At this time, Chu Feng’s voice sounded again.

“Yuan Shao liked his third son Yuan Shang the most, and after defeating Gongsun Zhan, he kept Yuan Shang by his side to help him manage Jizhou and cultivate him as a future heir.

At the same time, he was ready to let Yuan Tan manage Qingzhou and Yuan Xi to manage Youzhou.

Frustrated, he vehemently objected, saying that letting each prince control a state was the beginning of calamity.

However, Yuan Shao did not listen to the advice of the frustrated counsel, and remained stubborn, leaving several sons to each run a state.

A few years later, Yuan Shao died, and his sons really killed each other for the throne.

In the fourth year of Jian’an, Yuan Shao led 100,000 elite soldiers and tens of thousands of cavalry, preparing to attack Xudu.

Frustrated, he stopped it. ”

In the picture, I saw Frustrated Yue Yue coming out of the crowd, and said: “Duke Yuan, now that Cao Cao has stabilized, attacking Xu Du at this time may not be able to win.”

If we do not win, our army will inevitably lose its troops and generals, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

Duke Yuan sat in the land of four states, his army was strong and strong, he should take a protracted battle to drag Cao Cao to death, why take the risk to attack Xudu? ”

Yuan Shao’s brows frowned slightly, but he didn’t say anything.

He continued, “Duke Yuan only needs to garrison troops in Liyang, slowly develop the land of Henan, make warships, repair weapons and equipment, and develop himself.

Then send elite cavalry to harass day and night on the edge of Cao Cao’s territory, so that Cao Cao cannot develop with peace of mind.

However, Yuan Gong has always been able to develop and grow with peace of mind, and in the long run, the gap between the strength of Cao Cao and Yuan Gong will become larger and larger.

Within three years, the entire Cao army would be exhausted.

At this time, if you attack Cao Cao again, you can destroy it in a battle. ”

Yuan Shao’s brows furrowed deeper, although he felt that the frustration was very reasonable, but he was unwilling to listen in his heart.

I finally made a decision, then jump out and oppose, I don’t want face?

At this time, Guo Tu stood up and retorted: “There are clouds in the art of war, ten sieges and five attacks.”

Today, Duke Yuan sits in the land of four states, and it is easy to fight against Cao Cao.

If he did not destroy Cao Cao at this time, he would wait for Cao Cao to grow stronger day by day, and it would be too difficult to destroy it again. ”

When Yuan Shao heard this, he nodded secretly, and the balance in his heart was biased towards Guo Tu.

Frustrated, he glanced at Guo Tu and said again: “Saving troubled times and killing tyrants is a righteous soldier.”

With a large number of people and strong strength, to bully the weak, this is an arrogant soldier.

The righteous soldiers can be invincible, but the proud soldiers will be defeated.

Cao Cao welcomed the Son of Heaven and moved the capital to Xuchang, and when the Son of Heaven was there, he held justice.

Now that Yuan Gong is raising troops to attack Xu Du, he is violating justice and righteousness.

What’s more, victory or defeat on the battlefield never depends on who has more troops and more power.

Cao Cao is good at strategizing, the army under his command is strict in military discipline, the army is elite, the generals are brave, and there are many advisers, but he is not comparable to the likes of Gongsun Zan of Youzhou.

Duke Yuan now wants to give up the strategy of stability and complete stability, and lead an unknown army to attack Xudu.

I am really worried, and I ask Yuan Gong to think twice. ”

Yuan Shao’s brows furrowed again, and he was a little dissatisfied in his heart.

This is not to grow other people’s morale and destroy one’s own prestige.

The army under Cao Cao is elite and the generals are brave, can the army under my command be a rabble?

Guo Tu observed the words, saw that Yuan Shao’s face was not good-looking, rolled his eyes, and said: “Frustrated Jianjun, this is a bad remark.”

In the past, King Wu was also an unrighteous master?

What’s more, the Lord sent troops to attack Cao Cao, not to fight the Son of Heaven, how could he be nameless?

Besides, speaking of the Wen Chen military generals and the army, could it be that the Wen Chen military generals and army under the lord will be worse than those under Cao Cao?

Cao Cao had Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Wei, Cao Hong, Cao Ren and others, and under the lord there were generals such as Yan Liang, Wen Qiu, Gao Yan, Zhang Jaw Four Court Pillars, and Qi Yi.

The people of Hebei, Qing, You, and the land of the four states were grateful to the Lord for his benevolence, and they were all unwilling to serve the Lord.

With such a huge advantage, if we did not help the Lord to destroy Cao Cao as soon as possible, it would be the fault of my counsellors and other advisers.

The plan of the frustrated army is indeed very safe and secure, but it lacks the ability to be flexible. ”

Frustrated, he wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Yuan Shao: “Okay, I have made up my mind on this matter, and there is no need to persuade Gonghe.”

Pass on my order, and three days later, raise troops to attack Xudu. ”

“The Lord is wise.”

Guo Tu and others praised.

“Duke Yuan must not ah, this battle will not be won, Duke Yuan think twice.”

Frustrated, he still strongly discouraged it.

Yuan Shao said angrily: “If the three armies have not done it, you will mess with our army’s heart here?” Retire. ”

Frustrated, he tried to persuade, but he was dragged down.

After he left, Guo Tu and others took the opportunity to rumor, saying that the power of frustration was too great and not conducive to control.

Yuan Shao then divided the post of overseer into three major governors, with Guo Tu and Chun Yuqiong each supervising the army.

Seeing this, the people of the world sighed.

“The three years of exhaustion are similar to Tian Feng’s enduring tactics, but Yuan Shao did not listen.”

“It is worthy of being the mastermind of the pit, and he resisted the two super strategists with his own strength, and forced Yuan Shao to give up all the correct strategies, and took the only wrong strategy, I have to say that this Guo Tu is also very powerful, maybe this is his willingness to be on the list.”

Bohai, Yuan Shao gritted his teeth: “This Guo Tu is not shallow, if I see him again, I will divide his five horses and corpse.” ”

Below, Mr. Ghost, wearing a ghostly mask, his eyes flickered slightly, but he did not speak.

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