Chapter 346 Gunpowder

 After Xie Mingan left, time passed day by day.

He didn't seem to have the habit of writing letters. Shen Ningning could only wait for him to come back to know the result.

During this period, Dong Sanhua’s sweet potato cultivation achieved great results.

  Shen Ningning quickly recommended her method to the emperor.

 Zhang Liuye and his hard work were burned to ashes. Although it was sad, many people were still hungry.

 The emperor no longer hesitated and immediately arranged for the **** to prepare the greenhouse and store soil to raise sweet potatoes.

Shen Ningning used all the sweet potatoes grown in Xiangyun Village for relief.

 The people around the capital can finally eat every meal.

 While waiting for Xie Mingan to return to Beijing, Shen Ningning not only went to the palace to accompany Mo Lingwei to write, but also paid more attention to his condition.

The strange thing is that from the moment the golden bead turned into the sun and appeared in the sky, Mo Lingwei rarely suffered from cold symptoms anymore.

 The emperor thought that this must be an auspicious celestial phenomenon, so he became more convinced of what Shen Ningning said.

The little guy is also working hard to loosen the soil of the golden pearl tree.

This tree is much more delicate than the original Dark Cloud Tree.

It doesn’t seem to like a lot of rain, so every time the spiritual rain falls in the fairyland, it will grow a little slower.

But if the sun shines in the fairyland, it will suddenly grow brown chestnut-like fruits.

Shen Ningning already has more than sixty. I believe that it won’t be long before the dark clouds disperse and the sun reappears when there are a hundred.

 End this world of ice and snow.

 It’s almost November, the world is turning to winter, and the cold winds of the past are even more severe.

 So the Chinese Academy of Sciences simply stopped classes.

Shen Ningning could only go to the crazy scholar to study.

 In her spare time, she visited Jiang Zhi several times.

I heard that Jiang Zhi went to the Huobing Camp and studied hard all day long. She was very busy.

The little guy went there several times, and Jiang Zhi was always reciting the prescriptions.

  What's two cents of sulfur and one tael of yellow pill...

Every time Shen Ningning went there, she was too embarrassed to disturb her and would sit aside obediently and listen to her recite.

 However, the more she listened, the more familiar the materials Jiang Zhi mentioned seemed to her.

Shen Ningning walked to the table and looked curiously at the little powder Jiang Zhi used to study on the table. There was a piece of paper stuck on it that said: Gunpowder.

Just when she was about to reach out her little hand to touch, Jiang Zhi's expression changed.

"Hey, hey! Sister Ningning, don't touch her." She was so frightened that she forgot to pretend to be a young girl, and rushed over in one stride, carrying Shen Ningning to a safe place.

 The little guy blinked his big eyes with an innocent expression.

“Sister Jiang Zhi, is this poisonous?” There was no one around, so she didn’t hide Jiang Zhi’s identity.

Jiang Zhi said with a smile: "It's not poisonous, but it's more powerful than poison!"

“The day I first came here, the Major General asked a master to teach me. Unexpectedly, the master accidentally blew up a house with gunpowder!”

“Don’t underestimate how this little thing can scare the enemy. Moreover, the Changliu Kingdom has sent spies to us many times just to steal gunpowder recipes.”

Shen Ningning was surprised: "Gunpowder is actually so powerful?"

"Of course! If it weighs less, it can be made into fireworks. If it weighs more, it can be a powerful weapon that can conquer cities and territories!" Jiang Zhi's eyes lit up when he said this.

She said: "If the master who teaches me later is free, I will take you to meet him."

“You will know after looking at him. He has been dealing with gunpowder for thirty years. He has been cautious for thirty years, but he still accidentally had three accidents, and the hair on his forehead blew off.”

Jiang Zhi said so vividly that Shen Ningning couldn't help but laugh.

She covered her mouth with her small hand and her eyes were watery: "It's so dangerous, why do you still want to learn it?"

Jiang Zhi immediately said: "I wish I could learn faster. I didn't understand it before, but now that I've been exposed to it, I know the charm of this gunpowder is really endless."

“When our fire battalion goes to the battlefield, we have to rush to the front of the battle with gunpowder in hand, waiting for an opportunity to throw the gunpowder out. If we are not careful, we will die, but -"

Jiang Zhi paused, then stretched out her hand and pointed to a towering pillar outside.

The pillars are very high, about two stories high.

Shen Ningning walked outside and looked up. Under these clouds, in the cold wind of ice and snow, the towering pillars are dark copper in color, and are covered with densely packed names of people.

Jiang Zhi raised her eyes, seeming to be a little yearning.

She murmured: "Those soldiers who sacrificed their lives can be engraved here and follow the history of Cangyun Kingdom and be remembered throughout the ages."

“If I am lucky enough to be remembered by future generations, my blood boils just thinking about it.”

Jiang Zhi looked at Shen Ningning with a smile.

Her face was beautiful and full of heroic spirit: "Sister Ningning, I have found what I yearn for and like, of course I have to go all out!"

 Shen Ningning was inspired by her spirit.

The little guy suddenly said Nunuo: "Okay! Sister Jiang Zhi, you will definitely succeed in your studies."

 Jiang Zhi laughed happily at first.

 Soon, her smile faded and she sighed silently.

“It’s just that the country of Cangyun is experiencing bad luck. First there was a drought, and then there was heavy snow. There are not many materials in the treasury that can be used to make gunpowder.”

Shen Ningning blinked her long eyelashes and thought for a while.

 In her fairyland, there is finished gunpowder, which occupies half of the entire hall!

Furthermore, even if she takes them all out, Wonderland will be replenished automatically.

 The little guy scratched his face.

 Would you like to find an opportunity to donate to the emperor's uncle?

 However, her gunpowder is not exactly the same as Jiang Zhi's.

 The little guy went home at night, opened a bag of gunpowder in the fairyland, and counted the materials inside.

 It has one or three ounces more saltpeter than Jiang Zhi's.

 Does her gunpowder work differently?

Shen Ningning decided to find an opportunity and try it out for herself. If there was no problem, she would donate it to the emperor's uncle.

 The third day of November.

 Mrs. Xie Er was released from prison.

 Shen Ningning came to Xie's Mansion for dinner and saw Mrs. Xie, whom she had not seen for a long time.

Her face looked quite haggard, and her figure was also much thinner.

Three months of hard work in prison made her seem like a different person, with the aggressive spirit missing from her eyes.

 When she saw Shen Ningning, Mrs. Xie was like a mouse seeing a cat, she was so scared!

 During dinner in the evening, Mrs. Xie Er kept holding the bowl and lowered her head just to eat.

  Didn’t even dare to say a word to Shen Ningning.

Especially, Mrs. Xie was even more frightened when she thought that Concubine Rong was no match for the little guy and was sent to the cold palace by Shen Ningning.

 After finishing the meal, in front of Shen Ningning, Mrs. Xie took the initiative to please and said -

“I made too many mistakes regarding witchcraft before, and I have realized my mistakes.”

“Brother, sir, Ning Ning, please supervise me starting from tomorrow.”

"I will go to the ancestral hall every day to clean up and repent to my ancestors. From now on, I will definitely keep my integrity and never act recklessly again."

Xie Suzhi took Shen Ningning's little hand and said lightly: "I hope you will do what you say."

After they left, Mrs. Xie quickly looked at Mr. Xie’s expression again.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Xie was even more indifferent than Xie Suzhi.

He didn't even give her a straight look.

“Repenting to your ancestors is not to punish you, but to hope that you can live up to your conscience.”

"Stop doing dirty things and set a good example for Yuanjiu."

"Otherwise, how can I have the nerve to ask my eldest brother to bring Yuanjiu back?" Mr. Xie said coldly, and was helped away by the boy.

 Mrs. Xie Er was not only uncomfortable, but also surprised.

Xie Erye, Xie Dizhi, can he stand up?

 She quickly called the maid to inquire.

The maid said: "It's all thanks to our princess. She brings the miracle doctor to give Er Ye acupuncture every day. She also uses spring water from the mountain to heat it and soaks Er Ye's legs. The effect is very good!"

Mrs. Xie Er's eyes flashed and she murmured in her heart: Is this Shen Ningning so capable?

 (End of this chapter)

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