Instead, follow the lord directly, this is not the consciousness that an ordinary general should have.

When some people face such a situation, they feel that they can go and ask for some fertile land and some shelter.

Some people even say this, but they are mostly flattering, but Dian Wei is different, because everyone knows other people's personalities.

So at this time they all knew Dian Wei, but the truth was that Cao Cao was happier, and he patted Dian Wei on the shoulder.

Then he said, "Don't worry, I will definitely fulfill your wish."

After saying this sentence, Dian Wei immediately said: "This time we directly arrested 0 soldiers, all of these soldiers are prisoners. [-]"

"I have taken away all their armor and weapons, and have detained them all."

Hearing these words, Cao Cao nodded, this time there were [-] more soldiers, this is not a small number of people.

At this moment, Qin Yi said, "This number is a bit large, so you must pay attention."

At the same time, Tian Jin next to him: "[-] people, this is too powerful, this is not a small number."

"There are so many people, this is really amazing, I have to say that this time can be regarded as a huge success."

   "General Dian Wei, the biggest credit is yours."

But at this time, Dian Wei humbly said to Cao Cao: "This time the credit should be mainly Qin Yi's this time, if he hadn't tried his best to ambush here."

"Otherwise, the other party will succeed!"

"So I think the biggest credit this time should be military advisor Qin Yi!".

Chapter 193

After Qin Yi heard this sentence, he shook his hand and said.

"It should be the soldiers who rushed out of the front line. All in all, everyone deserves credit."

Qin Yi was laughing when he said this. Cao Cao also had a smile in his eyes after seeing this scene, but he didn't say anything more.

Because of this matter, in fact, everyone's credit is indeed very large, but the biggest one is Qin Yi, but Cao Cao saw that Qin Yi was so humble.


He was also very happy, and at this time he suddenly remembered something.

Then he asked Dian Wei in front of him, "Are those [-] people? Where are they? I heard that they were all arrested. Where are they now?"

When I mentioned these people, I immediately reacted, because you must know that there are quite a few of them, if you can't deal with them properly.

So the [-] people here need to consume a lot of food, so at this time, we must go to test to see if those people can surrender sincerely.

Because some of them are actually trying to survive, they surrender temporarily, but if they are given a chance, they will betray such people again.

Cao Dongbo is a ruthless man, and he is absolutely ruthless in doing things in this regard. Once he finds this sign, he will kill him directly.

From the very beginning, Cao Cao thought that he would rather kill a thousand wrong people than let one go, so he directly asked Dian Wei to take him to find the [-] soldiers at this time.

After all, if this matter is resolved earlier, you can also feel at ease earlier. If these soldiers eat one more day of food, it will put more pressure on the entire army.

If you can save a little, you can save a little. Cao Cao still sees this point thoroughly. As long as he has no use value for himself, there is no need to stay.

Qin Yi said from the side: "Fifteen thousand people? They should all follow Yan Liang. Yan Liang fled with so many people, but left them behind."

"If these [-] people can receive us here, they are also a great force."

After hearing these words, Cao Cao was unmoved. It was completely different from what he looked like just now. It looked a little abnormal. There was a murderous look in Cao Cao's eyes.

Dian Wei could already feel it, and then he took Cao Cao to the place where [-] people were imprisoned. All of these [-] people were tied up.

There were soldiers around taking me to look at the prisoners. At this time, they looked very pitiful. There was no pity in Cao Cao's eyes.

These people killed a lot of soldiers on their side. It's really pitiful, they are strange, but at this time Cao Cao walked over and kicked a prisoner directly.

However, at this time, the others were attracted attention, and a pair of eyes looked over, all staring at Cao Cao.

"What are you looking at? Now that you are all captured, the prisoner must have the attitude of a prisoner. I will tell you directly now."

"If you are willing to surrender, I will come out as a soldier. If you don't want to, just stand there and don't move."

At this time, Cao Cao was still willing to give him a chance. .

Chapter 194

After all, Dian Wei is willing to capture them, which means that everyone is not willing to kill.

So at this time, I wanted to give them a chance, but when I finished saying this, everyone thought that this group of prisoners must really want to live, and they let a space out last time.

The purpose was to give those people a good space to stay, but at this time, Cao Cao and the others saw an amazing scene, these people in front of them.

The scene that no one moved is particularly strange. According to reason, these people in front of them are all prisoners. They should be afraid of death, so they should obey Cao Cao's words.

Why is it really motionless now, and at this moment Dian Wei rushed over and roared again.

"If you're willing to surrender, just come here, and if you don't want to surrender, just stay where you are."

However, after Dian Wei finished saying these words, no one else spoke, and the group of prisoners seemed to have not been caught, and several of them even put on a bad face.

This made Dian Wei very uncomfortable. When Cao Cao saw this scene, he shouted loudly: "Kill all these people ¨ˇ."

Dian Wei felt very surprised as soon as he said this, and then looked at Cao Cao with a surprised look, and at the same time Qin Yi's face moved slightly.

I didn't expect that Cao Cao's temper would be so hot, and he would kill all [-] men and horses, even though they didn't cooperate very well.

But if these people are killed like this, it will also have some psychological shadows on the soldiers around. After all, everyone is human, and now is not a time of war.

Of course, what is more critical is that Qin Yi believes that these people can actually be used as his own soldiers, and it would be a waste to kill them all.

But at this time, Cao Cao was on the verge of anger, and Qin Yi couldn't say something in his heart, so he could only watch this scene helplessly.

And at this moment, someone suddenly stood up next to him, and then he pulled Cao Cao and said, "I think it's better not to kill them all, after all, they all surrendered."

"If all these people are killed, it is a bit against morality. We should still talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality with the army. The military style is still more important."

As soon as these remarks came out, Cao Cao didn't say more, because the person who stood up and spoke was not his subordinate, but Tian Jin.

After seeing these people just now, Tian Jin's first thought was to take all of them into his army. After all, these people are soldiers.

If you can say it, it will be a huge help to yourself, but at this time these people are not cooperating.

So Tian Jin still wanted to do some psychological work, but he didn't expect Cao Cao to be so irritable, and he would kill when he came up, so he wanted to dissuade Cao Cao (good Li Zhao) at this time.

Cao Cao also stopped at this moment, then waved his hand and said.

".' These people are simply not good at oil and salt. If they don't kill a few well, they won't be honest at all."

Tian Jin replied at this time: "But if one is killed, other people will also have psychological shadows."

"When the time comes, they are unwilling to surrender, and even have rebellion, so what should we do?".

Chapter 195

"We should still be pragmatic."

"If we can keep all these people, then we will have a lot of strength. Now that we are fighting against Yuan Shao and the others, we should cherish every strength."

After hearing these words, Cao Cao said, "Then what do you want to do?"

"If these people continue to stay like this, it will affect other soldiers. I don't think these people can't."

Qin Yi, who was standing behind, knew why Cao Cao was so irritable, because when Qin Yi came over, all the places he saw were corpses.

Anyone who knows that these corpses are all their own soldiers will be particularly uncomfortable, not to mention that all these people in front of them are not cooperating.

In this way, it is more normal, but Tian Jin obviously does not want to give up these things.

So he couldn't go forward, and he grabbed the prisoner who had obvious resistance just now and asked.

"Why is this attitude, our purpose is to recruit you, that's all, if you want to come, come here, our treatment here is not bad."

"If your attitude insists on this, then there is nothing we can do."

The prisoner's expression was still a little tough at this time, and I saw him speak directly.

"After we were caught, not only did we hand over all our weapons, but all our hands and feet were tied. Does this seem like normal treatment?"

"We haven't eaten a single bite of food now. Is this what you treat us?"

After hearing these words, Tian Jin suddenly looked a little ugly, and then his eyes turned to Dian Wei, it was true that Dian Wei had already eaten.

After fighting for so long, standing there is already tired, so this look is asking Dian Wei why he didn't feed these prisoners, and at this time Dian Wei showed a helpless look.

Obviously, his attitude was to say that he was too busy on his side, and he couldn't make time to help these prisoners eat, not to mention Dian Wei after this battle.

In fact, the whole person is also very haggard. Although he is said to be very strong, he has experienced such a battle.

Few people could bear it, so Tian Jin said at this time: "Then I will ask you, are you willing to surrender? As long as you come over, then you can eat."

Hearing this sentence, some people began to have ideas and began to move. Tian Jin was quite happy to see this scene.

After all, he hoped that more people could join his team, so when he was happy to see the scene in front of him, the sound suddenly rang.

"We don't want an avatar. If we surrender, we'll all die. Since I'm going to die anyway, we might as well die happily, like a hero."

Suddenly one person shouted like this, and then other people followed suit. During this period of time, many people were brought to the rhythm and began to shout loudly.

After seeing this scene, Cao Cao's face was full of anxiety. It was obvious that Tian Jin had discovered that Cao Cao was about to use the knife at this time.

But he still didn't want to see Cao Cao attack these unarmed prisoners, because he clearly felt that if those people were taken in. .

Chapter 196

It is of great help to his own strength growth, so at this time he still wants to think of some ways, at this time Qin Yi knows that he should take action.

Then he whispered to Cao Cao for instructions. Cao Cao saw that Qin Yi wanted to take the initiative to attack, and his face was full of doubts. If someone else came over and told Cao Cao that he wanted to teach him.

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