Although Lu Lingqi and Lingyu were shocked, they still reacted in time.

Seeing that Cao Yi was unhindered, the two continued to pursue directly.

It’s just that these assassins seem to be extremely familiar with the terrain of Jiangxia City.

It didn’t take long for him to disappear directly into the field of vision of the two.

“Little master, Lingqi has a heavy burden.”

“These thieves already have an escape route, and Lingqi failed to catch up.”

Seeing that there was no hope of catching them, Lu Lingqi had to return to Cao Yi and ask for guilt.

“No problem, didn’t you catch one?”

Cao Yi smiled slightly and looked at the grinning assassin lying on the ground with painful teeth.

Fang Cai’s punch, Cao Yi used all his strength.

Directly broke his arm bone.

Although Cao Yi is still five years old, he has undergone systematic strengthening and the second strengthening of the elimination of thousands of diseases.

The strength is far beyond ordinary people.

Not to mention peers, even if it is a young adult in his teens and twenties, it is difficult to match it.

Strictly speaking, Cao Yi is using all his strength.

The power of this punch can reach Xu Chu’s seventy percent of his fist power.

That is, this assassin seems to be trained.

Otherwise, this punch will only directly make him faint in pain.

“Little master!”

“I’m late for rescue, please ask Xiaogongzi to punish!”

At this moment, Sergeant Cao also rushed over.

The leader should be a partial general, and Cao Yi is not familiar.

Seeing the bodies of Cao Yi and the assassins on the ground, the general was immediately sincerely frightened and hurriedly knelt down to the ground.

“Take this person back for interrogation and ask who sent them.”

Cao Yi said indifferently, his voice extremely cold.


Seeing that Cao Yi had no intention of punishing, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Cao Yi’s status in the Cao army was quite high.

If you are assassinated under your nose, I am afraid that you will not be able to cut off a few heads!

Fortunately, Cao Yi was fine.

“Wishful thinking!”

The assassin heard Cao Yi’s words and gritted his teeth:

“Cao thief is tyrannical, everyone gets it!”

“As the eldest grandson of Cao Cao, you are even more vicious, and you have more than enough to die!”

“Even if I die today, there will definitely be people with lofty ideals who will take your life in the future!”

Cao Yi glanced at the assassin, and the blade-like look caused the assassin’s back to break out in a cold sweat.

Is this really just a five-year-old?!

Cao Yi said coldly:

“Don’t let him die.”

“By the way, you go and tell my father.”

“Bring the full pet over and pry things out of his mouth.”

Full of pets!

Hearing these two words, the assassin’s eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen a ghost!

Full of pets, full of Bonning!

Although this person had previously held only minor positions such as county commanders.

But the degree of harshness has become famous all over the world!

It is said that when Yang Xiu’s father Yang Biao fell into prison, he almost died in prison!

Yang Biao, a person who has lived most of his life and has seen any wind and waves.

When I think back to those days, I am full of fear in my heart, and I can’t speak!

As long as it is in his hands, it is really impossible to live and not to die!

But he had no chance to resist and escape at the moment.

“How? Want to bite your tongue and kill yourself? ”

Cao Yi glanced at:

“You should know that I know a little about medical skills.”

“Biting your tongue can’t die, it will only make you more painful.”

“Even if you are dying, I have a way to pull you back from the ghost gate.”

Hearing Cao Ei’s words, the assassin’s eyes showed despair!

What kind of existence have you provoked?

A person who can say such a thing so calmly is not a five-year-old child.

Even a person in his twenties and thirties is terrifying!

Not only the assassins, but also the soldiers beside Cao Yi and Lu Lingqi Lingyu couldn’t help but be shocked.

Provoking Cao Yi is even more terrifying than provoking Cao Cao!

“You must not die!”

“Don’t die well!”

The assassin burst into a roar, impotent rage.

Soon, he was dragged away by the soldiers.

“The little prince is frightened.”

“I hope that the little prince can cure the crimes of the lower official, and the lower official is really ashamed of the little prince!”

The general did not leave, but said with a solemn face.

In fact, it is not that this will be bent on seeking punishment.

It’s that he is afraid that if Cao Yi does not express his position on this matter, he will definitely die!

That is, Cao Cao is not around now.

Otherwise, I will definitely not be able to keep this head!

But Cao Pi is also extremely beloved by his son, and if Cao Pi knows about it, he will definitely be punished!

Instead of being sincerely afraid, it is better for Cao Yi to give himself a hard time.

Cao Yi looked at the general and said:

“If nothing comes out of the trial, condemn you again.”

“If it is tried, you are not guilty.”

“Also, tell Xu Chu.”

“The matter of city defense, let him take care of it.”

Hearing Cao Ei’s words, for some reason, it seemed as if he had faintly seen Cao Cao’s shadow!

The tone was very calm, not mixed with any anger or dissatisfaction.

But after hearing it, there is always fear emanating from the heart!

“Thank you little master!”

“Xiaguan must cooperate with General Man and pry open this assassin’s mouth!”

Saying that, the deputy general had a lingering heart and hurriedly left with the soldiers.

Lu Lingqi witnessed everything Cao Yi handled this matter, and couldn’t help but be shocked in her heart.

Unexpectedly, in front of Cao Yi, he looked like a child.

Cao Yi’s mind is far more than five years old!

“Little master, I… Both of us are guilty. ”

“I have clearly promised to guard the little prince, but I almost injured the little prince.”

Ling Ju pursed his lips and said in a deep voice:

“I hope that the little prince will punish.”

Cao Yi waved his hand and said:

“If it weren’t for the two of you, I’m afraid I would have been shot by that cold arrow right now.”

“It’s just that through today, can you see the unknown side of this Jiangxia City?”

Lingyao was stunned when he heard this.

“There will be more assassins in the future.”

“The number of people who want my life will only increase.”

Saying that, Cao Yi raised his foot and walked in the direction of the county guard’s mansion.

These assassins were either sent by Jiangdong or by Liu Bei.

It seems that Jiang Dong and Liu Bei already know that the person behind the plan is himself.

Since they have made such a start, they will definitely not give up.

In their eyes, killing Cao Pi is difficult, and it is not necessary, and killing Cao Cao is even more difficult.

But he is only a five-year-old child, and it is relatively easy to kill himself.

Compared with Cao Cao, who has reached his twilight years, it is obvious that his younger self is the point they fear the most.

How the heirs of Sun Quan and Liu Bei are, naturally there is no need to say much.

Let them fight with Cao Yi, I am afraid that there will be no bones left that will be eaten.

It was precisely because of this knowledge that Cao Yi decided to accept Lu Lingqi and Lingyu.

Just now, the two also proved themselves.

They’re really good at it.

Even among the generals of the Cao army, it can at least be the level of a first-class military general.

Lu Lingqi naturally doesn’t need to say more.

Her most proficient should be Lü Bu’s halberd method.

After all, in Tong Yuan, she had only learned the Hundred Birds Phoenix Spear for a year at most.

From the perspective of marksmanship, Lu Lingqi is still slightly unfamiliar with the use of guns.

But even so, it still has the ability to defeat a hundred.

If you use the halberd method, I am afraid that you will be able to rank among the first-class martial artists.

As for the Lingyu, he is good at using short soldiers, and his speed is extremely fast.

These assassins were apparently not formed spontaneously, but trained for years.

At first glance, you can tell that it is a veteran.

But even so, three or four assassins were stunned under Lingyu’s men.

It can be clearly felt that if it were not for the appearance of Sergeant Cao, which caused the grass to startle the snake, let these assassins run.

These dozen or so assassins will only be the souls of the two of them.

“Little master, there should be no Liu Beijun in Jiangxia City…”

“Why are there assassins?”

Lu Lingqi asked with some puzzlement.

Cao Yi has been in Jiangxia City for such a long time.

Logically, the Assassins would have done it long ago.

Where will it be the turn now?

Cao Yi said indifferently:

“I’m afraid, these assassins should not have been sent by Liu Bei.”

“It is most likely Liu Qi.”

“It seems that this grand prince of the Liu cousin family still has an immortal heart.”

“Such a large-scale assassination is estimated to have been premeditated for a long time.”

Hearing Cao Ei’s words, the two suddenly realized.

If you say that, it all makes sense!

How did Cao Yi’s brain turn so fast?

Lu Lingqi felt more and more that she was a complete little doll compared to Cao Yi.


While the three of them were talking along the way, they had already arrived at the county guard’s mansion.

“Little master!”

At this moment, Xu Huang walked out of the county guard’s mansion in a hurry, and his tone was extremely urgent.

“General Xu? What’s wrong with you? ”

Cao Yi couldn’t help but be stunned:

“Could it be that something happened in the army?”

Xu Huang swallowed his spit and said:

“There is the law of the little prince, and the army is stepping up its exercises, and I dare not stop for a moment.”

“The last general is here to ask the little prince to return to the county guard mansion as soon as possible.”

“Madame is here!”

Hearing this, Rao Cao Yi couldn’t help but be a little confused:

“Madame? What lady? ”

Xu Huang smiled bitterly and said:

“Naturally it’s Gongzi’s wife, Mrs. Zhen!”

“And Mrs. Cheng also came.”

“When they heard that the little prince had been assassinated, they were anxious.”

“Little master… Looks unharmed? ”

Xu Huang said a little incoherently for a while.

Just after training soldiers and horses from the barracks, after learning that Cao Yi had been assassinated, Xu Huang didn’t even have time to drink saliva and hurriedly ran out.

So much so that after seeing Cao Yi just after leaving the gate of the county guard’s mansion, Xu Huang’s mind was still a little confused.

“It’s not a big deal.”

Cao Yi responded casually.

But Xu Huang’s words really made Cao Yi stunned.

Mrs. Zhen and Mrs. Chengxiang?

Isn’t Mrs. Cheng Xiang Mrs. Bian?

How did they come so quickly?

“Little Young Master better go and take a look.”

Xu Huang said with some shame.

At this time, Xu Huang saw the two girls beside Cao Yi.

Where did these two girls come from?

Xu Huang was a little confused for a while.

He frowned, and after watching the three of them enter the county guard’s mansion together, he couldn’t help but be shocked in his heart.

Could it be that today is the mother-in-law seeing the daughter-in-law?

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