Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 2: Disaster, the first appearance (8)

Among the six corpses, there were four with arrows in their bodies, and the other two were chopped off by a sharp blade. When they were found, their blood had basically run out.

The legendary vampire will certainly not waste food so much.The wandering wolves cannot cause such neat cuts.The villagers sitting on the roof watching the excitement put forward a lot of hypotheses about the identity of the real murderer. Some said it was robbery by bandits, some said it was caused by orcs, and several groups of people were clamoring and clamoring.

The village square is so big, little Albert can't even listen.However, he did not deliberately block his ears, because he also had doubts about the origin of the dead.[Six big living people died in the same forest in one day.How dark is the experience of the guy who started?

Little Albert told his father about his concerns.Just when the village chief turned around like a fly without his head.Hearing what his son said, Hubel looked very uneasy. He first looked at the torn sack covering the body, then took the strange feather arrow (the other one found in the forest, not pulled from the body) into his hand, and folded absently. Several times.

"Probably the person killed by the orc war gang. I think." When he finally spoke, Hubel compromised various opinions and gave the youngest son an extremely perfunctory answer:

"It may have slipped out of the badlands (Désert. In World No. 5, people usually use this word to refer to the ruins of the ancient city). It may also have come down from the Pyrenees to the south. Listen to your grandfather's words, English- When the Glenn bandits were still there, there were orcs, deserters, and bandits everywhere, and villages were often ransacked. Recently, this kind of thing is rare, but it is still possible."

father.Are you saying this to make me more impatient?

——Although the young Albert wanted to vomit so much, he pinched his thighs hard and finally resisted it."Just assume that an orc is coming. Either a deserter, or a bandit running around." He grabbed the hem of his father's jumper, both to comfort him and to paralyze himself:

"It's okay, Dad, I'm not worried, don't worry about you either. There are 70 households in our village. With so many people, can't even a few bandits be beaten? They can definitely figure out a way, wait a while, for sure Can think of a way."

Relying on this self-hypnosis, he barely suppressed the anxiety, and waited for another hour in place.However, during this period of time, except for the odor of the corpse in the village square, no other changes occurred.

The village chief was still helpless and refused to take responsibility.Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he simply named one location one by one and forced the wealthy villagers to express their opinions.Blacksmiths, millers, breeding stock managers, etc., are not so good at passing handkerchiefs. Everyone pushes me and I push you. Only when they can’t avoid it, will they talk reluctantly. Empty talk.

"Of course help!", "I will definitely contribute!", "Money is not a problem, let's say the number!", "If you can do it, you can do it"... They are louder than the others, and each is more loud than the others. The tone is high, but to the end of the nonsense, the specific solution is not even visible.

Barre Gaspar is quite dissatisfied with this, and there are a lot of complaints.The wealthy villagers were also unwilling to show their weakness, and went back with guns and sticks on the spot. The noise between you and me on both sides was extremely lively.Emile Pan, the priest in the village, should stand up and persuade him because of his emotions and reason, but he turned a deaf ear to the dispute between the two sides. He closed his eyes and only recited the Great Sutra. The rose rosary was spinning like a grinding disc...

When the quarrel inside the venue became a pot of porridge, it was not much better outside.The crowd watching the excitement on the roof has changed from arguing about the identity of the murderer to a method of arguing. There are also fierce battles between a dozen views, and no one is willing to convince anyone.

The most radical believes that it is necessary to immediately organize adult males in the village to conduct a thorough search along the banks of the Guyi River. "Whether you see a goblin, a kappa or a mortal, as long as you see a suspicious guy, you will directly kill him."

The most pessimistic group disagrees at all.They believe that night watchmen are arranged in the village every night, and there are more than a dozen households with dogs; in this case, no one has noticed the murder in the forest, which shows the amazing strength of this gangster.To fight against this kind of professional killer, you can only get the whole village in. The best way is to pack up and escape, and you have to run right now. You can run anywhere. The farther away from the murder scene, the better... ...

Little Albert disagrees with these two views.The more he listened to the quarrel in the village, the more uncomfortable he felt, as if the whole windmill was crushed on his shoulders.[What's all this?He took the arrow from his father, and carefully looked at the shiny black shaft and the yellowish white. It was obviously an arrow grinded with some kind of sharp teeth, and the blood vessel roots on the temple were beating with anger.

[What's all this!Six people have died, six naked, suspicious outsiders, but what are they doing?What are they doing!

The nonsense of the adults and the village chief's shirking of responsibility pierced the eardrum like a red iron nail, causing his brain to buzz.Little Albert's breathing became faster and faster, and the hand holding the arrow shaft became harder and harder, and the knuckles had turned white.He was fed up, really fed up, these noisy noises are about to drive him crazy, and the only way to smooth out these noises is--

"Have you noisy enough?!" He suddenly jumped up from the ground, raised the weird feather arrow in his right hand, and shouted with all his strength:

"If you don't want to be responsible, let the big man above make the decision! Go, now go to New Poitiers, report the case to the Duke, and let him find a way for us!"

Huber stared at his son dumbfounded, and even forgot to get up and stand up straight, still squatting on the ground as before.As for Barre Gaspar, he was really taken aback at first, and the beret in his hand almost shook off.But he immediately realized what had happened, and the expression on his face suddenly became like hell.

"This is a bad suggestion!" The village chief folded his arms on his chest, and even put his fingers into the cut openings of the puffy sleeves, and grabbed the bright red shirt inside:

"Very bad advice! Why trouble the Duke? Go to New Poitiers for such a trivial matter, in case the adults are offended—"

"This is a good suggestion!!" The resident priest stopped the rose rosary and opened his half-closed eyes suddenly:

"The responsibility of the lord is to protect the people. This is the responsibility of the above arrangement. I have many old friends at the New Poitiers Theological Seminary, and I can take a shortcut to meet the Duke directly."

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