244 Dao Yan Luo sent to Chang’an

The Emperor Xian was indeed not killed by Li Ru.

But Li Ru knew that he was leaving.

Li Ji couldn’t stay by his side any longer.

Of course, almost all the strategic goals of Sun Yi leaving Li Ru by Li Zhun’s side have been achieved.

In the end, this big one was also made by Li Ru to some extent.

Although it was not Li Ru’s hand, the conflict between Li Zhun and Xiandi, as well as the state of Xiandi and Li Zhun before the conflict, were carefully adjusted by Li Ru.

Simply put, Li Ru is a master of mentality.

Xiandi and Li Zhun were almost brought into conflict by Li Ru step by step.

There was no trace of guilt in Li Ru’s heart.

Li Ru is a super realistic person. When Duck killed Young Emperor, he already knew that the possibility of wanting a good death in his life was very small.

Moreover, no matter how Li Ru explained the matter of Li Zhun’s assassination of Emperor Xian, people in the world would not believe that it had nothing to do with Li Ru.

Even most people would think it was Li Ru’s hand.

But Li Ru didn’t care.

For the public Sun Yi, for the public Sun Yi once said to Li Ru before, what does it mean to kill an emperor?

The only thing that made Li Ru feel uncomfortable was Li Zhun.

For such a long time, Li can only say that he has done the best that a monarch with an offline IQ can do.

For Li Ru’s complete and unconditional trust, he followed his words.

As a counselor, meeting a lord like Li Zhun, the upper limit may not be very high, because Li Zhi’s own vision and ambitions and limitations are there.

But the lower limit is quite not low.

And this lower limit is almost entirely determined by Li Ru.

In a sense, Li Zhun is the best kind of lord for counselors.

Only by the side of Li Zhun can Li Ru fully display his talents.

Li Ru is sure that he will never get this level of trust and reliance on his company Sun Yi.

-Lai Gong At this time, Sun Yi’s counselor already has a peerless genius like Jia Xie Guo Jia. Even when compared with first-class counselors like Xu Shutian Feng, Zhicai Chen Gong, Li Ru does not have a particularly huge advantage.

Except for cruelty without a bottom line.

Even the public Sun Yi himself, in Li Ru’s impression, is already far beyond the level of general counselors.

In terms of strategic vision, Li Ru is even more ashamed.

Beside such a lord, he is cautious as he walks on thin ice, and the competition is extremely fierce.

Of course it’s also very challenging, and the upper limit of Sun Yi is not just a question of how high it is, but Li Ru can’t see it.

Li Ru thinks that he is quite accurate in judging people.

The Quan Xiong he had seen was Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Lu Bu.

Some of them just want to be Quanxiong, and some have higher ambitions and want to become someone with a temple title.

But public Sun Yi, Li Ru couldn’t understand it.

He must be unwilling to be a warlord with a separatist regime. Li Ru is quite sure of this.

Public Sun Yi wants to dominate the world, and Li Ru is also very sure.

But Sun Yi’s ambition is not just that.

Even after domination of the world, what else does Sun Yi have to do?

These are what Li Ru can’t see clearly, and it’s also one of the reasons why he wants to become Dao Yan and stay with the public Sun Yi.

He wanted to see with his own eyes, to what extent this man could do, and what he could do that even Li Ru, who once killed the emperor, would not even dare to think of, did not expect.

After Li Ru left the palace, he never returned to the palace.

Li Ru was not interested in the wealthy women in the mansion.

Li Ru walked directly into the Chang’an city market where people came and went.

Although the city of Chang’an at this time was not as prosperous as the later Tang Dynasty, the atmosphere of Han and Tang Dynasties still did not disappear.

There are quite a lot of shops and wine shops in the market, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

After Li Ru walked into the crowd, he quickly walked into a cloth shop where the family came and went.

After entering, he was no longer on the road at the front door.

After a while, Li Ru had changed his outfit, his court clothes had disappeared, put on ordinary people’s clothes, and walked out the back door.

Li Ru looked around and found no suspicious characters, then walked to the street and saw a bullock cart parked on the side of the street.

This bullock cart has been parked at the same spot on the street every day for half a month.

After Li Ru got into the bullock cart, the Che Tian sitting in front seemed to have not noticed Li (Li Nuo’s) Ru. With a whip, he immediately drove the bullock cart and led Li Ru to the corner of Chang’an City. Of a shop.

At the door of the pharmacy, Li Ru walked in in a flash.

The guy inside did not ask questions when he saw Li Ru, and directly led Li Ru to the back storeroom.

Before the gate of the dark city was closed, the trucks purchased by the pharmacy left the gate of Chang’an City.

Walking all the way to the northeast, I finally reached a temple in the northeast of Chang’an City at midnight.

Obviously, the temple has not been built for a long time.

The figure of Li Ru got off the drugstore truck and walked into the temple.

Soon, there was no more Li Ru in the world, only a black-clothed monk, with the proverb of Dao Yan, who was sent to Chang’an.

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