"I just need to know. No, eagle, I guess I should take these courses too because I'm a newbie to paper. Right, boss?

"If you're interested, fine. Besides, it's true that Franz hasn't had that kind of training in a long time, and I was wondering if I could give it a try."

I do remember only about training in black magic. So I've never had a problem with that, so you can say fine, but I'm also curious about what you're talking about.

"Okay. Well, I'll go."

"I would like to go too ~"

Thus, me and Serlia, Senior Tototo, and over here, Mooyan, were to attend the training of young company employees.

For once, I went home and told Mary and Dr., "You can't go," she said, "I'm not a company employee, I'm a researcher, so I don't need it". I guess that is......

On the day of the training, we were walking along the high-rise architectural streets of a major corporation in the special district of the city centre.

Best of all, it didn't fit the place name, the building was so tedious, it was for a rented conference room that had been around for a long time.

"Shh, this is like a place name scam. Well, this place was renamed 20 years ago from Cattle Street to a major corporate skyscraper street, so I guess it's a building that's been around since before."

When I lived long enough, I thought I'd see Wang Du migrate too, but I kept my mouth shut because Senior Toto seemed angry again.

Sit in the venue chair.

There is a slightly higher stage in front. I guess there's an instructor sitting over there.

Eventually, two instructors came out with U-shaped beards under their noses.

"Good morning, I'm a manners instructor helmonder. Today is a course for young employees, but there seem to be more wizards."

Speaking of which, a lot of guys bring canes, including me.

Perhaps we have separate training for each industry. Even when it comes to young employees, too different industries make it difficult to talk about them together.

"Let's start again with a greeting. Stand up, gentlemen."

We were sitting. We stand too.

The manners instructor then became pivotally immobile and hoisted his shoulders like they had been pulled from the top.

Oh, it's close to what Mooyang showed me. Or even more extreme than that.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Manor instructor's voice echoed the conference room. Shut up!

"Yes, say hello cheerfully as loud as you are now. This way you can wake your head up and work in a good mood in the morning. It means letting your voice care about that all the way to your head. You can increase the efficiency of your job without spending a penny of copper coins."

That's how they say it, and I'm starting to feel right. With all this voice, you'll be drowsy, so maybe you'll make fewer sleeping mistakes.

The manners instructor named Helmonder put out something like a panel.

"Note that this is a graph of the difference in efficiency when you didn't say a healthy greeting. Look at that. Forty percent difference."

I'm not sure what it is forty percent with, but I guess there's a certain basis.

"Well, let's go. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Looks like we're gonna have to say the same thing.

"" Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

"Well done. Well, have a seat."

We'll take our seats.

"Actually, that's a scratch issue right now. Quick, you've got a lot of wrong people."

The manners instructor laughed and said. What? What's this all about?

I saw Celia on the side, but Celia didn't seem to know exactly what they were saying either, and she looked strange. It seems that even Serlia, who seems familiar with politeness, cannot read it.

"You have a certain number of people who have sat down before I sat down as a manners instructor. Even if they tell you to sit down, you must not sit before the person you said you would. By sitting behind them, you can show that you respect them."

"... is that what it is"

When you ask me, I'm starting to feel like that.

Also, the manners instructor put out a panel.

"This is an indication of the difference between the business turnover if you sit ahead of your opponent and if you sit late. Yes, this also makes a 40 percent difference. Forty percent is different."

"Master, what kind of investigation is it the result of?

Serria asked me in a whisper.

"I don't know...... As much as I'm a lecturer, I guess I have a reason..."

and felt a little wind pressure from the opposite side of Celia.

"Sorry, I have a question."

Senior Tototo was raising his hand.

"I have a simple question, but if the person who told you to sit on it is also conscious and still standing, there is going to be a strange thing going on where neither of us sit and stop standing with each other, what are we going to do?

If you ask me, yes.

I feel like I can't sit down when guys think I'm more rude sitting first confront each other.

"People there, you can't. Not at all."

Instructor Manor said as he mowed his beard.

"I asked a question even though you didn't say Q&A time, etc. It's very rude at that point. No! Forty percent less!

I don't know, but I've lost a lot of Toto seniors percent!

"What? Is that such a bad thing?

Senior Tototo was also confused.

"Naturally. Yes, let's go to the next story."

"So what happens if the side that told you to sit also stood out of your seat and didn't try to sit both? Answer me."

Senior Toto eats.

"Asking questions is a violation of manners because it's rude. Yes, next! If I hear any more, I'll leave!

You've been forcefully silent......

Then they asked me a lot about the manners I'd heard for the first time.

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there are many cases of wands standing on chairs and desks, but that is a mistake. Put it under the chair correctly. This will benefit you forty percent."

Is it true...?

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