After Wang Yun returned to the mansion, he came directly to the study, his face became solemn, and his mind was pondering.

Although Cao Cao had failed to assassinate Dong before, he could see that this Cao Cao was a loyal person for the Great Han and also had a friendship with himself.

If you make a big plan, knowing that the sable cicada is the key to getting rid of Dong Zhuo, you will definitely be able to send the sable cicada back.

When he thought of this, Wang Yun swiped his pen and ink, and soon wrote a letter that was full of flowers, and handed it to his cronies to send to Chen Liu.

Wang Yun’s heart was already flooded with imagination, if Cao Cao sent the sable cicada over and used his own plan to destroy Dong Zhuo, he would definitely leave a name in history.

A few days later, Cao Chen was reading Wang Yun’s letter, and after reading it, he burned it casually with a sneer and said to Jia Xuan in front of him.

“Wen He, in the future, as long as it is Wang Situ’s letter, it will be sent to me, and there is no need to pass it to the lord!”


Jia Xuan replied solemnly, and Cao Chen looked at the map on the case and said while observing.

“Wen He, the situation in the counties and towns in Yanzhou can be investigated clearly, and there is also Xuchang, how is the situation.”

“Qi Yu military division, the situation of each county town, Jinyiwei has been clearly investigated, and the military division can check it at any time.”

“Especially in the counties next to Chen Liu, the garrison is weak, and many people know that the Lord is righteous and righteous, and are moving to Chen Liu.”

After speaking, the information was presented, and after Cao Chen casually flipped through it, he said in a slight whisper.

“In addition, contact Zhu Ji, speed up the training of Jinyiwei, and try to radiate Jinyiwei to the states and counties!”

“Provide as much money and supplies as you need, but be faithful enough!”

After Jia Xuan led the order, Cao Chen looked at the information in his hand, and at the same time compared the map on the case, his expression was serious.


In the following months, after discussions between Cao Cao and Cao Chen, troops began to be sent to the counties near Chen Liu.

Xiahou Tuan, Cao Ren and others began the campaign with infantry, and all the counties near Chen Liu were controlled by Cao Cao.

And the five hundred snow dragon rides led by Zhao Yun did not show up for a long time, and all of them were trained in Bole Yuanzhong, and with the medicinal bath, the strength of the big snow dragon horses was steadily improving.

Cao Chen informed Cao Cao about Boleyuan, saying that it was the result of Jinyiwei’s investigation, surrounded by mountains, only one exit, and the location was quite hidden.

Cao Cao believed it without the slightest hesitation, but when he talked with Cao Chen alone, he did it with a kind kindness.

At the same time, merchants Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang also continued to transport horses from the two places to Bole Yuan.

In addition, a large amount of iron is constantly transported to Chen Liu, used in the casting of armor weapons, and Pu Yuan has improved the process.

As a master craftsman who can cast female and male double-stranded swords, the Qinglong Xianyue Dao and the Zhangba Snake Spear, he designs and casts ordinary armor, and the weapon is simpler.

The casting master Pu Yuan and the construction master Li Chun were the rewards that Cao Chen received for completing the system task in these months.

Li Chun even designed the Zhaozhou Bridge, which is still standing for more than a thousand years, and was used by Cao Chen as a reserve talent for the subsequent construction of the capital of Xuchang.

Cai Yong came to Chen Liu under the constant invitation of Cai Yan and Cao Cao, escorted by Jinyiwei, and was extremely satisfied after seeing Cao Chen.

And Wang Yun’s letters sent to Chen Liu several times were intercepted by Jinyiwei, like mud cows entering the sea, Wang Yun knew that there was no result, and after scolding, he could only give up.


Months passed quietly, while the other princes developed on their own.

Yuan Shao defeated Jizhou Mu Hanfu, led Jizhou Mu himself, and wantonly recruited troops, gaining a strong position in the northern forces, but friction with Gongsun Zhan.

Yuan Shu led his subordinates, and after Sun Ce surrendered, he directly marched to Yangzhou, shifting his focus to Shouchun, and his power was further growing.

And Liu Bei, who had been begging Dong, refused Gongsun Zhan’s invitation and brought Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to Xuzhou, where he was reused by Tao Qian.

After Dong Zhuo arrived in Chang’an, there was no threat from the princes and began to enjoy himself, and he spent a huge amount of money to build the eyebrow dock, and died drunk.

In Chang’an City, Cao Chen had already sent this Jinyi guard to lurk in and began contact and contact with some generals.

At this time, Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu’s uncle and nephew were in the study, staring at Zhu Ji in a flying fish suit, and Zhang Xiu said after a slight groan.

“This strong man, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong are my junior brothers, but what is the proof token?”

“General Zilong asked me to hand you a letter, and you will know the effect after reading it!”

After Zhang Xiu took the letter and opened it, it was a page of a century-old Phoenix gun score, and the book was a masterpiece for Phoenix San, and Zhang Xiu was already convinced.

Hundred Birds Chaofeng is only taught by Tong Yuan, and the trick is even unknown to ordinary people, not to mention that the letter also mentions senior brother Zhang Ren.

Zhang Xiu already knew that Zhao Yun was his junior brother, and when he saw Zhu Ji wearing a flying fish suit, it was very gorgeous, and he asked with some hesitation.

“Is this strong man the person mentioned in Junior Brother Zilong’s previous letter to negotiate this trip?”

Zhu Ji felt Zhang Xiu’s distrust, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he let out a burst of domineering power, and said loudly.

“I am commanding the envoy Zhu Ji, above me, there is only one person who obeys the order, so he should be qualified enough!”

“In addition, General Zilong asked me to greet you, and if I have the opportunity, let me say hello to your senior brother Zhang Ren!”

Zhang Ren and Zhang Xiu looked at each other, already understanding Zhu Ji’s status, of course, they were qualified to negotiate, Zhang Ren said with a smile.

“I also ask Brother Zhu for forgiveness, my nephew and I are dissatisfied and cautious about such a big matter, I don’t know why Brother Zhu came this time?”

Although he knew Zhu Ji’s intentions, Zhang Ren still wanted to be sure again, Zhu Ji’s face did not change, and said lightly.

“Get rid of the Dong thief, give you a way to live, when my family adults bring troops over, you will decide later!”

“In addition, in this Chang’an City, you and other people can cooperate, many people want this opportunity!”

Listening to Zhu Ji’s true or false words, as well as a hint of threat, Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu frowned, and Zhang Ji said seriously.

“Why should I get rid of Dong Xiangguo later, and then what can I get!”

Seeing that Zhang Ji’s uncle and nephew’s attitude had changed, Zhu Ji spoke out the words he had prepared.

“You already know that Dong thief now has no enterprising spirit, only for pleasure, and Dong Jun’s strength is further declining!”

“Sooner or later you will be eliminated by the princes, and then you will be chaotic subjects and thieves, and you will be on the list of elimination.”

“And my family lord, meeting the Dong thief is a hundred battles, from the tiger prison to the time of pursuit, all the same!”

At this time, Zhu Ji paused, and then looked at Zhang Xiu and Zhang Ji’s faces and continued.

“This time, I will wait for several times the strength of the last time, and I will definitely break through Chang’an and save the Son of Heaven!”

“At that time, you will wait to save the car, and Houhou Bai will not be a problem, and he will also wash away his identity as an anti-thief.”

“The adults also said that Zhang Xiu is Zilong’s senior brother, so he gave you the opportunity, I hope you can cherish it!”

After speaking, Zhu Ji got up directly and left, and soon disappeared into the night, Zhang Xiu and Zhang Ji looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

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