Three Kingdoms: Becoming stronger from the big-eared thief

Three Kingdoms: Starting from the Ju Yue Tie thief to become stronger Chapter 359

The big day is closed, and the people disperse.

In addition, this countless soldier entered the city, everyone understood that a chaos will begin.

The people of the Emperor have become a wide range of people, and they have seen any wonderful things in the feet of the sky.

So just hide it is ready to watch the lively.

"Take a step!"

"Take a step!"

I came up with a horseshock and there was a carriage wheel over the snow. ......


A row of carriages under the protection of soldiers in the rush of Luoyang East Street.

There are five carriages in a total of five carriages, and the ginger took the most in the middle of the team.

After the later, Cai Yizi also has a carriage of Cai Wenji sisters.

Afterwards, it was the wishes of the Daughter Duqi to dance with Xiaoyue's ritual moon.

The most important letter is installed in a carriage in front of the team's most in front.

The second one is a carriage of two people who are taking a brother and sister.

The five cars are in the protection of nearly five hundred heavy armor and the protection of Luoyang City.

A few miles outside Luoyang City East Gate are the camps of Chen Peng's 20,000 army.

As long as you go out here, there is no one to stop the team.

Of course, you want to go out, you must pass the city gate.

At this time, there is a two-story helmet to go to the East Gate.

That's right, Cai Wei at this time is not riding.

However, in this way, Cai Wei, which is more than 9 foot, is also like the black bear! Luoyang City East Gate, Cao Cao took the rush to the rush to the distance.

"Why didn't you see Chen Peng?

Cao Caoyi.

At this time, Chen Peng should not find a way to get out of the city. How can I see Chen Peng?

Because he learned that Chen Peng had a heavy armor who had nearly 500 people in Luoyang City.

Therefore, at this time, Dongmen will have three thousand soldiers imitation Chen Peng Qiang! Yuan Shao is also a bit wonderful.

"Will it be a sound to hit the West! Chen Peng arranges all the people, come and send death, then yourself and your family will go out from other cities."

Yuan Shao frowned and asked.

Cao Cao shakes, it is not right! It is absolutely wrong! Because the team's most in front of the team will recognize Cao Cao.

It is the Codge of Chen Peng.

"It's impossible, if Chen Peng is fake to send people to send delay, they will never send him!"

Cao Cao on the city is reached out and refers to the Caiwei of them.

"How this is very powerful"

Yuan Shao looked at the Cai Wei in the city.

Cao Cao did not have to answer Yuan Shao.

Because the next nuclear weaving uses his actions to prove that Yuan Shao him is really very powerful.

"I am Chen Lu Wei is also, the champion Hou down general, who dares to stop me!"

A tiger's Codiwei pupil is yellow like a tiger, and the yellow hair on the head is really like the bristles on the tiger.

The lion nose is magnificent, and the fierce look is like eating people.

This is such as a squat, and the next steps under the East Gate of Luoyang can't help but leave a step back.

However, Chen Peng gave the order of the United States, as long as there is a blocking, it is the land! So Cai Wei doesn't have much nonsense.

"Badman! Hey!"

Cooks roar, then the five hundred armored soldiers quickly divided into five rows of rows of carriages.

The remaining surroundings are on both sides of the carriage.

Luoyang East Street is very broad, and it is usually available for five carriages at the same time.

At this time, the fifty people, a row of a row of arsenic soldiers, and formed the East Street, just formed a confrontation with the three thousand municipal army opposite! Every madman's hand has a top ax.

At the time of the Codiwei, the first row of fiftescads put down a magnetic ax in his hands and then grabbed another suddenly slammed out.

Suddenly fifty huge double-blade axes rolled into the crowd in the air.


After the fifty double-edged giant ax, Luoyang City Dongmen Blood dyed long street.

However, everything is not over.

The first round of the madman's mad soldiers quickly retracted.

The second row of double ax the soldiers once again, and then followed the double-edged war ax in his hands.


Cao Cao on the wall is scared.

This kind of war is he first seen.

It's hard to be too fierce.

But all soldiers who are warned, there is no one to keep anyway ... the corpse.

The hundreds of bodies have been covered with Luoyang East Street in an instant.

And let Cao Cao shocked more than this, the problem is how Chen Peng's hand is there. There is no sentence. After the name is named, this is the order of Chen Peng, Yuan Shao can't control so much.

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