"Hey, Franz! What the hell is that supposed to mean!

Arienol stood up.

It's a sword curtain that could hit me.

"Isn't your choice all residential, so-called bedtowns!

Arienol slaps the paperwork on the table.

"In this place, even the Wang capital, only the locals of the residential district come! It won't be a reputation in the entire Wang capital!

The anger must have been because you felt you didn't know who you were. That's also a sign that Arienol believed in me.

That's why I chose this place.

I suggest a place that might be good for Arienol.

I'm not suggesting the kind of place Arienol wants.

"Yes, Arienol, your shop is much better suited to residential areas than to compete downtown. I want a local shop, take a breather, and I want to go there every day, that's your shop."

"That's not true, how can you know you've only been here once!

The person in charge is grating. You've done something a little wrong.

"No matter how much Franz, you're not up to my store. Don't try to decide where to open the store just because of the impression! That's irresponsible!

"I'm not impressed. I decided to use your words as a reference."

I say it back, too. I don't apologize because there are no lies in the words.

"I didn't say that"

"No, he said. He's a middle-aged regular. He said it was tough."

Arienol's face became stiff.

"Without a lot of people going through it every day, that wouldn't happen. This is proof that your shop was a place for everyone to relax. That's what your shop has. Maybe that atmosphere is your strength over flavor"

Power fell off Arienol's shoulder.

I don't know if you understood me, but he understood my intentions.

"Franz, you just don't know the country. If both Jiji and Baba were social places, they could have been anywhere. That was just my shop..."

"If you're in a restless atmosphere, there's no way you can be in a social setting. If you don't like clerks, there's no way they're coming over and over again. You've achieved a high hurdle goal of creating regular customers locally."

Arienol is serious.

That's why I sometimes narrow my horizons and don't know what my strengths are.

It's what I can do to track it.

The greater the number of guests who come through many times, the more stable the management of the store becomes.

It's obvious in words, but it's a really big deal.

The number of stores in downtown is outrageous. Even if you go into a restaurant you don't know every day, how long will it take you to get there? By the time we get around the second time, some of them will have been crushed and become new stores.

The flourishing stores that can queue are crushed because they couldn't be regular.

Even when people come at boom, they stop taking their feet when they get tired of it. I can get a bad impression, especially if my first visit is crowded and the service is not good.

Temporary prosperity alone cannot sustain the store. At the very least, it is not the direction Arienol is aiming for.

"Arienol, your cooking is a pile of honesty. Besides, it's not the same as the rarity that makes it okay once you eat it. It's a relieving flavor that makes me want to eat more than once. That's why I'm rooting for the residential neighborhood of Wang Du!

Truth be told, I was dreaming about a scene like this last night.

Because I fell asleep thinking about how to convince Arienol.

Not as much as you can't afford. Even if the management is bitter for a while, it won't be such a burden that you have to let go immediately.

If you open a store where there is a high tenant fee, the business model of doing it thin and long will not be established. Because I don't pay without a good number of customers from the start.

That's against Arienol's cuisine, which lacks flair.

Judging by Arienol's cuisine and the atmosphere of the store, you should choose Bedtown!

"Grab their stomachs in Bedtown! So make him a new regular! Speaking of that town, you start telling him it's 'Restaurant Arienol'!

I said what I had to say.

The rest is for Arienol to decide.

I can give you advice, but I can't make a decision.

It is Arienol who owns his own shop. Whatever, cut off my opinion as a murmur and go my way.

I don't say anything more because I respect Arienol.

'Cause you had your own shop that year. I was running a business.

It's a lot more amazing than me being a company employee. It was a lot harder than the wizard in the company. It's harder than using half-baked black magic.

There were tears in Arienol's eyes.

That's a big tear, too. There's already a lot going on in Sugu.

"Oh, shit...... I didn't know this I hadn't figured out my strengths... Now that I think about it, both Jizzi and Baba were all smiling...... Weren't you just laughing at the bottom story..."

Well, for Arienol, I guess it's true that regular customers got stressed out... at the point where they were getting that kind of regular customers, Arienol has qualities.

"I didn't know I could teach that here...... This is so humiliating..."

"He's a good enemy."

"Sorry, will you take your seat off for a while? When you're lying next to me, I'm not going to be able to focus on choosing a store."

"Ok, ok. He's in a coffee shop."

As far as I'm concerned, it's like I'm done with my job, so I'm already at ease.

Whether you accept it or deny it, or do it again in your hometown in the first place, do what you want.

Also, when you want to rely on me, I'll do what I can.

When I walked into the coffee shop, I noticed a lot of shoulder rubbing.

"You were nervous too..."

Will I still feel this nervousness when I get married and choose a new home?

But it's not a good choice for someone to start crying...

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