Chapter 69 Huang Zhong, willing to serve the Duke of Cao!!

Huang Zhonglai’s bedroom, looking at Huang Xu lying on the bed, his face was pale, shaped like a wither, and sighed.

Huang Zhong’s wife was feeding Huang Xu soup medicine, saw Huang Zhong with a worried face, silently fed the medicine, and walked out!

“Han Sheng, the doctor who prescribed the medicine said that in a few days, Xu’er will get better.”

Listening to his wife’s comforting words, Huang Zhong knew that he had been unsuccessful for many years to seek a doctor, and now Huang Xu’s health is still deteriorating.

And isn’t it for Huang Xu to win the battle merit, thinking of this, Huang Zhong’s mind became firm, and said loudly.

“Madam, there are two divine doctors in Xudu City, Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Lun, who will definitely be able to heal Xu’er.”

“Let’s pack up our things and take Dancing Butterfly and Xu’er with us, hoping that these two divine doctors can save Xu’er!”

Listening to Huang Zhong’s firm words, Mrs. Huang’s face showed a trace of sadness and said after a little thought.

“Han Sheng, didn’t Liu Tingshi say a few days ago that he wanted to give you a promotion, this is a rare and good opportunity!”

“Let me take Xu’er to Xudu, I know that it has always been your dream to fight in the battlefield.”

Before Mrs. Huang could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Huang Zhong, and a trace of tenderness appeared on her face, and replied.

“Madame doesn’t need to persuade, I made meritorious deeds for your mother and son, now that Xu’er has the opportunity, I will definitely not miss it!”

“We have to speed up, otherwise the two divine doctors Warren and Zhang Zhongjing are popular in Xudu Free Clinic, and it will be difficult for me to rank.”

When he said this, Huang Zhong had a trace of worry in his heart, Huang Xu’s condition really could not be delayed, and how to meet the two divine doctors at that time was a problem.

Huang Zhong had no ink, so he immediately hung up his seal and left, drove the carriage to pick up Huang Xu and the others who had packed up the salute, and went straight to Xudu.

A few days later, Xu Du.

A large new medical hall has arrived in the city, and although it is newly opened, there is already a long queue at the door.

Because the announcement posted was that the two divine doctors were going to conduct a free consultation today, many people came to line up early in the morning, and they were very excited.

Among them, there are also many people who are poor because of their families, and they are usually ill and now have the opportunity to receive free treatment, of course, they will not miss it.

Of course, there are also some difficult and complicated diseases, which cannot be treated by ordinary medical centers, and I wonder if the two divine doctors can cure them, so the queue is very positive.

Although there were many people in line, the whole line was orderly and there was no dispute, and at the same time, a horse-drawn carriage had just pulled into the city.

It was Huang Zhong’s family, after inquiring about the people on the street, who went straight to the new medical center, and the queue was very dirty.

Huang Xu was taken care of by Mrs. Huang and Huang Wudie, and Huang Zhong saw that there were so many people in the queue, his face was already full of worry, and he stepped forward and asked.

“This brother, why is the queue so long today, I see that there are still many people in rags, and it is very expensive to catch medicine!”

Huang Zhong’s worry was not unreasonable, thinking that the free diagnosis was only to diagnose cases and prescribe medicine, but I saw the young man say with a smile.

“Look at this strong man, you should have come from other places, this time the two divine doctors have a free consultation, including free medicine.”

“Don’t worry that the two divine doctors can’t afford it, these expenses are all provided by Lord Sikong and Cao Junshi, and the medicinal materials are complete!”

“Lord Sikong, who destroyed Dong, has heard that our Cao Junshi brewed Du Kang wine, and used all the proceeds from the sale of wine for the cost of free medical treatment.”

When he said the last, the young man’s face was already full of adoration, and an old man in front of him heard this, turned his head and said.

“Lord Sikong, they are all good people, they gave us a lot of money when they built the palace, and now they give us free medical treatment.”

The people lining up next to him agreed, and when Huang Zhong heard it, his heart also flooded with waves, but he didn’t expect Cao Cao to be so benevolent.

After that, Huang Zhong did not say any more, but took Huang Xu and others to continue to line up, after all, curing Huang Xu’s illness is Huang Zhong’s top priority.

On the inn on the second floor opposite the medical hall, Cao Cao sat opposite Cao Huan and Gou You, and all three looked at the people queuing up outside the window.

“Zi Zhan, it seems that leaving Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Lun two divine doctors in Xudu can also improve my prestige among the people.”

“At first, I was worried that the free treatment would cost a lot, but it was worth it to hear the words of the people and the smiles on their faces.”

Cao Cao couldn’t help but sigh, after all, the medical hall opened, plus several free consultations every month, I don’t know how long it will take.

At that time, when Cao Tan proposed to Cao Cao, Cao Cao was still a little surprised, but he still let Cao Tan sit down, but he did not expect the response to be so good.

At first, the people only praised Cao Cao, but under the guidance of Cao Cao, Cao Tan’s prestige was also increasing, and Cao Cao was creating momentum outside Cao Tan.

“Lord Qi, in fact, the income from Du Kang wine alone is more than enough to maintain the free diagnosis, and the Lord Father doesn’t have to worry!”

“And when the news that the proceeds from Du Kang wine were used to help the people treat, the sales of Du Kang wine went up a notch.”

Cao Tan said with a smile, knowing that Cao Cao was creating momentum for himself, although he didn’t know why, Cao Tan didn’t delve into it, but Gou He said with a smile.

“Lord Qi, Zizhan left the two divine doctors in Xudu, which can improve the prestige of the Lord Duke and better control Yuzhou.”

“General Miaocai, they subdued Yuzhou, they should be back soon, now there is no need to worry about appeasing those counties.”

“The people in Xudu City will naturally convey the benevolence and righteousness of the Lord Duke, and the people of Yuzhou will also be convinced of the Lord Duke at that time.”

Gou You’s words made Cao Cao very happy, because if he was famous, many strategists and military generals would also come to join him.

After talking about some more matters, the three of them began to drink, and they didn’t usually drink much, but today they even toasted Cao Tan a few cups.

“Zi Zhan, the two divine doctors treat Fengxiao and Zhicai, and thank these two people for their good talents, and they will definitely be able to serve the Lord in the future!”

Gou You’s words instantly attracted Cao Cao’s attention, but Ju Zhicai and Guo Jia were still guests and did not surrender, and Cao Cao knew that the two were not shallow.

Looking at Cao Cao’s urgent face, Cao Tan naturally knew Cao Cao’s thoughts, wanted to subdue the two, and said after a slight groan.

“Lord Duke, now the bodies of Fengxiao and Zhicai are still recuperating, and it is not suitable to be out now, but they both have a gap in their hearts!”

“When they are well recuperated, it will be the day they go out of the mountain, and Yuzhou is now entering the finishing stage, so don’t worry!”

When night approached, Cao Cao and the three were ready to leave, and the queue in front of the hospital was still very long, and the three of Cao Cao went to comfort the two of Warren.

After all, hundreds of people were diagnosed in one day, and even the apprentices who helped to catch the medicine were very busy, and when Cao Cao and the three arrived, the medical hall was about to close.

At the same time, it was notified that the free consultation would continue tomorrow, and Huang Zhong’s family was about to line up at the door, and Huang Zhong suddenly shouted a little anxiously.

“Two divine doctors, can you help my family Xu’er diagnose, I’m waiting to come from Jingzhou, trouble!”

After all, this is the last chance, Huang Zhong wants to cure faster, Cao Cao and the three rushed to hear it, Cao Cao’s eyes suddenly brightened when he saw Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong was burly with a mighty figure, and Cao Cao could tell at a glance that this was a good general, giving Cao Huan a look.

Cao Tan immediately realized, and also saw that Huang Zhong was extraordinary, and the son of the fierce generals from Jingzhou was the only one who was seriously ill, Cao Tan stepped forward and said.

“This strong man, but his surname is Huang?”

Although Huang Zhong didn’t know how Cao Tan knew his surname, he still nodded suspiciously, and Cao Tan saw a flash of essence in his eyes and said softly.

“I know Warren and Mr. Zhang Zhongjing, and I can introduce me in the evening, and now it’s dark.”

Of course, Huang Zhong understood what Cao Shen meant, if he went in directly, he was afraid that the apprentice in charge would not affect the situation and close the door of the medical hall, and the people gradually dispersed

And Cao Cao and the others took Huang Zhong’s family and entered the medical hall from behind, and not long after entering the medical hall, Warren and Zhang Zhongjing greeted them and said.

“Zi Zhan, the “Thousand Golden Fangs” you sent me to wait for has improved my waiting efficiency a lot!”

“Lord Sikong is also here, I still have to thank you for the matter of the medical hall, and I have provided so many medicinal materials!”

Warren said two words directly, Cao Cao knew that his identity had been exposed, and nodded along the way, Huang Zhong was suddenly shocked in his heart, it turned out that this was Cao Cao.

“Huang Zhuangshi, I want the two gentlemen to diagnose Gongzi!”

Cao Cao directly patted Huang Zhong’s shoulder and said, Huang Zhong sobered up, and quickly pulled Huang Xu to Warren, who did not say much and directly began to diagnose.

Zhang Zhongjing was also watching, and at the same time kept communicating with Warren, and after a long time, Warren’s brows were a little wrinkled, and he said slowly.

“This son, his physique is very weak, he fell ill when he was young, and he needs to take good care of it.”

“In addition, after taking the medicine, you must follow me to practice the five bird plays, otherwise the physical deficit will be serious and it will be difficult to treat.”

“Thank you Divine Doctor, my family Xu’er will ask Sir.”

After Huang Zhong thanked him, he asked Mrs. Huang and Huang Wudie to take care of Huang Xu first, and he came directly to Cao Cao and Cao Tan, and said after bowing.

“The last general, Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng, meet Lord Sikong, and meet Cao Junshi!”

Huang Zhong had already informed Cao Cao’s identity and had guessed that Cao Tan was the Cao Junshi in the people’s mouth, and Cao Tan asked with some confusion.

“General Han Sheng, it should be the demon of Jingzhou Thorn Shi Liu Biao!”

“Master Qi Cao, I have hung up my seal and resigned from the official, and my family came to Xudu to treat my son’s illness!”

“I hope that the military master can let Xu’er follow the divine doctor, I have a little force, I am willing to be a pawn under Lord Sikong!”

Huang Zhong just saw Cao Tan and Hua Lun, Zhang Zhongjing had a good relationship, so Fang said, Cao Cao received Cao Huan’s meeting and said.

“General Han Sheng don’t worry, your son and I will definitely entrust the two gentlemen to take care of the other Han Sheng as a general under my demon!”

“Thank you, Lord Sikong!”

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