Mooyan also asked me to get dressed and then agree to call President Kerkel because of the circumstances. It's no longer just a matter between me and Mooyang.

The president told me to come to the basement living space, so I took Mooyan, who was dressed.

"Um... in a smaller venue manners training on a different day than the ones I went with Franz... I told him to use color tricks well... that's what I taught him..."

The content is the content, and Mooyan talked while holding onto it.

And maybe it's because I looked scared. Anger, of course, is for the guy who trained me.

"Huh... Just in case, I'll check, how well were the manners instructors talking? Didn't it look like you were joking? Still, I think it's sexual harassment."

That's what the president asked.

It is possible, indeed, that Mooyang took it too seriously and truly.

Mooyan seemed to remember for a while, but replied "No".

"The atmosphere never seemed to change just then. If you're a man's employee, you can do more or less with color tricks... Even though it seems solid, if it suddenly comes to nakedness, it's mostly going to be flushed as it is, and even if nothing is done there, it has to be damaging because no employee is going to say that..."

"Well, I wouldn't be able to dispose of it on my tits because it's not like I can tell you, and there's a risk that the guy's employee might have asked for something more... if I knew that much and I was saying it, it would be extra malicious..."

I can't even talk to the president if I don't have a relationship of trust.

"Nevertheless, even though weird manners can be created, this one is unprecedented...... If it's a normal personality, I'm ashamed to say, is it also an intent?"

"Mr. President, I don't think a manners instructor named Helmonder is a normal character."

So much so that I was forced to leave, I'm impressed.

"He was a pretty powerful guy. I'm the type who thinks I'm the rule."

Mooyang is getting sick of it all the time. Exactly what you'd want to get in if you had a hole.

"I understand the situation. We just need to say that we won't show our faces to that manners instructor."

So there was a little time left in the president's words.

"When it comes to putting so much bad dema into society, it's no longer a dimension of social evil."

Exactly, it was.

"Even if it rots, there may be newcomers in other companies who will pepper it because the instructor of manners is speaking"

"Mr. Franz, the damage is still small."

Is that it? What do you mean?

"There's a danger that someone will come out and spread different manners to their company using the immunity note that the manners instructor told me about. For example, what happens if an employee with authority in HR or something imposes weird manners?

I got chilly.

"Ah... I can't resist..."

Something more horrible has been done than black magic.

"It can be enough that someone with power intentionally imposes unscrupulous manners on employees to confirm their power. Besides, it's obvious that if anything gets mixed up in there, it's gonna be terrible."

President Kerkel's expression is also harsh. My tail is standing perfectly.

"Not only can you be innocently believed, but you can also be abused."

Yes, sir.

President Kerkel finally broke up.

"Well, as far as we're concerned, it's not even profitable to leave a single piece of silver coin alone, but you can also feel free to leave someone so terrible"

The president puts his arms around it.

"Shall I impose sanctions as a black wizard, not a company employee"

You look like an unusual kid, but I also know it's not that sweet.

"Let's just say it's been a long time since I've used my powers, too. Mr. Franz is a good opportunity, too, and watch."

"Wow, I get it..."

You better be prepared, that manners instructor, for pissing off the great demons.

Me and President Kelkel are in the dark at night, waiting for someone.

The place is quite a downtown area even in the Wang capital. So the darkness of the night is not usually thick. But if we watered down the darkness from ourselves to make ourselves invisible, we wouldn't know very well. There just seems to be a much darker place in the corner of the store lights.

That's where the intended person appeared.

He's a manners instructor's hermonder.

The president said he would wash his neighborhood first.

Is it basic when it comes to basics? If you decided to do a pullout, you don't know who they are, you can't do anything. More or less, I guess this kind of thing is done insignificantly.

The problem is that if President Kelkel's class does that, they won't find out first.

I went into a tavern where Helmonder seemed pretty expensive.

"Let's go in too"

President Kerkel unlocked the magic that was disputed in the dark and walked into the store. I may remember my face better, so I'm upset. Conversely, even if the president is seen in the face, the other person can't notice.

Make sure Helmonder enters the private room upstairs, and we'll have him put through to another private room too.

"Gergel, please come out"

When the president said so, a much smaller hand-ride sized gel appeared than usual.

I can do this too...

"Please pass the information on that room over here. Yes, please go."

"Okay, one," Gergel said in a slightly higher voice.

"A little, I would use advanced magic, but this is difficult for Mr. Franz. Because the demon is Kelkel."

The president notes and then draws some magic formation with his fingers on the table.

Then a faint voice was heard from the center of that magic formation.

"Here comes Gergel's voice."

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