Three Sisters Chop Me to Upgrade

Chapter 26: Initial drug trial

In the dark and lifeless cell, with flies and mosquitoes flying all over the sky, Yang Xiaofan asked the pharmacist Hua Qing about medicines from time to time.

"Artemisia annua is an important medicinal material in the treatment of malaria, why some people can't take it because of malaria and diarrhea?" Yang Xiaofan asked puzzledly.

Pharmacist Hua Qing admired Yang Xiaofan’s studious spirit and answered patiently, “It depends on the situation. Some people have deficiency of the spleen and stomach, chronic gastritis and chronic diarrhea, while Artemisia annua is a bitter cold thing. Taking it may make the patient’s stomach more uncomfortable. , You can choose another method instead."

Yang Xiaofan nodded and asked again: "Why does the combination of lotus grass, orange peel, and yellow snow have the effect of improving the player's level? What is the principle?"

Hua Qingka shelled for a while, and then suddenly his expression became mechanical, and all the people in the prison stopped, as if they were dead.

He responded mechanically: "The human body is composed of tens of millions of cells. These cells are determined by genes. Drugs are also made by gene editing. These drugs are refined by special methods to form new genetic keys. Promoting cell growth can enhance physical fitness, but don’t use it rashly, and decide according to your own level."

Yang Xiaofan was stunned, "Do you know the word gene in ancient times?"

"Who told you that this is ancient?" Huaqing Machinery returned.

Yang Xiaofan nodded with a seemingly understanding, "This game is set up pretty well, and the editor's headlines are eloquent. I didn't understand the third method of detoxification, why should I just put bluestone."

The people around returned to normal, Hua Qing looked around in confusion, scratched his head, and began to answer Yang Xiaofan's questions.

Yang Xiaofan listened carefully and memorized the knowledge, without noticing the changes in the people around him.


Unknown data space somewhere.

A group of black data clusters with a group of white data.

The white data group asked: "Did you find out just now? There seems to be an anomaly in the game data."

"I also noticed it, but it disappeared without locating the source of the anomaly. Maybe it was a bug, just ignore it." The black data group responded.


Yang Xiaofan kept asking questions for several hours, making the old man dry in his mouth, short of breath, and looking confused. He didn't know to rest for a while, thinking that everyone was as energetic as him.

Nine p.m.

Yang Xiaofan finally stopped asking questions and opened the live broadcast.

[Indestructible Dynasty] [Tencent Guild] [Eagle Empire Guild], three guilds gathered in Pingtianshan, densely packed with more than 30,000 players, and many players watching the excitement in the distance.

These three guilds are very strong in the previous version of the game, especially [Tencent Guild], which has been one of the strongest from the first version.

Above the Pingtian Mountain, white clouds fluttered and the wind was beautiful. There were obviously tens of thousands of people, but no one spoke. Standing up straight, like a troop, this is the quality of the Great Guild.

The three guilds are headed by three people: [Indestructible Dynasty], the president of Qingdi, [Tencent Guild], [Tencent Guild], [Tencent Guild], [Tencent Guild], [Tencent Guild], [Tencent Guild], [Tencent Guild], [Tencent Guild], and [Eagle Empire], the president of Liaoying.

Each one is a resounding character, creating countless myths in the last version.

The equipment on his body was shining golden, impressively a sign of golden equipment.

While other players are still fighting for the bronze equipment, they have put on a complete set of golden equipment and become the most dazzling existence among tens of thousands of people.

In front of them, a ten-meter-high golden bull was sleeping, extremely oppressive.

The three guild leaders glanced at each other, "The shield warrior stepped forward to pull hatred, the magician attacked from a distance, the assassin warrior wandered, and the archer attacked!"

With an order, a row of gorgeous fireballs and ice **** smashed toward the sleeping golden cow, and the gorgeous colors illuminate the sky.


The golden bull was awakened, roared angrily, and ran towards the crowd with red eyes. The dust was flying wherever it passed, the trees broke, and the earth trembled.

The three guild leaders calmly commanded operations.

A bunch of barrage flew past the live broadcast room.

"What? It's not the same as the previous two versions. It's nothing to watch."

"Tanzi, what do you know? This game has no occupations and exercises at all. They created the corresponding exercises or magic based on the experience of the previous version, which is difficult to do."

"The scene is really shocking, like a real war."

"I just don't know who will get the final equipment."

This kind of battle is not something that can be filmed in a movie. It is very exciting. A 100% holographic projection at home is conditional, just like personal experience.

Yang Xiaofan looked at the number of live broadcast viewers, and it turned out to be one billion people!

This is just the beginning, and more people will definitely watch it later.

He nodded in satisfaction, looked at the jailer who was drinking outside, and said, "Get me a writing brush."

"Oh, do you want a bed?" Jailer No. 1 sneered.

"If you don't give me a pen, I will escape from jail while you are on duty." Yang Xiaofan threatened.

Jailer No. 2 and Jailer No. 1 looked at each other and laughed, "Escape? I'm staring at you here, how can you escape!"

Yang Xiaofan shrugged, pulled two grasses from the railing, and looked at the pharmacopoeia while polishing it. This monster would have to spend at least three or four hours to brush it up, and it would be fine to wait for the two guys to escape before shifting.

Xu Leto didn't even fight the monsters, and went to watch the battle near Pingtian Mountain, looking for the familiar figure constantly.

She was celebrating her birthday in a few hours, and the man asked her to watch the live broadcast. She faintly guessed something in her heart, a little excited, and clenched her hands nervously.

What kind of posture will that man appear?

As time passed, there were more and more people in the live broadcast room, which soon exceeded 4 billion people.

In the BOSS battle, under the orderly command of the three general leaders, the blood on the golden bull's head gradually became empty, and the atmosphere became more and more serious.

In the prison, Yang Xiaofan looked almost done, put the Pharmacopoeia in his backpack, and walked towards the two guards with the ground straw in his hands, and slammed the straw in his hands to the two jailers.

At the moment he threw it out, the two jailers jumped ahead of time, standing in the distance looking at Yang Xiaofan as if they were looking at an idiot.

"Haha, do you think we are idiots? Will make you unconscious? Rubbish!"

Yang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment, then returned to his seat in despair, slumped on the seat, as if very shocked.

The two jailers smiled happier when they saw him like this.

I returned to my seat and drank again, but halfway through, his expression became stiff, his stomach rolled violently, he made a loud spit, and ran into the hut clutching his buttocks for two days.

"Battle! You wait..."

The continuous outflow of baba makes the prison that is already in a bad environment even worse. They want to shout, but people who have had diarrhea know that they dare not speak or exercise vigorously at this time, plus collapse, making them shout at all. Does not come out.

Just now Yang Xiaofan waved that one was just a guise. In fact, he lost the herbal medicine that could cause diarrhea and weakness into their alcohol, and the dirty soil in the prison doubled the effect.

Yang Xiaofan endured the nausea and opened the lock of the prison, and walked out on his toes for fear of touching something disgusting.

When they came to their resting place, they picked up a brush, and first wrote the words'Jianlibao' on the chest of the prisoner's clothes.

Then wrote elsewhere: "Inviting investment."

Then he removed a wooden board from their bed and wrote: "Congratulations to Leto Xu, Happy 18th birthday."

Throwing down the pen, holding the wooden board and digging a hole quickly left.

In the hut, two guards prostrated themselves on the ground, with tears in their eyes and weak voices, "Don't run..."

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