There came two more seniors, Senior Leda and Senior Farfistagna.

"Is this the 'country house'? Pretty good shop."

"I want to drink a lot. You can be drunk."

I don't know about that proclamation by Senior Farfistagna, but it's almost like being rude tonight. Let the two meritorious men enjoy themselves.

And then, along the way, Mr. Macolibe whispered this to me.

"How many beautiful companies do you work for?"

"No, that's a coincidence... isn't it because the president is a woman..."

I answered with caution because I might be a little confused.

"Isn't it like Harlem? I don't think the lord would have done anything like that because he's serious, but if he really did something like Harlem, I'd have thought I'd blow up too."


That's not true, it's like you lied to me, so I get through it with a dry laugh.

Because I'm a black wizard, or I feel like I'm living a pretty deep life of business.

But was it around 9: 00 at night?

The store door opened up vigorously.

Hey, I didn't think the gang would have told you to pay the fee beforehand again.

But I knew right away it wasn't like that.

I felt more pressing air on my skin.

Besides, how dare Mr. Bendrow stand there.

"Oh guys, were you here... haha..."

As soon as he spotted us, Mr. Bendrow nodded around the door with a rough breath.

Soon I ran over.

"Mr. Bendrow, are you ill? No, if you're sick, why don't you come to the King's Capital..."

"Yeah, I'm old, but I'm still fine. He's the one who hates kids. I had enough strength to run around the king's capital even eighty years ago because I was so hated."

It's a tough joke to affirm. But I know it's not my normal seventy-eight year old strength. Because he was running even though he was going to be a pain in the ass just to come to the king's capital.

"So what can I do for you?

"One of them who was here early on as an apprentice was raided in the woods and injured on his leg. It's a waste of time making paperwork, so I'm here myself."

Raid...... It's a word you won't listen to.

"Is that to Shika...?

"It's not the Big Horn Black Zika. I was practicing hunting them."

Yeah, Mr. Bendrow is old, but young kennel artisans sometimes hunt their own chicas.

"I said something like a clear blade flew to my feet. Shika can't make mistakes because she can't use flying gear."

When I realized, Senior Leda was standing directly beside me.

"The magic is presumed to be for white magic attacks. The magic of" The Dagger of Justice "is close to it."

"Senior Leda, you said there was someone you didn't know how to handle."

"Hmm. I don't know what the intent or purpose is, but something seems to be in the woods"

Is that it? It's like I was being seen by something too...

"Senior Leda, I had a bad feeling too..."

"It would be the same killer or the same organization. It's just, what's the purpose?

Senior Leda conceives with his left hand against the crease.

"Just a delightful offender? No, the white magic 'Dagger of Justice' shouldn't be usable unless you're thinking about justice for your actions. Mostly, too inefficient"

"Did you hit an apprentice or something with the intention of targeting Sika?

"Lord Franz, I'm sorry, but you see people too much in the theory of sexuality. Those who make evil are everywhere. It became certain that there were those who were turning hostility against humans."

Yeah, sad, but I guess Senior Leda is right.

"Lord Franz, it looks like we should head to Fanland again. At least the awkward are on their way."

"I'm coming, too."

This also has to do with my territory.

You can't keep your mouth shut.

Can you stop the gear that has been turned?

Near Fantland, I walked in with two of my senior Leddas.

Staying in the woods will be the focus. Senior Farfistagna is not a very good job, and senior has a senior job.

Conversely, Senior Leda seems to be accommodating because his writer job is central. The thief will do it too, so you can't move unless you're accommodating.

I decided to ask Celia and Mary to do some administrative work. I'm also an easy freelancer.

Me and Senior Leda arrived the evening we left, but soon nothing moved.

And after it was completely night, Senior Leda moved.

"Lord Franz, are you used to it at night?

"Earlier, I walked in the country darkness, so it wasn't quite"

"Okay, I'm going into the woods"

Shizuku and Senior Leda move on.

Just to be clear, I don't know how much point I have in joining. It's like I'm here with a sense of duty because it's a plan I've made.

Also, there's something about wanting to see Senior Leda work.

"Um, why do you do it at night?

Whisper and I ask. The intention is to keep the killer from noticing, but the forest is quiet in the first place, and the voice goes through well.

"It's noon that the apprentice was targeted. You don't need to stick around at night if the purpose is to harm people. presumably going elsewhere at night"

"Is that it? Well, we can't find the killer..."

"There may be traces of you waiting at noon. I'll find it."

No sound down the roadless path in the mountains, Senior Leda rushes up.

It's still a hell of an athletic ability... When Senior Leda left me, I moved not to let go of all my might because I could really be in distress.

Though I have decided to do it from myself, I do a special job.

And it stopped perfectly where Senior Leda's legs were.

"Right here. It's got cloth in it. Do you know Lord Franz?

It was the void of a decaying tree.

I also checked that there was a white cloth inside. There's something else in there.

"A book? That's a thick novel. Hidden life......?

I'm confused because I don't know what the purpose is.

"No. That's for free time. And then there was something definitive."

Senior Leda found a wand for the wizard from the void.

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