"I don't care. At any rate, it has been proven that when the personable thing is about twenty years old, it hardly changes anymore. You can live with your personality, and you can't escape your personality."

"After all, I don't feel like I'm being followed!

"Instead, Franz is the one to follow. When you have a kid's shop called Arienol, you can go as a guest."

As a guest?

It's a good idea to see how it goes.

Then he won't be able to chase him back either.

"Thank you, Mary. I'll try that operation."

"Yeah, follow him. Anyway, Franz can't do anything about it because it's another human resource for Wataru."

The look on Mary's face seemed unwilling, but I was definitely rooted for.

Arienol is hardly anybody who can help me in the King's Capital, and maybe just about as good as I can bake his care.

If you say that with your mouth, I know you're gonna refuse.

It is true that I am worried. It's a big turning point in his life to come out to King's Landing.

Besides, he's going to tell me what he's up to, but if he hadn't met me, maybe he wouldn't have decided to run a store in Wang Du.

I'm already too involved in his life.

The opening date of "Restaurant Arienol" had been heard.

May he not stumble upon entering the king's capital.

The night "Restaurant Arienol" opened its shop in the Wang capital.

Once I got home, I squashed my time and headed to the store without dinner.

It was better before the store ended because I thought I could hear Arienol's thoughts on doing the first day.

If it was close to closing, the number of guests would be diminishing, so he would also have room to look back at the day. It's my first day, so I think it might be either way.

My legs to the suburban bedtown were a little heavy.

nervous...... nervous as if it were about me......

There's never been a terrible air just to get close to the store...? It's also an accident property......

Enter Bedtown.

It's more densely populated, so it's brighter than around where I live, but still I can't say that the streets are much brighter.

I guess the reason is because there aren't many restaurants.

Restaurants line up a number of lamps or place artifacts that have the magical effect of lights to appeal to them to be open. Inevitably, where there are many shops open at night, they are brighter than residential areas. It is even called a sleepless city, such as the corner of downtown Wangdu.

Compared to such a downtown area, there are not many commercial enemies. I don't know if I can handle it if it's accepted by the locals.

Walk down the next street where Arienol's shop is located, feeling her chest pulse weirdly. Passengers are about salesmen on their way home.

Turn around and there's his shop.

Please, do it safely.

Mindful, while dropping your gaze, turn the corner.

And raise your face.

There was a "Restaurant Arienol" sign shining like this all the time.

I was fascinated by the light in the store.

Even though guests are getting in late at night, 60% are still buried. It wouldn't be a bad thing to sail out. Most importantly, you can see the vibrancy inside through the window even from the outside.

Everyone enjoys meals and booze. Nowhere, such as the gloomy appearance.

When I was relieved, I suddenly felt hungry. It's usually time for dinner.

"All right, let's do the original job of eating meshi."

Immediately open the door and go inside.

"I'm alone, okay?

"Oh, yes, can I take the counter seat - isn't that Franz!

Smiles for customers disappear in front of me. Keep it there.

"I thought I'd be able to cut it up tight, so I came to see it"

"Oh, then nothing's wrong. I can turn it enough. I'm so comfortable!

Arienol does look like fun. It feels like I saw it, and they're running the store alone.

It may be natural not to hire an opening staff because you can't even read your feet at first, but as it turns out, it seems hard not to hire another person or so -

A glass of wood with water flew in from somewhere in front of my seat.

Cop is sitting right in front of me.

Is that it? Didn't the cup come alone now...?

"I'm so glad you're here."

Then Arienol laughed.

"Franz, when you've decided on the menu, you can tell me. I'll make you the best."

There was nothing to worry about when it came to the dishes Arienol made.

I already know that arm. I also know that it was rooted in the Morco Forest.

So my consciousness depended on whether I was able to spin the store steadily on my own.

The dishes that were supposed to be waiting to be washed were washed with a single flush and it looked like they were back in the cupboard at the counter.

The magic that moves things?

There is indeed such magic.

But I can't say I'm good at black magic. It's mainly white magic and purple magic, and it's not just moving, it's washed and put back on the shelf. What a complicated task would have to be a high-ranking wizard.

It may be rude, but it's not a magical dimension that Arienol can exercise. Isn't it something like whether Senior Farfistagna can handle it or not?

Neither the cups nor the plates are that heavy, so maybe I have some means to automate them...... How the hell are you...?

You even sell those special restaurant artifacts? I'm not supposed to know anything about business...

No, you can ask about that area later.

The most important thing is the taste of the food.

Arienol brought a plate.

"Look, it's a pie dough wrap of lamb stew!

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