Chapter 467 All dumbfounded

Hua Juan cautiously walked out of the room in Huaqing Pool and whispered, “Your Majesty, Teacher Ma Liang and Guo Jun came to you. He said that you must see him. He also said that this matter is related to a blood book from Xishu. related”

Also in the bubble bath, he heard the word “blood book”. He suddenly opened his eyes and motioned to Zhang Ziyi and Zhen Mi to help him change clothes.

“Blood Book” naturally refers to the imperial decree of clothes, and Ma Liang is his confidant. He wanted to talk about imperial edicts with clothes, so naturally he wanted to talk about big things.

It didn’t take long before Ma Liang returned from Taiwan Island. He will go to Taiwan again soon, so he should meet him.

Change your clothes and go to see Ma Liang in the main hall. When Ma Chen saw him, he found that Ma Liang had gained a lot of weight.

“E? ​​The first exile of Lu Feng to Taiwan seems to be a definite 843 decision. There is very little wine in Taiwan, and there are no brothels in brothels.

Fengxian has been in good health over the past few months. Ma Chen smiled. He hopes to see Ma Liang in good health.

Ma Liang smiled awkwardly. He feels much better now. This is not only because of the conditions of Hua and Zhang Zhongjing, but also because after going to Taiwan, it was very poor and it was difficult to get close to wine.

“Master, don’t laugh at me, I am here because I have important things to discuss.

I heard that Master had made a good swordsman and sent it to Wang Yue and Yanshan’s seniors to practice. Does the lord want to assassinate Xianbei Shanyu–. “Ma Liang can always understand Ma Chen’s mind, and at the same time guess Ma Chen’s next step.

“Lv Feng first knows me, so Lu Fengxian can know my next plan, whether I should come out. The world can decide! If you lose, you will need to waste another four to five years.

Maybe when I am forty years old, I can decide the world. Ma Chen lifted Erlang up his legs, took a sip of tea, and asked Ma Liang

Ma Liang narrowed his eyes. He neither flattery nor roundabouts.

He bluntly said: “The lord’s assassination of Kirbynin is not a big problem. Most of the soldiers in Kembineng are closely related to the Han people, and the lifeblood of grain and grass is also under control.

“It’s just that the next move of the master is indeed a risky move, but the chance of success is not small. Although it is too sloppy for the master, it is also an opportunity not to be missed.

Taiwan’s strength is not enough to take down the entire Jiangdong in one move (aibd). Maybe this is too sloppy and can only make Jiangdong surrender temporarily.

If we can wait another two years, the master will make this plan, not only to build a palace in Xuchang, but also General Meng Gong and General Chen Qingzhi can build an indestructible line of defense south of Xuchang.”

Ma Liang made it very clear. Ma Chen also nodded and agreed. But time waits for no one. Wait a few more years, and there won’t be such a good opportunity.

With eyes closed, he said: “Prince Fu, Sun Bin and Sima Yi will not give me enough time, and they don’t know what I want to do. If they know, they might even lead justice people from all over the world to criticize.

But you also know that the Han Dynasty has existed in name only, and the Emperor of the Han died when he died! But for his Yuan Shao, when the Emperor of the Han died, he then planted it and accused the old thief Yuan that he could not clean it.

With a smile, Ma Chen showed a treacherous smile.

Ma Liang also laughed. He was too clear about his master’s plan.

Ma Liang persuaded: “The lord, the ministers can guarantee that another 10,000 troops will be added to Taiwan, enough to penetrate the entire Yangzhou from the southeast of the Yangtze River. After all, it is a raid and it is difficult to annihilate Sun Quan.

But even if Xuchang’s palace is completed, the owner will have to wait a long time. After the death of Emperor Han, let Cao Liu be the king first! In this way, no one will doubt the owner. .

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