"I hear similar stories elsewhere. I've read about newspapers and stuff like that."

Serlia, this seems to grasp how troublesome and deep-rooted the challenge is.

Sometimes it's a head with booze in it, but I can't find a way to open it right away.

Now, if we can open it right away, we can save neglected areas around the world, and I've decided it's hard.

"A little, I'm going to go outside and hit the wind"

I took a deep breath outside the store. The wind is still cold at night.

This is how we remind ourselves of drunkenness.

And I felt someone lined up beside me.

It was Howa Howa.

He's imitating me and taking a deep breath.

"Cold...... Warmer in the swamp..."

Howa Howa is sifting around. I put on a piece of clothes. Water temperatures change less. It won't mean you can't live with the ice.

"Howa Howa, to be honest, I don't really feel it. I went back to Fantrand, but the swamp life hasn't changed much. Everybody stay the same."

"Howa Howa, if you take it to the swamp troll, maybe it doesn't matter. I'm sorry if I got involved."

"Howa Howa, I'm not sure why this happened. All I know is that Macolibe is in trouble, too."

Hey, Howa. Howa looks bored. Maybe he feels like the story is going on without adding himself.

"Mr. Macolibe's not trying to keep you out of this, either, so forgive him."

"I used to be such a chica, I wasn't there. The warmth and cold haven't changed. Why do you want to come out?

Was marginalization a difficult issue for Howa Howa?

"You know, life is inconvenient and fewer people live around Howa Howa's hometown. So there's more sea lions."

"Human beings have long been decreasing. But, Sika, there wasn't that much more. I don't know!

Howa Howa shook her head.

At that time, I felt something catch me.

You said there weren't more chicas?

Speaking of which, does a dwindling population automatically increase sea lions? There may be that aspect, but if you've been eating cigars all over the area that much, why don't you just run out of cigars sooner? That big chica. If I were chasing him to eat, he'd be gone.

It's not just the number of people who dictate the number of sea lions. There are other factors.

In the first place, this wasn't supposed to be a matter for Fantrand. It is because the external circulation of the fantland is no longer carried out properly.

Then it is possible that the situation will improve if we return it to normal.

"Thank you, Howa Howa. I know a little bit."

I put my hands on the head of Pong and Howa Howa.

"Howa, do you want anything from Franz?

I pulled Howa's hand looking strange.

"Let's go back. If you're resting outside too long, you'll catch a cold."

I once went back to everyone's table.

"Oh, my lord, you look like a wise man."

"Celia, that statement, it sounds like I was doing something horrible..."

I stood in front of Mr. Macolibe.

"Lord, did you even come up with any ideas...?

"I think with more kennel artisans, the number of Big Horned Black Zika will decrease again. There were too many chicas, because the kennel artisans are more likely to be extinct than neglected!

The Big Horn Black Zika, so to speak, has no more natural enemies.

So the number of individuals has increased above the size of forests and mountains, making them trouble.

"Can't we get more kennel artisans? I've seen both sculptures and brooches, but I think the product value is still high. It will be a profession that young people can eat if they learn. Then the kennel artisans won't be interrupted."

"The last kennel artisan, he's super stubborn. Yikes!

My voice was whispered by Mr. Macolibe.

Well, there was an atmosphere of stubbornness...

"But I'm the last one, and I don't know what to do..."

"I won't! That kennel artisan, Mr. Bendrow, is stubborn enough to have a name for himself in Fanland! He's about as alias' Bendrow escapes Auga too '! The disciples were also expelled in an average of three days, which is why they continued! I threw my disciple out in three days because he said he would endure any tough training!

"You don't want to educate me at all!

Dude, we're going backwards in time...... I don't think this is the time to remember while being yelled at... No, yelling and nothing. I'm kicking you out in three days, so you can't go on...

"I know what you're trying to say. It's not even if you're stubborn enough to keep it from perishing. But that's what Mr. Bendrow is like. I have a genius super skill, but I'm the kind of person who says that if I'm going to live on my own..."

Oh! The lack of successors to traditional crafts problem!

"Looks like Franz went all the way there, too. But I'm not going to teach you survival. I don't have a batter."

Mary pointed both palms towards the ceiling. After all, he knew where to be the neck.

"If you're frightened, even such a stubborn man can't magically brainwash you. But that's not gonna work, is it?

It's decided no, and it's usually a crime.

"Damn... the kind of people that can change a person's mind like that... could be there"

"Oh, Franz, you're not joking."

You don't even seem to believe Mary.

"Necro Grant Black Magic can do it... maybe"

If you're a genius, you know a few things.

I'll hit the genius on you.

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