"Yeah, it's so good!

The president struck a tongue drum at today's specialty. Roasted some kinds of bird meat.

"You seem to like it, and I'm glad. It's delicious."

I wasn't anxious about quality, but I knew there was a part to relieving.

That day, I also took the president and the Farfistani seniors, Mooyan and Kruña - that is, all the members who were at the Necro Grant Black Magic Company and invited them to "Restaurant Arienol".

No, is it weird that you're inviting... I'm not paying you the full price...

It should be noted that while we live together, Dr. Gudamal is absent today because he would rather have dinner with his cat Nightmare. Doctor, you don't seem to be obsessed with food at all.

"Why, I'm not convinced Franz looks happy to be appreciated for his flavor"

That's where Chef Arienol came in.

"This is only a good place to say my castle. Aren't you just a customer? Don't get too worked up."

"Yes, yes, I'll be careful in the future..."

You don't treat me like a guest around here...

"Mr. Arienol, these are some really great dishes! This will make you a regional restaurant."

"It's impeccable. Levels that can also be used for celebration days"

The president and senior Farfistagna were also pushing for a heartbeat. Mouyan is smiling and nodding.

"Ah, the man who was fooling me also brought me on a date to such a good store when I was dating him..."

It looks like only Mr. Kruña has gone through the old wounds, but I can't prefetch that far, and I need you to decide that it's force majeure.

"Comrades of Black Magic, there's nothing out there to compliment you. But let's serve vegetable ham rolls specially."

Arienol put additional dishes on the table. I praised you and you came out.

"Franz, the owner of this shop is weak. Let's praise you and make it free."

I've been whispering that Mary is bad. If I let that happen, the store will crumble.

"Really, not only is it delicious, but it's also the best dish that you can taste the gentleness of the person who cooked it."

Your daughter Celia says this, so I'm sure this store is cheap.

"Technology-only cooking is something that I find somewhere tasteless. Even if it tastes good, it makes me feel like something isn't filled. You don't think I'm going to come to this store again?"

This is the opinion of those who have used a lot of expensive shops in the upper class......

"But there's so much warmth here that you want to visit as many times as you want. It's also a nod to the fact that there were a lot of regulars in the previous local shop."

Wouldn't this be such a huge admiration that it forcefully put a hundred and fifty points out of a hundred?

Moreover, it also holds the essence of Arienol's shop well.

"Heh, heh... Sometimes there were only a few stores in the Morco Forest..."

Arienol is also blushing for a good man praise speech from the front of Celia.

"I can't help it, I'll serve you another plate of ham rolls"

"Dude, you don't have to go that far! Because you don't have to try to look too generous!

If you let it go, it could be as free as Mary said it would be.

"Well, if you want to pay, pay as much as you want. It's harder to run a business than it was in the Morco Forest..."

"Arienol, is management, is it hard?

I thought I was totally on track.

"But it would be just as good for Arienol to have as many handouts as this. Ha-ha-ha."

I immediately tried to hide it with a high laugh, but there was a glance at the true meaning of Arienol.

"Don't get me wrong!? The guests come every night to the feast of darkness, which is carried out by my dishes. That number keeps increasing rather than decreasing"

It's hard to understand the expression, but the customer seems to be stable and coming.

"But it is true that the renovation costs of the new store, for example, cost quite a bit. That's an instalment, and then, compared to the Morco Forest, it's starting to cost more money to procure ingredients. I used to get boar and sea lion meat for free, but fresh sea lion meat is very expensive..."

"After all, is the transport cost significant..."

I see, is it a distribution issue?

The king's capital doesn't have a sea lion wandering around the area. It will be on the market, but the cost will be much less than when it was in the local consumer state.

"The price of the menu is also higher than when we were doing it in the Morco Forest, but in the end we have to set it at a price that the locals here can easily come to, so we can't even do that high. To be honest, I'd like to raise the price a little bit more... but even for me, I'd like to do it in this price range"

Arienol, you're doing a sober analysis on cooking.

I guess that's right. Arienol is only trying to be a familiar store in Bedtown, and when it becomes a leftover store with the price of domestic air that can be easily put in, it's about as dropped as it is now.

"Oh my God, that's tough... I can't believe there are so many challenges..."

"Celia, that's what it means to have a store independently. Arienol is doing something much harder than Franz."

Mary, don't put me up to this. I can imagine the difficulty of running your own business though.

"Speaking of which, you're in the Bedtown Special Zone."

The president's words stopped everyone else's conversation once.

Often, it's President Kerkel who comes up with the name.

We're all hoping you know the back moves this time around.

"Bedtown Special Zone...... oh, you will. This area is a special area."

I know the King's capital better than Arienol, so I answered instead.

Nothing. It's not that hard of a concept. Besides magic, I was able to teach common sense in the King's Capital at the magic school I attended, but I learned it a year ago.

"Then you might get a new store support subsidy scheme, commonly known as - Gumball subsidy, but it's applied for?

What, that system?

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