283 Development of Liaodong plan, turtle ship model

The winter in Liaodong is about to get to minus thirty or forty degrees.

Even now, heating is still a big problem.

It was a big problem in ancient times.

Therefore, there has always been no decent agricultural development. Only in some river valleys and the edge of dense forests, there are fishing and hunting peoples.

There is Xiangping City in a slightly warmer place in the southeast of Liaoning, but its scale is much smaller than that of other cities in the south.

Without agriculture, without large-scale population and development, it will not be able to support it after all.

But coal and steel can change all of this.

Relying on the technical strength of the Engineering Bureau and the Agricultural Bureau, a large number of refugees in the Central Plains were resettled to Lulong and Liaodong.

With a unified planned house, a pit for heating, a road for burning coal, and various iron tools, it is not impossible to spend the winter here.

Moreover, after the heating problem was solved in Liaodong, where the weather was freezing cold, there were many other benefits.

Food, medicine, etc. have been kept for longer, and there are fewer diseases than in the south, etc.

The land in Liaodong is fertile. If it can be developed, a large amount of grain can be produced every season.

Coupled with the biogas fertilizer and other technologies developed by the Lulong Agricultural Bureau, it can fertilize the fields and strengthen the land, scientifically store seeds, and uniformly select and distribute high-quality seeds.

These measures have allowed the company’s food production in the rear area of ​​Sun Yi to catch up with the Central Plains.

The most important resource among these is coal!

Only with coal can the large-scale development of Liaodong region.

And the time has passed for several years, at this time the population of Lulong Liaodong area has begun to increase significantly.

Zhuge Liang can also think of these things.

In the end, Sun Yi brought out several models.

What attracted Zhuge’s attention most was the ship.

The ship model is not the same as some ships that Zhuge Liang has seen before.

It looks much bigger.

There are flat-bottomed sand boats, huge blessed ships, fast crab battle ships, and ships that Zhuge Liang has never seen before.

Sun Yi has put a lot of effort into shipbuilding.

The reason is also very simple. The biggest enemy in the future will definitely be the Sun family in the southeast.

Liu Bei has been destroyed, and Cao Cao is dying.

Zhang Lu, Liu Zhang, Liu Biao and the like are not in the eyes of the public Sun Yi.

The development of the Sun family’s sphere of influence has not been greatly affected.

On the contrary, because of the appearance of Sun Yi, Sun Ce did not die at the hands of the assassin, and Sun Quan was still unknown.

This made Sun Yi a little unexpected.

Although Sun Zhongmou is the master of preservation, but Sun Shiwan’s reputation is not small.

Without Sun Shiwan, the general Zhang Liao and others under Sun Yi would not have the largest boss who can earn combat exploits and earn experience points.

The little bully Sun Ce and Sun Bofu were more radical, and at the same time, he was more popular with military commanders and aristocratic families in the southeast.

At this time, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Meng and others had gathered under Sun Ce’s command.

The other Lu family, Yu family, Zhang family, etc. also gathered around Sun Ce.

As for the generals, in addition to Han Dangtai Shici being cut by Sun Yi, other generals such as Cheng Puhuanggai, Zhou Tailing and Xu Shengdingfeng have also returned to the Sun family.

It was regarded as the one that received the least influence among the many forces in the late Han Dynasty.

At this time, Gan Ning and Gan Xingba had not yet been taken away by the Sun family.

It is Sun Yi’s next goal.

To defeat the Sun family, shipbuilding and naval forces are necessary.

It’s just that fighting against the Sun’s navy is only one aspect.

The best strategy is to occupy Yizhou and Jingzhou first according to the historical strategy.

From upstream to downstream, push all the way flat.

So Soochow’s navy advantage is not great.

The reason why Sun Yi puts so much energy into shipbuilding is to be able to go to sea in the future.

In the eyes of Xu Lang, inland warfare is a drill after all.

Xu Lang’s goal was to go to sea to fight, to go to the South Seas, and to Champa Sulu and La Java.

Therefore, in addition to offshore transport ships and inland warships, these ship models also include ocean-going ships and naval warships.

The shipbuilding technology at the end of the Han Dynasty was not developed.

Sun Yi himself is very interested in shipbuilding, but suffers from not having suitable drawings.

Most of the vessels that can be exchanged in the system are offshore vessels and inland watercrafts of average technical level.

Gong One of the naval ships that Sun Yi fancyed was a treasure ship during the Sambo’s voyages to the Western Oceans.

This thing can represent the pinnacle of Eastern shipbuilding.

It’s a pity that the merits required are so high that it can’t be exchanged for a while. 603

The other is the dhow. The biggest feature of this type of sailing originated in the West is that it is suitable for ocean navigation and makes the most of the sea breeze.

But this kind of ship is not bad for trade and transportation.

If used for combat, it’s ordinary.

Sail battleship?

It didn’t appear in the system at all.

Public Sun Yi knows that this should be because the front-end technology has not been developed yet, and it is impossible to build a sailing battleship.

Therefore, in terms of naval battles, Sun Yi relied on fishing boats the most.

This kind of ship was a battleship built by Yi Sun-sin during the Korean War in Wanli.

In Gong Sun Yi’s view, in the entire history of North Korea, the only one who can be called a famous general is Yi Sun-sin.

Yi Sun-sin’s classic battles are all fought with turtle boats.

This type of ship is equipped with iron armor and iron thorns, as well as gunpowder weapons such as fire-breathing dragons.

It shouldn’t have appeared in the late Han Dynasty.

It’s just that the appearance of Sun Yi made this impossible possible.

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