Chapter 170 Child Labor Lu Xun Comes to the Bowl! Xiao Qiao’s sick chat is only for medical treatment?
Liu Bei stood up,
“Miss, you are staying in Jiangbei for a while, I will go to Yuzhang.” Lu Lingqi, Yuan Shi, and Xiao Qiao were all worried.
“Husband, the plague is dangerous, you still don’t want to take risks.” Liu Bei shook his head,
“I am also a doctor myself. The people of Yuzhang are suffering from the plague – I can’t just ignore death.”
Qiao and Xiao were so moved, “Mr. Xuande, you are too benevolent.”
Lu Lingqi grabbed Liu Bei,
“Husband, I want to go with you!”
Liu Bei glared at her,
“I am a doctor who naturally understands protection. You stay here with Yuan Xiaoniang and Xiao Qiao.”
“okay then”
Liu Bei’s body has been strengthened by the system, so he is not afraid of the plague.
He asked Guo Jia and others to come in and announce the matter.
Everyone naturally asked to go together! Liu Bei waved his hand,
“I’m going to treat illnesses, not to fight, Yide, what are you doing with your rough hands and feet! Continue to train for me”
Zhang Fei squatted on the ground and sulked!
“And Fengxiao, you have so many concubines, your body is average, and you stay in Jiangbei honestly.”
Guo Jia sighed that it was not as good as Jia Xu for keeping in good health!
“Others protect the people, I will take Chen with me.” Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei again,
“Yide, there are many bandits and rebellious troops in Xunyang. You lead your troops to destroy them, do something for the people, and train your troops by the way!”
Zhang Fei’s eyes lit up, “No!”
That night Liu Bei took a thousand personal guards on a warship and crossed the river to Yuzhang. The river was a bit rough at night,
Liu Bei felt nothing. Some of the guards he brought had turned blue. Most of these soldiers came from the north. Not to mention water warfare, they were landlubbers.
Liu Bei shook his head secretly. In future wars in the south, there will be many water battles, so we must establish a water army as soon as possible.
A graceful boat boy attracted Liu Bei’s attention, “Come here”
The sailor turned around and smiled embarrassedly, “Mr. Xuande is calling me?”
Liu Bei??
“Little Joe? How did you get on the boat?”
Xiao Qiao lowered her eyebrows and smiled slightly,
“Mr. Xuande went out, how could he not have a maid to take care of him, so I went back and played the guqin, and then boarded the boat.”
Liu Bei was speechless,
“Does your sister know?”
“I left a letter,” Xiao Qiao said pitifully,
“Mr. Xuande, you won’t let the little girl jump into the river and swim back?” Liu Bei looked her up and down,
“I can’t see that you are so good at water, let’s talk about it if you have a chance.” Xiao Qiao??
In this way, Xiao Qiao stayed on the boat, and Xiao Qiao twittered all the way, which made Liu Bei’s journey not very boring.
“Mr. Xuande, I heard that your wife forced Cai Yong into marriage with you, so you got together?”
Liu Bei was surprised,
“You know all about this?”
Xiao Qiao covered her mouth and smiled lightly,
“That’s natural, I have studied you very deeply.” Immediately, Xiao Qiao blushed, this is the person involved
Liu Bei laughed out loud, this Xiao Qiao is actually his little fan girl, that Zhou Lang is sorry!
The boat sailed for half a day and docked at the wharf of Nanchang County. Tai Shici had brought people to wait here for a long time. “The plague in Yuzhang is serious. How can my lord go there in person?” Liu Bei laughed.
“Ziyi, it’s not like you don’t know my medical skills. Since I’m in Yuzhang, I can’t see the people suffer without saving them.”
Tai Shici was very moved, “My lord is benevolent and righteous!”
A middle-aged scribe in his forties came out more and more, “Mr. Xuande’s benevolence and righteousness are unparalleled, and I admire him very much!”
Tai Shici hastened to introduce,
“My lord, this is Hua Xin, the prefect of Yuzhang,” Liu Bei laughed.
“So it’s Brother Ziyu, I’ve admired his name for a long time.” After the two chatted,
Liu Bei probably understood the situation,
The plague in the Pengze area was quite severe, thousands of people had died, and the local doctors were helpless.
Liu Bei didn’t talk nonsense. After checking a few people who had the plague, he felt hesitant.
“No wonder those doctors can’t cure it. It turns out that not only plague, but also malaria. Under the two severe diseases, it must be difficult to cure.”
Liu Bei wrote several prescriptions and asked Tai Shici to ask someone to prepare them. He wanted to test which prescription was the most effective.
“One hold of Artemisia annua, soak it in two liters of water, wring it out to get the juice, and take it as much as you want”
“thisIt is a cure for malaria, collect artemisia annua as soon as possible!”
Liu Bei discussed with Hua Xin again.
“The scale of the plague will not be exacerbated, and the people who have the plague will be separated from the healthy people”
“Those who have the plague should also be divided according to mild disease, severe disease, and those who have recovered”
“People’s drinking water must be boiled before drinking, keep it clean, and prevent the plague from coming back!”
After ordering one thing after another, Hua Xin was astonished as a celestial being,
“Mr. Xuande is not only unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, but also surpasses Bian Que in medical skills. I admire him so much!”
Under his guidance, Liu Bei went to see Liu Yao, who was seriously ill, “Mr. Xuande actually went there in person.”
Liu Yao was moved and cried, since he was defeated by Sun Ce, he has seen the warmth and warmth of human relationships a lot, and Liu Bei, who has never known him before, actually helped him in this way.
Liu Bei felt his pulse and prescribed two prescriptions.
“Brother Zhengli, your condition is quite serious, you need to rest in bed for ten days, don’t get too excited”
Liu Yao cried again. He thought he was going to die this time, but he only needed to stay in bed for ten days…
“The gap between doctor and doctor is really big!”
Liu Bei remembered that Liu Yao did die of illness at this time, that is to say, he saved Liu Yao’s life.
Liu Bei came to a house in the city again, and a young man greeted him, bowed deeply, “Mr. Xuande”
Liu Bei helped him up,
“Lu Ji, so-and-so wanted to take you to Chang’an, but who would have thought that you would encounter the plague, so-and-so is sorry for you”
Lu Ji was moved and cried, this is a great hero who shocked Kyushu.
Liu Bei followed him into the room,
A sixteen-year-old boy was lying on the bed with a pale face and chapped lips. Liu Bei walked over, took Lu Xun’s hand, and felt his pulse.
“Fortunately, the condition is not serious. After taking the medicine, rest for six or seven days and it will be fine.” Lu Ji hurriedly thanked him!
Lu Xun also sighed in a daze, “How dare Lu Boyan let Mr. Xuande go in person?” Xiao Qiao said from the side,
“Mr. Xuande was very anxious when he heard that you had the plague, so he came here by boat that night.”
Lu Xun burst into tears in two lines instantly, struggling to get up and salute Liu Bei, “Great kindness, Mr. Xuande, so…”
Liu Bei pressed him down and said with a smile,
“Bo Yan takes good care of his illness. I’ll pick you up, but I hope you will work for me.” Lu Xun clasped his fists and said solemnly,
“My lord, this subordinate must do his best and die.” Liu Bei looked at Lu Ji again,
“Gongji, you are studying at Chang’an Academy, how about studying under my Master Lu?”
Lu Ji was overjoyed, it was great to be able to worship Lu Zhi as his teacher!
“Thank you, Lord Xuande!”
Liu Bei talked with the two of them again and told Lu Xun to rest well.
There are also more bullet screens in the live broadcast room,
“Liu Bei is too ruthless, the child laborer Lu Xun even signed a contract of sale!”
“This Lu Xun is very powerful? He looks thin, and his martial arts must be good!”
“I believe in the eyes of the big-eared thief!”
“Perhaps Liu Bei raised the two of them, and in the future he will avenge Lu Kang and conquer Sun Ce in the name of the two of them.”
“I’m the only one who thinks that Liu Bei is looking for that handsome guy named Lu Xun? It’s so dirty!”
With Liu Bei’s prescription and treatment measures in operation, the plague near Pengze has been greatly relieved,
Many people with mild symptoms have been cured,
They were grateful for Liu Bei’s kindness and took the initiative to take care of those patients who were not well.
Lu Xun’s health is also recovering, helping Liu Bei with various affairs,
Although he is young, Lu Xun does things safely, and Liu Bei feels relieved to entrust things to him.
Liu Yao was able to get out of bed and walk, so he was very grateful to Liu Bei, it was a life-saving grace.
Unfortunately, some people are healthy and some are sick.
Xiao Qiao is relatively weak. She followed Liu Bei to work in the plague area, and she was also infected.
Liu Bei gently asked Xiao Qiao to lie down and rest,
“I told you not to come, you want to come, something has happened now” Xiao Qiao was extremely wronged, and after getting sick, her body became weaker, “Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Liu Bei couldn’t bear to scold her because of her soft voice, pale face, and tears in her eyes.
Xiao Qiao looked distressed,
“I feel so dizzy and uncomfortable, Mr. Xuande, am I going to die?”
“Mr. Xuande, after I die, you help me take good care of my sister. She has long been deeply attached to you.”
Liu Bei smiled,
“Then you? Do you want to tell me the truth before you die?”
Xiao Qiao was terrified. She was pretending to be sick to confess her love, but she didn’t know that she was so serious.
“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool .”
“Am I too bad to suffer this retribution, woohoo” Xiao Qiao said everything, with an extremely miserable expression,
“Woo, I didn’t expect that I would be in such a difficult situation.” Liu Bei smiled,
“It may not be a big problem. Not only can I cure your disease, but I can also make you recover quickly. It depends on whether you are willing or not.”
Little Joe??
“Really? Of course I am willing. How can I cooperate?”
Liu Bei finished speaking in Xiao Qiao’s ear.
Xiao Qiao’s face was instantly covered with a blush. If Liu Bei hadn’t said this, Xiao Qiao would have scolded Deng Tuzi severely!
Her voice trembled,
“Mr. Xuande, you didn’t lie to me, did you?” Liu Bei shook his head.
“When did I, Liu Bei, cheat someone? Don’t worry, I will be responsible and I can accept you in Yuzhang.”
What else can Xiao Qiao say, let’s treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor,
She braced herself to chat with Liu Bei, for her own recovery, but also to repay her kindness…
Liu Bei secretly praised,
Delicate little Qiao, don’t have a flavor!
“Sure enough, he is an art student. He has something in his hand.” Naturally, the screen in the live broadcast room was black.
“I’ll go, I’ve never seen a scumbag who is more shameless than a big-eared thief!”
“Little Qiao is like that, and you still treat her like that, what do you think!”
“Upstairs, what are you talking about?”
“I fellI think it’s quite suitable, Xiao Qiao has already made up her mind, I didn’t see her being aggressive!”

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