Three Kingdoms: Becoming stronger from the big-eared thief

Three Kingdoms: From the stepwalk, the thief begins to become strong Chapter 635

I heard Chen Peng's callo.

A group of people went to the city.

The pedestrians on the street are busy hiding by the roadside while seeing the team of Chen Peng and then riding.

Look at the more ... The bustling Luoyang City, Chen Peng has a sense of accomplishment.

Soon, a team of team came out of Luoyang City, and then straight to the end of the 105-miles of Luoyang City.

After coming from Nanyang, Chen Peng placed the experimental base of the black powder in the paper mill and the printing factory was not far away.

It is stationed here, the seven thousand ellaire Qianzhou army, even if tens of thousands of troops come to encircle, and it will be in a short time.

Among the hidden valleys.

The research base of black powder is here.

There are heavy soldiers on both sides of the valley.

The mountains around the mountain are also guarded, and a high wall is made around.

Any craftsman is not allowed to leave, without Chen Peng's handleails can not enter and exit anyone.

Black powder is the top secret among the top secret.

If this thing is spread, it will be endless.

If this thing is mastered by his opponent, it is a devastating disaster.

So Chen Peng had to be careful.

After experiencing the guardian guard, Chen Peng took Jia Wei and Xu Wei and Caiwei 3 people entered the valley.

There are many small houses in the valley.

It is ... craftsman.

There is a huge factory in all small houses.

It is the factory building developed by black powder.

Under the order of Jia Wei, very fast, a craftsman took the processed into a gunpowder package, and was named the explosive bag that was shocked.

"The main company, this is the first batch of shock"! "

Jia Yan looked at the explosive package in the hand in the hand: "The previous experiment is more than this, only this is made according to the command of the main public.

Chen Peng looked at the most familiar and unfamiliar explosives.

With this thing, he can walk in the world leading, and the more far away.

"Walk, try it!"

Chen Peng referred to the valley of the far away.

Everyone walked towards the valley.

The explosive package is placed under a pre-design.

The cliff is a layer of shale, very smooth and steep.

A craftman rushed to fly after igniting the explosive bag.

Chen Peng stood in a house with a giant wood.

Jia Yu lied his ear.

Xiwei looked at Jia Wei's apex.

"Wenhe Mr., you are doing your ear: Well,"

Cai Wei asked.

Xu Wei on the side is also very curious.

However, the next second two people were shocked.



A sound that is still in the riped thunder than the drought.

Diwei and Xu Wei only felt a moment, his head drone.

After the impact of the sound, the cliff wall of the explosive package exploded was a huge collapse.

The rocks of the layer were out of the cliff, and the dust was rolled with the wind and flew over Chen Peng.

The powerful impact will roll the surrounding gravel.

Fortunately, Chen Peng and others are in the essentials.

But even so, this power will be except. ... Chen Peng's all people are shocked.

The emergence of hot weapons has changed the mode of war.

The cold weapon will be eliminated by the historic stage.


A huge explosion from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, symbolizing the beginning of an era.



Some somewhat can't say something shocked.

"Lord, what is this?"

Cai Wei has grown up his eyes.

"The beginning of an era!"

Chen Peng looked at the whispering of the mountains in the distant explosives.

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