167 Xiongnu Ace-Mingpu Army

After the energy of the day yesterday, Lu Bu felt that although the number of people has increased today and the number of trickle streams in the torrent has increased, the difficulty of the shuttle has not become greater.

Lu Bu’s gaze is more precise. Many fleeting fighters and crevices may have only been felt before but could not be used. Today, they have been able to see the needles, and they can do it with ease.

Lu Bu even fell in love with this feeling of heartbeat.

Whenever several streams of the enemy were about to converge in front of him, blocking the way for him and his three thousand cavalrymen to death, Lu Bu would find a way out.

At the back, even Lu Bu can deliberately guide and predict the opponent’s actions by riding and shooting, shooting the opponent’s boss, turning and shifting and so on.

From time to time, he broke free from the enemy when he was about to fall into a desperate situation.

In the distance, several generals watching the battle “Five-Five-Seven”, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and Zhang, as well as Taishi Cidian, Wei Zhujun, Han Dang Ju Yiwei, and Choutai, who had heard about the previous events and had to come to join in the fun, were all shocked beyond words. .

Even because the scopes were not enough, Sun Yi had to coordinate Dian Wei Zhu Han to Ju Yi Wei Chou Tai and several people who used the telescope.

Otherwise, Dian Wei’s skin thickness and toughness would make it impossible for several other people to wait until dark.

Among them, Dian Wei, Han Dang Ju Yiwei and Choutai mostly watched the excitement, that is, watched Lü Bu smoothly get out of the crisis and shouted in excitement.

But several other riders, especially Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao Zhang, who originally had a first-class sense of smell on the battlefield, looked fascinated.

Many of Lu Bu’s command actions are entirely intentional.

“Paoding Jie Niu.

“With ease.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other’s eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, let the two men lead the brigade, the two armies fight against each other, and they are completely confident in defeating Lu Bu.

But let the two top military commanders bring two or three thousand people to fight against Lu Bu on the battlefield.

This kind of battlefield smell like a god of war is indeed not owned by everyone.

Of course, Lu Bu also has great limitations.

No matter how many people there are, Lu Bu Coordinating won’t be able to come.

For local battles, Lu Bu is top, but for the command of the entire battle level, Lu Bu’s shortcomings.

As for the grand strategy, Lu Bu’s ability in this area is almost zero.

The generals watched the excitement for most of the day. From the early morning they saw three poles in the sun, Lu Bujun finally got rid of the Huns, retreated a hundred miles, and returned to the camp of Sun Yi.

The public Sun Yi and other generals also returned to Dayang.

This time, the generals were full of enthusiasm, and several generals asked Sun Yi for a fight.

Public Sun Yi was a bit big for a while.

Lu Bu can do it, other generals are not necessarily, especially Dianwei who is like a black iron tower, you are a step-by-step general, what will the chief of the Euphorbia warrior follow?

After thinking about it for a while, the father Sun Yi, Jia Xie, Xu Shu and Zhi Cai thought that this was a good tactic for exhaustion.

They didn’t fight head-on, and only used a small amount of fine horses to harass the Huns.

It’s just that the public Sun Yi only agreed to Zhao Yun and Zhang Yun’s request.

The two men each led three thousand white horses and took turns to harass the Huns.

It is not allowed to engage in large-scale wars with the Huns, and get rid of the entanglement for half an hour and return.

In Sun Yi’s opinion, this is also the opportunity for the generals to use this opportunity to learn Lu Bu’s battlefield sense of smell and micromanagement command.

Originally Zhang Liao and Tai Shici also strongly requested to go.

It is a pity that Zhang Liao commanded the Fei Neng Army heavy cavalry, good at rushing and killing, but not good at guerrilla fighting.

Tai Shici’s riding skills for tiger-shooting soldiers are still far from that of the Huns, and the level of riding and shooting is not enough.

It is also inappropriate for two people to lead the white horse.

However, this also reminded Sun Yi of a problem. If he had the opportunity, he still had to change positions between the chief generals of the various units.

Especially between the chief generals of the cavalry and the chief generals of the infantry.

In this way, in special circumstances, it is also possible to avoid the situation where the soldiers do not know the soldiers will not know the soldiers.

Public After Sun Yi arranged, Zhang Liao and Tai Shici looked regretful.

Zhao Yun and Zhang was eager.

Facts have proved that Zhao Yun and Zhang, who is known for his ingenious changes, also have first-class sense of smell on the battlefield.

But after all, the difference between the front-line with Riboud.

Fortunately, the two command when the world is the most righteous from the White Horse Rangers, the Huns were Riboud also toss cruelly, when the attack are a thousand people a.

Two people each in accordance with the requirements of the public Sun Yi Lu Bu, harassment entangled more than half an hour, on the virtue of justice from the White Horse riding and shooting and strong mobility out of …

After several rounds of fighting, Lu Bu’s excited tears were about to flow from the corners of his mouth.

White Horse meaning from too strong.

If they are not under the command of three thousand cavalry general, but the White Horse meaning from this elite, then intersperse it is more interesting?

Both Zhang and Zhao after some operation, then there Riboud, nor the drop will have that feeling before.

This man still has real skill on the body.

Gong Sun Yi’s generals came forward one by one, but the Xiongnu’s side had a hard time.

After the cavalry came to harass several times, even fools could see that there was a large army of Han people near the Huns’ tent.

The number of people will definitely not be less than 10,000.

Although the leaders of small tribes continue to die in battle, Yufro feels good every time a few hundred come forward to receive military horses from other tribes, but there is no feeling anymore, I am afraid that the subordinates will start to make opinions.

Another thing that made Yuvro uneasy was that none of the scattered riding cranes sent to investigate in the southwest were able to come back alive.

A few extremely elite scout cavalry had approached Wang Zeng, but they were still shot and killed. In the end, only the corpse was carried back by horses.

“Patience, patience!” Yuvro kept reminding himself in his heart.

There are more and more Huns around Wangzhang.

According to Yuvro’s experience, the entire assembly time of 5.2, it only takes about ten days to reach one hundred thousand troops.

As far as Yuvroh knew, if the Han people to the south had to gather enough troops to deal with it, it would be impossible to do so in less than a month.

Not to mention that once an army of 100,000 gathers, the broken man can’t stop it at all.

It is said that the emperor of the Han can no longer control the generals in his borders.

The number of the Huns around Wangzhang has reached 60,000, and the assembly of the Huns will be completed in two or three days.

These Han Chinese cavalry who kept harassing around Wang’s account were like annoying flies.

Yuvro secretly said in his heart that ordinary Huns cavalry could no longer drive these Han cavalry.

It seems that only the elite of the Xiongnu King’s account can be used, and it is also the most elite army in the whole-Mingzhen Army. .

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