Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 2: Disaster, the first appearance (11)

"At the same time, the church-worship-hall will be opened to women and children in the village as an emergency refuge. The evil will eventually perish, and the light will come, A-men!"

Barre Gaspar is just a layman, unlike the resident priest, who speaks with a halo.However, he also made a generous statement and made his responsibilities extremely important.According to him, the village chief must not only command the patrol team, but also instruct the whole village in spring ploughing at this critical moment, otherwise it will delay the farming period and reduce production this fall.

"Donations to the village can of course be reduced." When it comes to the topic of money, Barre Gaspar deliberately turned his back to the sun, the woolen tights were lined up shiny, and the muscular legs are really beautiful. :

"But, the ordinary tithes to the duke, the little ones in the church-uh, I mean the sacred tithes, and the head tax (Taille, also called the Taille tax) levied by His Majesty himself, I can’t do it here. Call the shots. My friend, my folks, we can’t just look at the troubles at hand, taxes are the top priority in the village!"

This is too correct.Even the three Zhuer brothers, who are the most provocative, bowed their heads after listening.As an autonomous village, Noblewa’s usual days are indeed a bit more comfortable than the villages in the Baronian territory of Bayonne and the township of the Bishop of Ajemo.But no matter where you live, you should never avoid paying taxes, from Ireland to Khitan.

All villagers have to donate money to the village and at the same time undertake irregular communal work.Without these "voluntary contributions", the public treasury in the village would instantly dry up, and things like opening up new fields, repairing water channels, maintaining water mills and public ovens, etc., would be nothing to think about.The expenditure for the armed village protection team that is about to be formed also comes from this sum of money. After all, the members are not souls, and clothing, torches, and food, these things can't be saved.

As for tithes, let alone.If it weren’t for the Duke’s resignation back then, where there is the autonomy permission of Noblewa Village, the tithes given to him must not be less; the church is a part of daily life. For thousands of years, the sacred tithes given to them by the common people have been no less Over.When the two taxes are added together, at least 20% of the harvest in Noblewa village in one year will be handed over, and it is still in the case that the bishop and the duke have given favor to avoid other miscellaneous churches.

The head tax can only be collected by the king. Tax collectors enter the village every year and are accompanied by a herald of the military police knights. The blue swallowtail flag is embroidered with golden irises. When the breeze blows, it flickers with extra prestige.The amount of this tax is not as large as the tithe, but it is particularly troublesome to pay, because His Majesty does not want real objects, only coins, and it must be white livres or yellow gold coins.

In order to get cash, the villagers must either go to Kotweimel to go to the big fair by themselves, or give some blood to the village chief to help sell them. No matter which way they go, the merchants will get a lot of wool away.But even if they suffer again, they can only endure silently by themselves. Who makes all Franks and even all of Europe break the rules?

Kings, lords, and bishops...when they paid out of the peasants' pockets, they were more anxious and more efficient than each.But when the villagers are in trouble and need them to come forward to settle the situation, these noble people will immediately change to another face, and change their tricks.

"Planning Village" Kotvemel, although it is only a hound placed by the Duke in the north of the Pyrenees, the stinky problems of the big people have been contaminated in recent years.According to Barre Gaspar, if you go there directly to ask for help, the village will not only prepare a large amount of food for the townsmen and soldiers there, but after finishing the work, you will also have to give away a few hundred livres of silver coins as them. "Death to help each other" reward.

His remarks were half-truth and half-truth, probably just to frighten the villagers.But when the people in the village went to the big fair, those soldiers with swords in Kotweimel did have a hundred ways to find faults for others, thinking of trying to make money for themselves.The third agreement reached by Barre Gaspar and the wealthy villagers was precisely to deal with these extortions. For this reason, they even compiled a script on the spot to change the threats Noblewa faced to completely unrecognizable. .

All the villagers who went there had to learn the story by heart: Noblewa village was not unconscious on the night of the murder. Many villagers, including the night watchman, heard the screams and "Hurry, at least The strange footsteps of more than thirty people.

There are only six dead people, so there can be no more.But the cause of their death can make a big fuss.By the time Kotweimel, all the petitioners had to take the initiative to stop people talking, spread the matter out in the shortest time, and add fuel to the death of the corpse by the way.If someone is particularly curious, they will also show the old and new wounds of the dead, as well as those obvious physical deformities.

Once the rumors spread, the owners and elders of Kotweimel will certainly be fidgeting and can only take the petition team to the village council for questioning.There, the team members will stage a meticulously prepared highlight, and put forward further terrible guesses:

The deceased was naked, could it be because of a disease that he lost his basic sense of reason?The old wounds on the face, hands, legs and feet can be explained by long-term abuse, but miasma, radiation, and plague can also cause the same effect.It is said that there are many cities in the east that are experiencing red fever. Will the plague spread to this side unconsciously?

Such an exaggerated lie is hard to be completely convinced.But it is enough to spread panic.Barre Gaspar was very straightforward. He wanted to scare the people who planned the village, so he did not hesitate to pull the imaginary plague.

"Everyone is afraid of the plague. Because the plague is neither afraid of long swords, nor will it shrink back in front of things that we all know." When he said this, the village chief took a special look at the priest and found him After looking as usual, he continued:

"Once we have a plague here, and they fail to deal with it in time, they will become hell on earth within a radius of a few hundred miles. They will absolutely not dare to take this risk. They will definitely send a team of dozens of people to check it out. Hounds, Falcons, and Long Swords, fire guns... The equipment brought by Kotweimel is enough to fight a big battle. At that time, the murderers who killed six foreigners could not escape even with wings! Do you understand? If you understand, continue to memorize it, and only when you are fully memorized can you leave!

Little Albert had no choice but to chew the story over and over again with the help of his father.

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