Time Air Conditioner

Chapter 16: The End (7)

Finally, turn the winch little by little to temporarily raise the whale carcass, leaving a gap of about half a meter between the chin and the bulwark.After the robot crew completes this trilogy, visitors can hold a long-handled shovel with a sharp blade under the guidance of the waiter to cut the fat skin of the sperm whale.

Naturally Old Urban was the first to rush up.Of the other seven adult guests, three beat him, and the rest stood on the main deck next to the feed inlet of the whale oil processing room.The work of these four people is to perform rough processing of the cut fat layer, and it will not be opened for a while.But they didn't want to stand in a daze, so they turned around and blew up to the ladies who had just changed their clothes.

In the beginning, the four ladies and the four gentlemen chatted very happily.Speaking of rising, they even raised the shovel in their hands, pretending to be eager to try.However, the movement from the direction of the bow quickly turned the faces of the ladies of Kuo into sullen, as if hell was right in front of them.

This is a matter of course.Who made the process of harvesting whale oil several times more bloody than an industrial slaughterhouse?

The fat layer of sperm whales is very, very thick, and whale brain oil and whale body fat have to be stripped separately.According to the technological process of the 19th century, Old Urban and the others had to chop with a barbed tape and pierce the blade into the flesh again and again until the head and body of the poor whale separate. Next, besides fixing the head alone, they had to In the torso next to the stubble, another huge wound was made with a shovel.

This opening cannot be too deep or too shallow, and must be roughly the same as the thickness of the fat layer.In addition, a large piece of wound had to be turned outwards, just enough to catch a special iron hook.Due to the continuous shaking of the hull, it was quite difficult to fix the hook. Old Erben and the others were not skilled, so they could only hold the iron chain behind, and the most precise parts had to be completed by the robotic sailor.

This is so, all the work took ten minutes.There was also a minor accident in the middle. The iron chain wrapped an hapless robotic sailor three full times. The scene looked like a giant python hunting.Fortunately, the robot will not only not suffocate, but it is also several times stronger than humans, and soon got rid of the predicament by itself; the group of people surrounding the sperm whale's torso can finally sing a breath of air and officially begin to strip whale oil. Up.

This step is very similar to flipping barbecue.Specifically, it is the power of everyone to turn the winch to make the whale carcass spin all the way down to the surface; in the process, the iron hook hanging near the stubble can be like peeling a potato. The thick and heavy whale fat was peeled off along with the tough skin.

This technique is indeed much stronger than cutting a piece of meat.But in actual operation, troubles are still endless, and even the audience, Suo Zhongwu, has fluctuated moods as a result:

When peeling "potatoes", people must not just push the winch without raising their heads. They must always pay attention to the state of the whale carcass.Old Urban and the three attendants were quickly assigned other tasks by the robotic sailors. They had to keep pulling the fat bars onto the ship. When doing this, they had to match the speed of the iron chain.If you pull it too fast, the fat bars will be pulled off directly; if you pull it too slowly, the "potato skin" will continue to slide under the action of gravity, or even fall into the sea.

In actual operation, both of these accidents have occurred.If the fat strips fall into the sea, then they have to hook the heavy flesh back to the upper deck with the help of the robotic sailor; if the fat strips accidentally break in the middle, then they have to do more troublesome things. The whale corpse was hung up again, and then the process of cutting, hooking, and spinning was repeated. The previous hard work was all in vain...

After tossing again and again, the old Erben and others quickly became furious, and their mentality completely exploded.They began to curse in English, Spanish, and Latin in turn, and completely lost the "successful demeanor".If there are no robot sailors and human waiters staring at them, they must have suffered casualties, either falling into the sea and choking water, or being stunned by the fat strips.

However, this yelling did not last long.The work of peeling "potatoes" seems to be never finished.With the passage of time, the emotions of several rich guys became more and more numb, let alone yelling loudly, and no one even spoke. Even Old Urban just kept working with his head down. Just pile the bloody flesh on the teak deck.

In total, they cut off hundreds of skin and flesh belts, so that the torso of the sperm whale gradually turned pink, revealing strong muscles for deep diving.In some places where it was repeatedly hooked, large muscles even fell off, exposing a gray-white skeleton very similar to terrestrial mammals.During this process, hundreds of liters of plasma and tissue fluid were poured out, and the "Quicuige" was topped like a pouring rain.

The crew and tourists near the whale corpse were all wetted with blood without exception.The nearest old Erben was simply dyed as a "red man", his body was covered with half-coagulated blood, his mouth was big, and the saliva that came out was black, red, black and red.He withdrew and rested for three times. At the end, he couldn't even stand firmly. He could only sit against the bulwark on the left, gasping like a tired workhorse.

Although the other guests are not so miserable, they still have their own difficulties:

The three rich men who worked with Old Urban were either too tired to straighten their waist, or choked with blood and coughing. They lay on the bulwark for a long time and couldn't help them. Although the Kuo ladies were far away, they only touched below their knees. It was dirty, but the four of them were irritated by the strong smell of blood and soon became powerless.First they threw the shovel aside, and then took off the leather apron and gloves, but all these measures added up and it took just over an hour.

After the sun fell into the water antenna, the four wives finally collapsed and ran to the bulwark and vomited wildly.It was human waiters and robotic sailors who took them away for treatment; as for the rich husbands, it would be good to come over and comfort them, but other things are really impossible.

Old Erben and the others were helpless, so tired that they were almost exhausted.The four who do rough processing are too busy to take care of them, and there are mountains of work waiting to be handled.Although they don't have to skin the sperm whales, they are also in their hands for a moment, and the double-handled slasher continuously lifts-falls:

The first step is to cut the large fat strip that fell on the deck into a square as long as a book, and one person can hold it with his hands.

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