At the gate of the government office, Ren Sihun was soaked to the skin. He directed his servants to carry in a figure covered in mud.

After it was placed in the hall, Shen Ningning took a closer look. Isn't this none other than Ren Er?

The maid took a breath of cold air.

Ren Er was covered in some wet mud and looked like he was dying, but fortunately he was still breathing.

“Who are you and why are you involved in this case?” the prefect asked sternly.

Ren Si wiped the rain off his face and looked at Shen Ningning.

She then spoke: "The eldest sister told me that the rain was too heavy and told me not to stay in a low-lying area at home, so I went to my mother's yard to take shelter from the rain. Unexpectedly, I heard someone say that the eldest sister killed the second sister. Pushed her into the water and drowned her.”

"How is this possible? When the eldest sister left the house, there was only a stick of incense separated from the news of the drowning of the second sister. I asked clearly where the second sister fell into the water, and directly took people to search downstream. Sure enough, I found it on the shore. she."

Afraid that Shen Ningning would be wronged, and knowing that she had been brought to the government, Ren Si immediately carried Ren Er over despite the obstruction of his family.

Ren Si said eagerly: "The eldest sister was wronged and she will not kill anyone!"

The prefect's face was gloomy, his eyes swept over Ren Si and Shen Ningning, and he said nothing.

 The situation was originally set up, but Ren Si came to make trouble!

Ren Er, who was lying on the ground, gradually woke up and saw the trembling maid kneeling next to her. Her eyes became ferocious. She stretched out her hand to grab the maid's sleeve and cursed tremblingly: "You bitch... How dare you, don't you dare pull it?" Do you want me to die?"

When Shen Ningning saw this, she immediately said: "Before you came, the maid had already confessed. She was ordered by Zhao Lei to take the opportunity to kill you."

Ren Er's eyes were about to burst. He used all his strength to sit up, grabbed the maid's hair, straddled her and beat her.

 “Eating the inside out! Do you think Zhao Lei will let you in if I die?”

The screams of the maids kept coming, and the magistrate couldn't bear it anymore. He slapped the crowd angrily and said, "Why don't you pull them away! This is a government office, how can we allow you to mess around?"

Ren Si quickly ran to Shen Ningning, hugged her arm, and pulled her back.

“Now that it can be proven that my eldest sister is innocent, can she leave?”

The magistrate's eyes were gloomy and he turned his head slightly, waiting for a signal from the person behind the screen. Shen Ningning caught the details of his expression, and sure enough, the real mastermind behind the screen was sitting behind the screen?

At this moment, a solemn reprimand came from the gate of the government office: "She can't leave, because she is not your eldest sister!"

Everyone turned around and saw Prefect Ren coming in with a group of guards.

They all held cold knives in their hands, and they looked fierce in the rain.

 Shen Ningning was not surprised at all when she saw Prefect Ren.

 He must be nearby and will appear if he finds that the situation here is out of their control.

Ren Si was stunned: "Father? Why isn't she the eldest sister?"

 As soon as the prefect Ren entered the hall, the prefect immediately got down from his seat to say hello.

That stern gaze was staring at Shen Ningning with evil intentions: "She and Fang Huan are both fake. I'm afraid your real eldest sister and brother-in-law have been killed by them!"

After saying that, he asked the guards to call the witnesses. After a while, a middle-aged man with a stooped chest and back walked in quickly.

"See you, your lord, see your lord, the magistrate." The man with a sly look looked up and saw Shen Ningning, pointed at her and said, "I was there when my nephew got married, and she is definitely not Miss Ren!"

Governor Ren snorted coldly: "He is an uncle from Fang Huan Village. After listening to his description, I realized that you are not my daughter Liu Yue. That Fang Huan is also a fake!"

"No wonder all the servants I sent out disappeared without a trace. They must have been killed by you. My daughter and son-in-law were also killed by you a long time ago, right?"

Shen Ningning said sternly: "First you want to pin Ren Er's death on me, and now you have an unfounded charge. Prefect Ren, what are you afraid of when you target me like this?" Prefect Ren narrowed his eyes: "I Of course there is nothing to be afraid of, but on the contrary, you tried your best to sneak into my family, disturbed the peace of our family, and you still want me to recognize you as my daughter?"

Ren Si looked on suspiciously. She thought for a while and said, "Father, I don't think the eldest sister would be like this. Besides, even if she is not the eldest sister, she has no evil intentions. She is a good person."

 “You bastard!” Prefect Ren slapped her with a backhand.

Ren Si was unprepared and was knocked to the ground. Shen Ningning quickly stepped forward to help her.

"You are also a rip-off. This person deceived you with just a few words, and now you are still helping outsiders. Her origins are unknown, and she pretends to be your sister. She must be coveting the power of our family. Don't you understand? ?”

  Ren Taishou pointed at Ren Si and cursed angrily. Ren Si did not agree with his remarks and covered his red and swollen face with cold retorts in his eyes.

 Suddenly, there was a noisy fight at the door.

 Eunuch Ren and the prefect looked at the door at the same time: "What's going on?"

The guards went to fight, but after a while, they all retreated.

In full view of everyone, elite soldiers covered in black armor walked in, each holding a cold sword dripping with blood.

They were so powerful that the guards retreated to the center of the inner court.

 When the two sides faced off, it was clear at a glance who was more powerful.

Governor Ren was full of suspicion: "Whose soldiers are you?"

 The elite soldiers did not answer, they just turned sideways and moved out of the way.

Mo Lingwei strode in. The sword in his hand was dripping with blood mixed with rain. It was obvious that he had fought hard before arriving.

When he saw that Shen Ningning was fine, he calmly breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, it’s all in time.

"You don't know me, but you should know this token." Mo Lingwei took out a gold token from his sleeve.

On it is a pattern of dragons fighting in the wild, personally sealed by the prince, with his name engraved on the back.

The prefect was startled and immediately knelt down.

However, Prefect Ren was only stunned for a moment and quickly stabilized himself.

He narrowed his eyes: "How do I know if it's true or not? The capital is thousands of miles away, and His Highness the Crown Prince is not sitting in the public hall, but he came to my Lingshan City incognito and pretended to be a man named Fang Huan? Isn't it ridiculous! "

"You don't know Fang Huan, you should know me." Another voice came from behind Mo Lingwei.

  Ren Taishou frowned, why is it endless!

When Shen Ningning saw the person coming, she was suddenly surprised: "Dad!"

Ren Taishou looked back and sneered coldly: "Don't scream, you are not my daughter Liu Yue, and I am not your father. It is useless to try to get close to me now. You and this liar pretending to be Fang Huan, I have nothing to do with you." I won’t let it go.”

"She wasn't calling you," the tall figure held an umbrella and stepped into the puddle with black boots, causing ripples. The brim of the umbrella was slightly raised, revealing an extremely cold and majestic face: "This is my daughter. Shen Ningning, I am her father, who do you think you are?"

 After Xie Suzhi said this, he raised his sharp eyebrows. (End of chapter)

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