Yes, we don't have enough room. Naturally, you can use a dining couch or something, but not enough beds. When it comes to deciding on a store, one night won't be enough.

"I could use a different room from your husband's."

It seems Serria wants to stick Arienol with me.

Very easy to understand smile.

"... the couch in this room is fine. There's nothing wrong with that!

Naturally, Arienol kicked that suggestion and decided to sleep on the couch.

The next day, I spoke to President Kelkel.

Don't you have a good empty store for Arienol - doesn't that mean? That's too thick. Necro Grant Black Magic is not a real estate agent. I thought about the business of cat shows. It's not convincing if I say so.

I came to ask if the company has an empty room with a bed.

You can't tell Arienol to sleep on the couch every day. Either way, I can't even say it's thick, but I'll never let this degree make the president feel bad.

However, there is an explanation of why Arienol has poured into the house in the process...... in the end, the subject of empty stores was also to come up.

The president was listening to me with pleasure.

"That's right ~. Carrying the bed to Mr. Franz's house won't mean an empty room with nothing, and I'd rather have Mr. Arienol use this empty room ~"

"Thank you. It really helps!

No longer do I want to pay the president more.

Arienol doesn't feel dressed to use my house all the time either, and I guess it's just fine.

"Anyway, I just need you to use the extra room, so there's nothing to say. It's not good for the room if you don't use it much. And as such..."

The president looked at my face with pleasure.

"You've become quite responsible, Mr. Franz"

"Serious responsibility, do you mean finding an empty store?

"Yes, yes, yes."

When the president stood up, he somehow took the book out of the bookshelf.

Spread the book quickly. It was a map of Wang Du.

"Even when it comes to owning a shop in Wangdu, Wangdu is also huge. Naturally, there are places in the inner moat of the castle where general stores can never be opened, but there are as many options as there are stars."

I looked at the map again, too, and I thought.

"Even when it comes to the King's Capital in a bite, there's a lot going on..."

In terms of area alone, it would be so much larger around the Morco Forest, home of Arienol. Because outside the settlement, mountains and forests continue all the time. I don't think it would be uncommon for other regional cities to include surrounding mountain forests wider than Wang Du.

But there is nowhere to turn to Wang Du due to the size of the city. Besides, that's not all.

Wang Capital is a city divided into several more towns.

Bureaucratic Ave. Central Market Ave. Blacksmith Street. Magic School Street.

Inquiry Town. Wuhonbashi Town. Student Town. A pond landfill town. The observation deck.

The map color-coded the compartments, streets, etc. As a result, the entire Wang capital was like a mosaic mural.

One different street changes the character of the town. Not the people who live there or use them.

Its diversity is certainly not the local ratio of Arienol.

When it comes to opening a store in Wang Du, we can't decide until we narrow it down more.

"Big cities are interesting, aren't they? Because character changes from place to place in the same city. Because there are so many people, there is also diversity in the town. There are also many specialty stores that can only be established where the population is large."

The president looks really interesting looking at the map.

"Right...... There are neighborhoods that I've hardly been to. And then there are the lower towns, there are the mountain hands, there are some where there are many officials, there are many merchants... There's also a student neighborhood like where I used to live..."

"It's a very difficult question of where to open a shop in this king's capital. And you failed. Then you can't do it. You can't afford the money enough to try it in a different location every month."

"Right...... Well, where Arienol was, I might not have thought of a place to open a store..."

If you have a small population, stores will automatically fall into that corner because of the limited number of places where people gather.

Alternatively, there would be a choice between building roadside stores along the heavily trafficked streets.

But when it comes to the king's capital, it's not that simple.

"Also, the price will change a lot due to good and bad location ~"

The president also took another book out of the bookshelf.

Apparently, it's a magazine for company employees.

"Mr. Franz, could you look around here?

"You start a business, too? Initial Costs More Than You Thought '

Such headlines are leaping. Properly, it also said data.

"On average, you need 300 silver coins...... Is it going to take so long..."

"That's the cost of the initial investment, by the way. We're renting an empty store, so there's a tenant fee. It also varies greatly from land to land, but it is certainly higher in the King's capital than outside."

"Ah! The Arienol one, I've been doing it in a tenant fee nashi environment!

Anyway, I was renovating my home. The cost of renovation would be known, and it's a tremendously big advantage to have to pay the rent every month.

"I don't know how much profit Mr. Arienol had previously made in the store, but opening a store in Wang Capital with the feeling that he was doing it locally could be a terrible thing to see. The price of the menu to be served and the turnaround rate - it's dangerous not to think about it."

The president is not threatening.

I'm just saying the facts.

We're really moving places from country to city. What an easy story...

I wasn't going to help Arienol, but half-baked cooperation would bring catastrophe.

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