Shen Ningning sniffed it and felt that the smell was familiar, but she couldn't place it.

 The little guy asked: "Brother, what kind of medicine is this?"

 The thick brown soup gave off an even more pungent smell as the **** approached.

Mo Lingwei said: "This is medicine to suppress old diseases and prevent them from recurring frequently."

Shen Ningning watched him take the bowl, and then drank it in one gulp without changing his expression, just like drinking water.

 The little guy's eyes widened.

 She couldn't help shouting in admiration: "Warrior!"

 In her eyes, she drank such a bitter medicine without hesitation or even a frown.

 Brother is so awesome!

Mo Lingwei was amused by her behavior. He took the white handkerchief handed by the **** and wiped his mouth, saying, "I drink it all the time. I'm used to it, but it feels as tasteless as plain water."

 Shen Ningning suddenly realized.

 “Then you need to eat more sweetness.” The little guy naturally stuffed Mo Lingwei with another mouthful of red bean cake.

Until noon, Shen Ningning not only ate at Mo Lingwei's place, but also accidentally fell asleep.

 When he woke up again, Mo Lingwei had been called away by his close ministers to discuss government affairs.

The little **** respectfully stood guard at the door and said to Shen Ningning: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has told me that there is sweet-scented osmanthus milk soup on the table. Let the princess drink it before leaving."

 Shen Ningning turned around and walked to the table.

 The sweet milk has the fragrance of osmanthus, and the sweet taste blooms on the tip of the tongue.

 It tastes so good!

She was about to leave the palace and go home. Mo Lingwei had his sedan prepared for Shen Ningning to ride on.

 Four eunuchs carried the sedan chair, and Shen Ningning held up the curtain with her small hands, enjoying the scenery in the palace in a comfortable mood.

Autumn has finally arrived. The palace has red walls and golden tiles. Occasionally, you can see a golden autumn leaf, playfully crossing the wall and swaying in the wind.

 Suddenly, the sedan stopped.

The **** outside said: "Princess, there is an aunt coming outside. She seems to be someone close to Concubine Rong."

Shen Ningning immediately opened the front curtain and looked outside with her watery black eyes.

The eldest aunt walked up to the sedan with the two maids and said, "Is this Princess Funing sitting in the sedan? I have been ordered by Concubine Rong to give the princess a gift."

Shen Ningning walked out of the sedan. Her small figure was wearing a goose-yellow dress, and her whole body exuded a lovely milky fragrance.

 “Auntie, what do you want to give me?”

The eldest aunt smiled and held up a brocade box: "The empress said that she had a quick meeting with the princess in the palace today, and she felt very close to her."

“Unfortunately, the time is too short and I can’t have a good conversation with the princess. I just look forward to the next time when the princess is free and goes to our empress’s Guanyu Palace to have a good time.”

 Shen Ningning smiled sweetly and gracefully, with shallow pear circles and bright watery eyes.

“Thank you, Concubine Rong, for the gift. Ning Ning will definitely visit her if I have the opportunity someday.”

Subsequently, the eldest aunt Fu stepped aside, and Shen Ningning got back on the sedan chair, and was carried out of the palace by the eunuchs.

The little one was very curious as to what gift Concubine Rong gave her.

 So, she opened the box directly.

 After just one glance, Shen Ningning's black eyes suddenly widened and her whole body froze.

"This is..." She carefully put the box on her knees and took out something from it: "A wishful thinking."

 The Ruyi in the little guy's hand is made of sterling silver and engraved with lotus patterns.

Shen Ningning looked at it again and again, quickly lifted up her clothes and took out her Ruyi Comparison.

Looking closely, they are exactly the same, even the details of the carvings are exactly the same.

It’s just that the piece of Ruyi presented by Concubine Rong didn’t have the words Shen Ningning behind it.

The little guy hurriedly opened the curtain and looked back.

The figure of the eldest aunt has disappeared at the end of the palace road with the palace maid.

The autumn wind blew Shen Ningning's black hair and blew across her fair face, making the little girl's confused expression bring out some throbbing suspicions. She sat back in the sedan chair and held two Ruyi in her hands.

 Why did the things that Concubine Rong gave her were exactly the same as the Ruyi that her parents left for her?

 Could it be just a coincidence?

 The little guy thought distressedly.

But no matter what, when she thought of Concubine Rong's smile, she felt kind and gentle.

 Just like the warmth of the sun on her body, she had dreamed of her mother once, and it felt like such a tender feeling.

At this moment, Shen Ningning had a lot of affection for Concubine Rong.

There are only four days left before Shen Ningning's canonization day as princess.

 She also ushered in the last day of class in a private school.

After today, there is only the last month of review time left, and then I will go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to take the exam.

 So Master Huang took everyone to review it again today.

 When the private school was over, Shen Ningning shared all the delicious food he had brought with everyone.

Especially all kinds of fruits, she brought a lot today.

“Being with you for three months has been the most fulfilling and happy time I have ever lived. No matter where we go from now on, I will never forget you.”

 The little guy said sweetly, with a full smile and his face as red as a little apple.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled: "You are also welcome to come to Xiangyun Village to play with me when the time comes!"

Ren Yu reluctantly held her hand tightly: "Ning Ning, I really know how to go. You have to protect me when the time comes. I'm afraid of wolves."

The little guy burst out laughing: "Okay, wrap it up on me."

Xiang Qian took out a writing brush and gave it to Shen Ningning: "Last time in Jingshan, thanks to Ningning's encouragement, I was able to bravely take the most critical step."

“So, Ning Ning, I give this lake pen to you. You must never forget me. Come to my house to play with me when you have time.”

Shen Ningning agreed one by one, and everyone came up to say goodbye to her. Only Lu Shaoyuan stood not far away.

 When everyone left one after another, the little guy looked at Lu Shaoyuan.

“I only have some pears left, so I’ll give them to you.”

Lu Shaoyuan took it directly without being polite to her, and said: "Okay, they have left. I will take you to see something, which is also a gift I want to give you."

Shen Ningning blinked her long eyelashes: "What is it?"

“Just follow me and you’ll know. When you’re in the capital, you’ll take my carriage.” Lu Shaoyuan said, trying to grab her wrist.

But after thinking about it, I felt bad, so I put a corner of my robe into Shen Ningning's little hand and asked her to hold it.

The carriage arrived at the gate of the capital. There were no refugees here anymore, so the city gate was wide open and the guards were not as threatened by the enemy as before.

Suddenly, Lu Shaoyuan glanced outside the car and said to the driver: "Stop nearby."

Shen Ningning curiously picked up the curtain.

They saw groups of officers and soldiers discharging their duties, escorting many men and women out.

The person standing in the middle is actually Wei Yufu!

 Her face was dirty, she was wearing a white prison uniform, and she still looked unconvinced.

The Wei family made a big mistake and was confiscated by the emperor and exiled. It turned out that they left Beijing today.

 Wei Yufu caught a glimpse of Shen Ningning from the corner of her eye while she was struggling. She suddenly shouted with splitting eyes, "Shen Ningning, how dare you come to see my joke!"

  "Do you think you can be proud of just because you have harmed me? For a person with such a vicious mind like you, you will not get any good rewards."

She said something mean and was beaten hard with a stick by the judge, who kept yelling and swearing.

Lu Shaoyuan knocked on the carriage board and signaled to the entourage outside: "Go, take my place and give her a few slaps."

 At this moment, the little guy beside him stood up.

 Shen Ningning's round and white face has a calm expression and a strong heart.

She said in a soft voice: "No need to do anything, I will go and explain it to her clearly."

  Immediately afterwards, she stepped out of the carriage, and Lu Shaoyuan quickly followed behind her.

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