Something about the air is different from before.

It's quiet.

Did you put me down and go somewhere?

I feel most likely about that.

At least it's much more likely than the thief came and took them all away. He's a famous craftsman, so some pieces will be gold, but I don't even think there are thieves who can beat Senior Leda. If I were that strong, I could make money by another means.

No, actually, it could be better to ban any private language. So, when I went in and said, "I'm home now ~," I said, "I said no private language! It's a broken gate!"

I could imagine it in real life...... It should be noted that not a word has been said about the ban on private language.

That's not what this is about, is it? Yeah, that type doesn't care if you're muscular or not because you're the rule.

I killed my breath and went inside the building.

I really don't make one sound. Where the hell are you?

- Pacine!

What? That sounded like a slap on something.

Come on, even stubborn craftsmen can't slap girls. In front of what I called Senior Farfistagna and Senior Leda, if I can't guarantee the safety of the two of you, I'll have to go home.

I rushed toward the sound.

There, Mr. Bendrow nodded that he had been slapped on the shoulder.

"Ku, ku... Ouch..."

Senior Leda with a stick stands behind it.

"I slapped you, Senior Leda!

Next to Mr. Bendrow, Senior Farfistagna sits similarly grounded. What, this...?

"Lord Franz, are you back? As you can see, I'm in the middle of training."

"Even if they told me what to look at..."

Why is Senior Leda making the training Mr. Bendrow better?

What if, in fact, this old man, is he an amazing mazo? You mean you like being slapped by girls?

"I've been turning around something so unreasonable that the awkward persevered and said it was strange, swearing by heaven that it was strange. Then I tied it up because I had not convinced myself to do an imitation that would raise my hand to the woman. Afterwards, as soon as they are training in spiritual unity to replace sexual roots"

Did the irrational way also not go through with Senior Leda?

Right, there's no way Senior Leda thinks we'll compromise and be patient here...

Senior Leda woke Mr. Bendrow up all the time.

"Come on, make sure you calm your spirit again. But I do allow Lord Franz to show his gratitude for buying me lunch. Come on, say thank you."

"Kid, it's taken a long time, but you're not cold, are you?

Senior Leda's stick bashed Mr. Bendrow in the shoulder again.


"Ask a person for something to say about it, the extremes of the inferior species. Know your stupidity with this pain!

Enthusiastic instruction!

"Now show your gratitude. You are not the king of this world. Let all of them live."

"Oh, thank you... Mr. Franz..."

Mr. Bendrow lowered his head.

"No, you're welcome..."

That's a pretty surreal sight.

In the meantime, Senior Farfistagna has always sat without changing one expression.

Occasionally I waved in front of my senior.

I'm not responding, and this is probably - sleeping!

"Lord Farfistagna is just fine. My heart is completely empty. You're still objectifying."

Should I tell you I'm asleep? No, so it's not a good idea for Senior Farfistagna to get slapped...

"Um, Mr. Bendrow, what should I do next?

"I'm sorry, Lord Franz, but Lord Bendrow seems like the awkward need to work out again. Why don't you wait a while? It's going to take a whole day, so you can go out with Lord Farfistagna to the Phantom that Lord Franz has made your territory."

The spirit is changing!

Senior Farfistagna stood up softly. Was that, uh, awake?

"Well Slept"

He was still asleep.

"Junior, shall we go to your land? Motori Orcuente V will get you there in no time."

Motori Orcuente V is a giant owl user in the service of his predecessor.

"Well, so please…"

I feel pointless trying to sort things out here, and let's just leave ourselves to the flow already. You didn't even think the inn might be studying while sleeping. Worst case scenario, if we get to Fanland, we'll have an empty building for the Baron.

The story was moving where my proposal did not assume at all.

I rode Motori Orcuente V and flew over to Fantrand.

It felt pretty good because it was a good sunny day.

I looked downstairs and saw something black moving in the woods.

"That's the big horn black zika, isn't it? You know how big it is."

Something slightly black is pounding.

"I've heard and heard that few of us hunt that giant jika right now. That means I can't bother anything by waving a major player"

This old-fashioned way of talking is the owl Motori Orcuente V.

"True, if there are too many of those, the trees are going to be eaten up, and we have to do something about it. But... what happens?

"Junior, it is common for strong personalities and personalities to collide. We can't help thinking about ordinary personalities."

I think seniors are definitely more of a strong personality, too, but maybe they're usually closer than seniors Leda.

When I arrived in Fantrand, I was welcomed at the village chief's house.

He had already talked about going with an apprenticeship to Mr. Bendrow. If I did it by word of mouth in the country, it would spread.

"Hey, it would be nice to put that 'Bendrow escaping the Auga too' back on," "I mean a lot of trouble. Heavenly Punishment, Heavenly Punishment." "Sometimes you just have to know how people suffer."

People in Fantrand are telling Borocus too......

I guess he wasn't a stubborn craftsman after all, he was just a bad craftsman.

However, if I looked closely at the village chief's house, there were figurines of the kernel.

"After all, it's the specialty of this place."

"It's from next door, but it's pretty good. There must still be a lot of collectors in King's Landing."

The village chief also seemed to know how fine the kernel was.

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