For some reason Arienol was coming.

"Hey Franz, isn't it too late! How long are we gonna keep you waiting!

Arienol is upset.

I may have kept you waiting, but you haven't even heard about coming, so there's nothing you can do...

"I thought it was a suspicious visiting sale at first because I had visited it in the evening, and I tried to chase it back. But because I know you guys, I decided to let you in."

Oh, I'm glad Dr. Gudamal is home.

It was time for no one before the Doctor lived there. Technically I have a cat nightmare, but nightmare can't open the door.

"However, when I listened, I would say that I was the enemy of Franz, so I thought he was still a dangerous person, and I tried to kick him out"

"Don't put it in an extra way!

So if they kick you out, you deserve Arienol!

"It's inevitable. I'm sure he's a good enemy. Though a black wizard, it's not a good idea to mock a good enemy"

I want you to talk to me there. From the Doctor, you wouldn't know the wax.

"Serlia was surprised, too. When I get home, there's more crows."

Oh, you're also here for Rimlik the Blue Raven, the Arienol user demon.

I wondered if I could get along with Cat Nightmare, but Nightmare was hitting his face on Rimlik to make him feel good.

"Nha ~" "Car, Car"

I don't know what you're talking about, but it's probably fun.

"Interference between different kinds of animals is disloyal and burning!

"Serlia, I have a story to say!

It's not like there's a mating going on. We're just playing with each other.

"I didn't expect the drinks to coincide with the day Arienol came. But why did Arienol come? Is the restaurant closed?

Arienol has a local restaurant.

I'm renovating my home, so it wouldn't cost much, but it's still amazing that I had a store.

Then Arienol's expression turned into a worrying expression.

"Something big happened... Franz, I was hoping to tell you too, and I couldn't resist the arrows..."

I picked up on that look.

No, I don't think so.

I can't believe I had a baby......

Maybe not. Maybe.

But there was a lot going on in the name of Sabato... and I can't say it's impossible.

Once Arienol has a child, we'll have to take responsibility and marry there already. Arienol's house is going to say whether it feels like a black wizard around there, or in some cases growing up alone, making it the heir to black magic, etc., but I'm not going to sweeten it.

Plus, I earn enough to support my family, so I can't even use the financial side as an excuse. I'll give you money until you get to school.

But where am I supposed to live? Leaving Wang capital to go to the country is a bit...... Also, Mary is going to vehemently disagree...

Easy, easy.

What do you do with all the negative aspects all of a sudden?

Face reality first.

If you really had a child, you'd be rude to the child you're born with.

"Arienol, what the hell happened...?


It didn't mean I had a child.

No, it's too soon to decide that.

I can't believe Arienol wants to move out, and that's not the point.

It's not like it's been years since I first visited the store. Yet we are considering moving.

In other words, for the sake of the child to be born, there can be twelve intentions to move to King's Capital, where the father is!

We have to make sure there. That's the human duty that could make him a father.

"Arienol, why are you thinking of moving?


Arienol's gaze looks down.

I hear it's hard to say with eyes to eyes.

So, did you have a baby after all? Am I going to be a parent too? There are some guys in the world who are teenagers who become parents, and it's not that weird.

If they tell me you've got a baby, I'll say "Good for you" first.

You'll never just look nasty there.

"... Sexual harassment is depressing when you're running a store in the Morco Forest!

Oh, he wasn't really a baby.

Most importantly, a rather heavy word appeared.

"Sexual harassment...?

"No way, Mr. Franz's father was there?

Serria asked with vegetables. It's the other way around that there's no malice at all!

But if my father was really doing something, I'd have to master the white magic of sealing evil. I want to avoid proposing mature divorce to my mother.

"Huh? No, Franz's parents have nothing to do with it. I don't suppose any of them have ever been in a store."

Good. The worst could have been avoided.

Most importantly, Arienol's problems have not yet been solved.

"Who's being sexually harassed? Ah... is this the kind of thing a man shouldn't ask..."

The troublesome thing about this hand problem is that you even have to be careful to ask.

It's likely that you came because you want me to talk to you, and that's a hard part...

"If there's an obstacle, I'll take my seat off."

"No, that's not it."

Arienol shakes his neck to the side. My expression is calmer than it was earlier. He said something about sexual harassment, and maybe he blew it off.

"If you have a malicious porn father, I'll lend you a little straw mini demon. I'm gonna smash it all up."

If Mary will cooperate, don't solve any direct damage.

Regardless, that doesn't end the moral damage.

"It's not that easy. And to him who tried to touch his ass, he softly cast the magic of weakness."

Oh, it sounds like a black wizard there, and you retaliated.

"Oh, by the way, I didn't forgive my body or anything...? If you're a black wizard, you won't even play savato with the elephant in that area...?

Somewhat emphatically said.

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