Throne of Magical Arcana

Vol 4 Chapter 13: wait

Diepku sat in the room and fell into boundless thoughts in front of what he had inferred, as if experiencing a nightmare like never before.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

He repeatedly looked at his logical deduction process from the beginning, trying to find out exactly where the problem was, and kept thinking:

"How could the electron be a wave?"

After over and over, his self-talk became:

"How can electrons be waves?"

Confusion masked other ideas, and he began to delve into the meaning of his thesis:

"Why are electrons waves?"

The snow was covered with goose feathers, reflecting the faint lights, emitting a cold and fiery light, and Dieppe gradually put away the unsightly expression of crying and laughing, revealing a thoughtful look.

"... according to this reasoning, it seems that all the moving micro-particles have corresponding wave frequencies or wavelengths, but why is this so?" Diep's brows grew deeper and deeper, and suddenly, he associated with this strange phenomenon Two sentences were spoken, which was what His Excellency Evans said in different papers:

"... Maybe we should look at the wave-particle problem with a more open mind."

"... Since both the wave of light xìng and the particle xìng are irrefutable, and there are tangible experimental results confirming why not unite them, maybe it has the wave-particle dual image xìng."

The latter sentence appeared in a simple dissertation, and it was said in an uncertain speculative tone, so it did not make any impression, but Dieppe firmly remembered the wave-particle two images xìng The concept, at this time in retrospect, I felt a touch in my heart and finally sorted out my point of view.

He took a deep breath, as if to release a monster that would destroy the whole world, and wrote at the end of the manuscript: "We can draw such a conclusion. The wave-particle image xìng not only exists in photons, but also can be extended to all Moving micro-particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons, all have wavelengths corresponding to their own energy, that is, they all have the wave-particle dual image xìng. "

After writing this sentence, Dieppe was exhausted as if he had lost his strength, and various strange thoughts came to his mind: "If the micro-particles have the wave-particle dual image xìng, and have their own wave frequency. What about the moving macro matter? "

This is really a "ridiculous" promotion. Dieppe looked at the existence of his own stability, shook his head funnyly, did not go deeper, and thought of something else: "Special relativity can also be applied to the micro-world represented by new alchemy. Among them, the two systems are not completely dúlì, and they seem to be unified in some way. Maybe in the future, the two researches must use each other's knowledge, such as the relativistic new alchemy? "

All kinds of divergent and weird thoughts began to disappear with the stability of Dieppe's mood, but when he looked at the paper in front of him, he still felt as if a huge stone was pressed in his heart.

Stand up behind the desk. Dieppe walked to the window, pushed the glass window away, and there was a steep cool breeze and a bitter chill.

This caused Diep, who had not performed magic, to tremble several times in a row. The brain was frozen soberly awake, seeing that the sky was lit with a faint light, a white patch on the ground, wrapped in silver. Seems to be a whole new world.

"Its daybreak……"

Diep sighed to himself.


At breakfast, Diep, carrying his thesis, did not see his teacher, Ravendi. So after hesitating, he went straight to his study and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Ravendi passed the magic tower's feedback, knowing that it was Dieppe outside, so he did not refuse.

Pushing open the door of the study, Dieppe walked in very lightly, and saw the teacher coming out of the magic laboratory, and seemed to be verifying His Excellency Brook's thesis all night.

"What's the matter?" Ravendi asked bluntly.

Dieppe again hesitated, and many emotions such as fear, nervousness, worry, and self-confidence came to mind. I am afraid that no one can accept the result of his derivation.

"Come on!" Lavindi was also a roaring arcanist.

Diepper gritted his teeth and pulled out his dissertation: "Teacher, this is my latest dissertation, and I would like to ask you some guidance to see what is wrong."

Anyway, no experiments have confirmed that there should be no shake in the cognitive world.

"What's the hesitation about this?" Lavindi said loudly, and took the paper in hand.

He did not have much experience. Instead, Fernando changed it. When he met Lucien, he would first ask if he had subverted xìng, to what extent subverted xìng, and what kind of "posture" should be used to read the paper correctly.

Dieppe opened his mouth and didn't spit out a word. I didn't know how to answer the teacher's question. I couldn't say that I was worried about being roared by you and worried that the dissertation would be rejected as worthless.

Lavin first read this short paper and walked to the desk. Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, his expression on the face changed like an opera actor, shaking, indignant, angry, doubtful, unacceptable. Wait for God to repeat.

Diep quietly took a step back and seemed to feel the horror pressure emanating from the teacher. He is already the top powerhouse in the cognitive world that can reflect on and influence the world now!

I don't know how long it took, Raven returned to God, and looked at Dieppe with his eyes:

"You tell me that electrons are waves?"

The voice was depressed and low, as if hiding a terrifying storm.

"Yes, micro-particles should all have the wave-particle dual image ..." Die Puer's words were not finished yet, and Ravendi's growl was met:

"You tell me that electrons are waves?"

"After we measured the mass of the electron, observed its trajectory, determined that it had momentum and met the conservation conditions, you told me it was a wave?"

"Then why don't you tell me, those noble ladies, the noble ladies who did give birth to a few children after they were married are actually men?"


The ranting sentence by sentence made Diep step back and forth in small steps until his back pressed against the door. Although the teacher's analogy seems to be correct, he always feels that it is not too easy to generalize the two images of the micro world to the macro world Yes, and:

"There are some special magical creatures that are hermaphrodites, and the nobles who have their bloodlines can change on their own when they are excited," he muttered quietly.

Lavendi's dark gray eyes stared at Dieppe, as if there was a chaotic turbulence of the element cháo: "Follow me to the laboratory."

Dieppe wiped his face and walked silently behind the teacher. Seeing him stop in front of Lucien's cloud room, he turned on the electromagnetic cyclotron at the same time.

"Come, tell me, are the electrons with such a beautiful trajectory a wave?" Ravendi growled again.

Dieppe doesn't need to look to know that the cloud chamber is filled with fantastic particle trajectories, so clear and so shocking.

He took a deep breath and said with a little firmness: "Electrons can also show particles xìng, which are waves. They are also particles."

Such words are heard in Lavender, just like someone is saying that he is a man and a man, and he is a giant. He is also a dwarf, he is a living person and a dead person, so ridiculous, so unreasonable!

There have been several wars against each other. Intolerable waves and particles are actually one?

He wanted to growl a little more about Diep. It can be seen that the student stubbornly stared at himself with bloodshot eyes, and then calmed down a little. In arcane art, he was a tutor who only recognized logical derivation and experimental results.

Quietly recalled the logical deduction of Dieppe. Thinking back to his entire dissertation, he found that there was not much problem except that it was unacceptable.

"Perhaps you confused the concepts when you linked several formulas together, and I'll take a closer look." Lavindi eased his tone.

Dieppe knew that the teacher was indeed difficult to accept. Even the man who inferred his conclusions struggled for a long time before believing that he was still upset. Unsure, he nodded in frustration: "I'm waiting for your guidance from the teacher."

Lavindi watched the students look slightly depressed and lost, and went out with the paper: "This paper is relatively simple and not too long. I will send it to Morris and Gaston first to see if they will What I think is not correct. "

This is something he always emphasizes, and he cannot follow the teacher blindly.

Dieppe set off a small flame in his heart again, with expectation and hope.

In anxiety, Dieppe did not do any research. From time to time, he waited to see when the "postman" returned. At noon, he confirmed that the replies of several advanced arcanists had arrived and came to the teacher's study again:

"Teacher, what is your opinion, Lord Morris?"

Lavindi said with no expression, holding the stationery: "Morris's opinion is, 'A derivation that is rigorous but bold enough to deviate from the actual hypothesis is inconsistent with all experimental results. How should particles and waves be unified and exist?' ? No models currently match '. "

Dieppe's full expression of anticipation suddenly collapsed, and confidence shook again.

"Gaston's opinion is,‘ any hypothesis must be strictly confirmed by experiments and phenomena. Obviously, I have n’t seen this. Electrons are both particles and waves, a form of existence that is unimaginable.

Because it was a dissertation sent by Lavender, both Morris and Gaston's words were mild.

Dieppe sits bitterly in the chair, a mess in his heart, maybe I'm really wrong?

"Your paper is difficult to convince others. Even the insistence of wave theory is just entangled in electromagnetic waves and photons. Never doubt electrons, they will certainly be happy with your assumptions and derivations, but certainly not Will give you enough support. "Ravendi concluded.

Dieppe scratched his head: "It needs a small enough gap ~ ~ so we should be able to see the electrons or interference, like waves."

Deep in his heart, he remained firm.

This firm attitude towards the student nodded secretly, Lavindi thought that he could not let him go on thinking, and said: "I will send your paper to Lucian again, he is the absolute authority in this regard, if he I do n’t recognize it ... ”

"That might be wrong." Dieppe's eyes seemed to be burning with flames, flames fueled by hope and expectation, and added in his heart, "But I still have to wait for the refutation of the experimental results ..."

"The magic pet messenger" sent away the dissertation, and Dieppe began to wait anxiously, nervous as if he had checked the jīng divine talent.

"I don't need the bastard's **** support ..."

"If anyone will agree with my thesis, then His Excellency is undoubtedly one of the few. If even he finds it ridiculous, then ..."

"His Evans, what would you say ..."

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