Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 1: Uneasy (8)

However, the three skeletons hanging on him still lingered in Suo Zhongwu's mind, even if he closed his eyes, he couldn't get rid of it."I have a hunch," he murmured as he helped Francine sort out the lapel of his suit.

"I saw Wang Qinian today, it must be no good. Forget it, send the job, as long as you don't have anything to do with that person just now, even if you go back to World 9 to clean up the mess, it is better than going to his hometown to kill wild monsters."

Francine did not agree with this view.She was still quite interested in the ancient armored warrior. Before Wang Qinian rang the guest bell, she kept pulling Suo Zhongwu and talking.

"Awu. Don't wear polarized glasses, don't be so negative all the time." Francine helped his friend smooth out the folds of his sleeves and opened his blue eyes, and said enthusiastically:

"As far as I know, although the time-air law practitioners have found a lot of parallel worlds, they haven't discovered the pure medieval earth. The Antarctic headquarters should have made progress. The samurai just now probably came from the new parallel world. Think about it. Look, if a satellite monitoring network is set up there, how many historical problems can be solved! Global historians, I am afraid, will be happy to shout "Eureka!""

"It's really interesting to hear what you said." Suo Zhongwu shrugged, but the magnitude was small, and it didn't affect the sleeves that had just been cleaned up:

"However, what should he do if he came from a fantasy world? Just like the last Henghai Eight Kingdoms. Wang Qinian will definitely get old problems and want to play a big killer to save the world, so he takes us there to wild nuclear bombs. Doing this kind of thing a few times, even if there is no faceless ninja to provoke me, I'm afraid I will have nightmares--"

He could not finish the sentence.Because the reception bell rang at this time, accompanied by the vigorous baritone of the district fleet commander:

"Come in. Captain Davos, Comrade Suo Zhongwu, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

He said this in Mandarin Chinese, which at first sounded like a middle-aged good man, making Suo Zhongwu feel more and more uncomfortable.However, as the saying goes, senior officials crush people to death, and colonels crush corporals unconditionally in all directions.He can only go with Francine, there is no other choice.[The interview I applied for, if I don’t like it, I have to go.Forget it, the one who should come will definitely not be able to dodge, let's get through it, get through it quickly!

When they walked into the office, it was three past ten o'clock.The hut of Wang Qinian had been cleaned up by the guards a long time ago, and the desk was clean without any burden. It looked like a polished smooth mirror.As for the commander himself, he was sitting on the back chair, his white uniforms were spotless, and the red hat wall of the big brimmed hat was like a flame.

Suo Zhongwu himself is also good at acting.However, his savvy way, in front of Wang Qinian, is to get a big axe in front of Lubanmen.After the two sides met, this gap was immediately manifested:

According to the rules, when the subordinate meets the superior, no matter what kind of thoughts are in the minds of both sides, they must perform a salute-the prescribed drama in return.When doing this, Suo Zhongwu was on business, and he had a straight face throughout the whole process, but Commander Wang was different. When he got up to respond, he had a serious face and smiled immediately after he lowered his arm, as if he saw a kind uncle of his junior.

"Sit, sit as you like, you don't have to be polite." Wang Qinian changed his bureaucratic expressions, and he was a little more diligent:

"I have everything I want to drink. Tea, coffee, kvass, juice, don't save me money, just say it."

Francine didn't be polite with Uncle Wang, and ordered matcha tea along the way.Suo Zhongwu was like a stem in his throat, and couldn't drink the white water, nothing else."I'm not thirsty. Thanks to the commander." He bit his scalp and sat on the steel tube chair, only feeling itchy all over his body, and no skin was comfortable:

"Then what, I'm not talking politely. I came here today, mainly to report on nightmares. Commander, Dorothy should have told you too. The nightmares we had are not normal. They should be the same as the black plague, and It’s about the AI ​​traitor in World 9. It’s so bad, and the purpose is probably to write a war on us. I personally think that we can’t just let him go.”

"You can take the initiative to talk to me about this matter, it shows that you have made progress in your ideology and understanding, and it is worthy of praise." Wang Qinian nodded, with a smug expression on his face:

"Does Captain Davos come for this too? Or does our ace pilot have another opinion?"

"I can't talk about it. I just have a few words to say." Francine took the sealed cup from the machine waiter's tray, sniffed the tea, and raised both eyebrows with satisfaction:

"I agree with Wu's statement that the AI ​​traitors and the black plague must pay for their provocations. In addition, I also want to make personal suggestions for that medieval parallel world: Commander, can we go now? Deploying surveillance satellites? You know, after the war, I have been studying medieval history in Western Europe by correspondence. It would be great if I had the opportunity to observe the living Carolingian dynasty!"

"Medieval world?" Wang Qinian frowned, because of surprise, he seemed to lick his tongue.His series of reactions did not seem to be acting, but really revealed his inner emotions:

"Strange. Captain Davot, how did you know the content of the next mission? I just edited the draft combat plan, and the staff are still in a meeting to improve it."

"Simple. The guest who just went out." Francine became more and more interested.She simply put down the tea cup and pulled Suo Zhongwu to her side:

"Awu also saw it and talked to him. Although I am not familiar with the history of China and China, the armor is very special. At first glance, it looks like a Far Eastern style from the 9th to 10th centuries. Commander, the secret class of the parallel world, Is it top secret? If it doesn’t, don’t hide it anymore.”

"Understood. There is obviously a misunderstanding in this, and it is still not a small misunderstanding." Wang Qinian crossed his fingers, put his elbows on the desk, and put on the smiling mask again:

"The guest you saw came across suddenly in the early hours of yesterday morning. He was impartial and happened to show up at Berth No. 19 in the Zero Gravity Zone. At that time, he was not only covered in blood stains all over his body, but also unconscious. Jin comes. However, the attributes of this person are still a mystery. Although he possesses the physical characteristics of a traverser, he is ignorant of the process of traversing, thinking that he is dead and came to the legendary Yin Cao Netherworld.

"Imagination is too rich." Suo Zhongwu couldn't hold back the desire to complain, and he couldn't stop when he spoke:

"According to this, won't the King Commander become the Yama King? What are we commanders and soldiers, hell guards?"

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