changed forever:

The "big mountain" outside the wall of Nanzhai has turned into a smoldering giant fire, and the heat continuously distorts the surrounding scene.The gray-white plume of smoke rose into the sky, closely connected with the fog that had blown into the sky before, like a super mushroom hundreds of feet high.

The battle formation of the mercenaries was completely shattered by the explosion. The hook and sickle hands that did not run away in time were scattered everywhere like wooden toys. A few were still struggling to get up, and the others were motionless.Not to mention the longbowmen, the explosion occurred under their feet, most of them were torn apart, and the stumps and arms even flew to the wall of Dongzhai.

Human remains, fragments of armor, broken handles of weapons...the heaviest pieces fall first.The light and fluttering foam floated in the air for a long time, until it was completely tired, and then reluctantly scattered on the heads of everyone.The hot wind blew through, scraping countless debris, and quickly brushed the castellation and the arrow board with stickiness; the exposed skin was also irritated and painful by the debris, and some places just started to red and blisters.

Little Albert knows what the mince is.But he didn't bother to think about it, or he didn't want to think about it at all."Tomorrow, no, I want to take a bath now!" He covered his mouth and nose with a towel and began to vent his emotions viciously at the initiator of all this:

"This kind of weird trick. This kind of weird trick! It's really fortunate that he can think of it, burying a gunpowder keg under the dung mountain! I want to see how it ends next!"

It may be that he heard this sentence, or it may be that Gerard Chevalier had been prepared, and the swallow-tailed battle flag stuck behind the southern wall suddenly began to move towards the gate.At the same time, the wall-guarding soldiers behind Duo Yin also staggered to get up. Their condition was not very good. Some people just stood up and fell straight to the ground, and a few others should It was shocked, and they bumped into each other as they walked, and the swords in his hands fell.

They are adjusting the defensive deployment.Although slow and inefficient, it is indeed adjusting defense deployment.However, the militia-soldiers at the South Gate will not be the last one even if they languish.The baron family soldiers around "Dashan" are definitely the bottom of the battlefield in terms of efficiency, and the situation is getting worse.

The English-German-Lanmen mercenaries were either killed on the spot or were severely wounded. Let alone continue the attack, whether they can survive is a question.Symptom serfs and car-driving laborers were also shaken by shock waves and air waves. Their casualties were not serious, but their hearts were greatly impacted. Many people were even directly frightened and paralyzed on the ground without daring to move. .

Those who are still sober, the situation is not much better.The regular soldiers who stayed behind to escort the car were anxious to rescue their comrades.They kicked and beat the conscripts first, and later even drew their sharp swords, and used the weight ball at the rear of the hilt to hit people on their bodies, forcing the group of coolies to go to the "mountain."

There was already a big fire there, and the billowing smoke was choking.However, the conscripts with bloody nose and mouth and brown "sludge" must go straight into this hell without protection.

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