Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 3: Uninvited Guest (6)

"Fourth. You are the fourth village that claims to have caused the plague. Thank you for your enthusiasm, but I have learned the art of medicine for a few years, so I can tell if the plague is probably. Okay, please unload and go, the action is the best Hurry up, after registering your names, you have to go to the council for questioning."

"Is it about digging a corpse?" Little Albert blurted out without hesitation, not only drew the attention of Isabella, Raymond and others, but also made Masson Messier turn his head."Children? How come there are children?" The village doctor raised his right arm, turned it down, and walked towards the bullock cart in a stride.

"Nice to meet you." He stopped in front of Little Albert and greeted him in a kind voice.However, the gaze from behind the crystal lens is not so friendly:

"I’m Masson Messier, the doctor here. Boy, what’s your name, how old are you? Tell me, why are you coming here? Don’t be afraid, if someone slopes, I’ll arrest him now. ."

"It's not like that!" The Lu Meng family boy noticed that there was a misunderstanding on the other side and waved his hand in a panic:

"Doctor, it’s not what you think. No one forced me. I was the first to find the body of a foreigner. I came to the petition team to make things clear. Don’t you know, doctor, the villagers are terribly scared now , I’m all worried that the murderer would take advantage of the chaos to attack....... That’s why we came to beg-uh, we came to remind Kotweimel that there is danger. Oh, by the way, my name is Albert Lumont, The birthday has not arrived yet, but it should be correct to count as eleven. It should be correct."

He almost told the real purpose.Thanks to Isabella and Raymond's timely action, pulling his pants and sleeves one by one, he stopped in time.This little action must be hidden from the other person, but Masson Messier did not reveal it, but shook his head very slightly.

"My father is a doctor, and my grandfather is a doctor, so he came into contact with death at a very young age. But I didn't have a choice, and you, poor Albert Lumen, suffered a sudden disaster." At this point, the village doctor couldn't help but He lowered his head and looked at his hands with cooked leather gloves, his voice became more bitter:

"The disaster is really casual. I will never say hello before it comes. Forget it, it's over. It's useless to say more. Let me answer your question just now. Be prepared to hire someone to dig the corpse, let alone force you guests to do heavy work."

"Then these dead people..." Little Albert glanced at the body bag and the "blanket" of flies that still refused to disappear at sunset. He felt that his mouth was dry and his throat seemed to be blocked:

"Doctor, can you please help me and tell us what the council has arranged? When we go back, we can also talk to the villagers and give them peace of mind."

"In a short time, they may not be able to feel at ease." The village doctor was also honest.After saying this, he paused for a moment, and then slowly walked to the four-wheeled cart, not knowing whether he wanted to examine the corpse or if he had other plans.Seeing this, the two assistants immediately threw quill pens and paper rolls back on the table and ran behind the master, but Masson Messier waved his hands in disgust and drove them away again. :

"Do your work. I just want to move my skills. By the way, Albert Lumont, did you make a request just now, hope I can help?"

"Me? Uh, I just talk about--"

"Then I'll do another favor." The village doctor neatly picked up a body bag, and passed by the silly Francois:

"What are the plans of the village masters and elders? I don't know about this. I can only tell you one thing. When the council comes, remember to ask them for more food. Tonight and tomorrow, there may be For the big action, food storage must give priority to the militia and soldiers. If you don’t want to go hungry, just do what I say."

Little Albert nodded confusedly.Others woke up like a dream, and ran to the four-wheeled cart containing the corpses, rushing to "unload" the cargo."Can't go back." Isabella and "Blue Finger" partner, while dangling the sack into the charcoal ring, muttered dissatisfiedly:

"Can't go back. What can be good after entering the council? Who knows what bad ideas those wearing tights would have."


Little Albert's height was too low, and the body bag had already been removed before he could take it.Next, he followed Raymond Janek, first anxiously looking for a quill assistant to register his name, and then led by a belt assistant, and even more anxiously walked to the top of power here.

The place is actually not far away, just to the north of the square, opposite to the church with the tall cross-frame.The petition team walked on the cobblestone road, circling around for a long time, and stopped temporarily for three times.This is so, they arrived at their destination within five minutes, the planning village council field that is never open to outsiders.

In Kotweimel, the council field is the most impressive building in the whole village.This is a two-story building made of pure stone. The mountain-shaped roof is covered with beautiful red tiles, densely packed like dragon scales.In the middle of the roof, there is also an eye-catching clock tower. The big bronze bell hanging inside is said to weigh 20 fatal (about 800 kilograms). Whenever it is struck, you can hear the buzzing as far away as Empire Avenue.

Little Albert came here for the first time. He only felt that there were too many elements, and he was dazzled to see him.The sun has been on the horizon, and the sunlight has dyed the small building into deep purple. The scenery is indeed very beautiful. The two-story brick house of Gaspar's house is like a pee castle pinched by a child.However, no matter how beautiful the house is, it is nothing more than a house. The reason why the venue is full of oppression is largely due to the users, especially the surrounding guard posts.

The planning village dispatched ten urban civilian-soldiers to guard the venue.Two of them were armed with snake-stick arquebus and both carried iron-armed crossbows (without winch).Among the remaining six people, three are short spears and hunting bows. Their usual profession should be hunters; the other three are burly elites. Their weapons are long swords and shields, and their armor is also a cloth faceplate with iron embedded in them. A lot of shiny iron buckles can be seen from the outside.

The two crossbowmen, like the Dongzhaimen guards, are also a classic combination of helmets and mail.The two with the matchlock guns and the three hunter brothers, they only have gray padded soft armor on their bodies, and their heads only have cowhide hoods, and they put on two tops at once, making it uncomfortable to watch.

However, despite the obvious differences in equipment, these ten urban militiamen-soldiers all work hard.

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