"Even that clerk doesn't know that much, though."

On my way home, I said it like I was talking to myself.

The amount of information we got from the female clerk was not a big deal.

Even the owner who hired her said, "I'm the bad guy. I'm kidnapping wildcats together," there's no way to say that. Then I won't be able to hire her.

"The place for the interview wasn't another office, it was a coffee shop somewhere."

"Oh, because there's no problem with that. Examine straw closely. 'Cause the owner's got a face in that store, right? I'll grab your tail there."

Already, Mary seems totally motivated.

"At the very least, you bring the cat and you go throw it away, but that's it, that guy's officials are coming. Well, I don't do it grandiose during the day, so stick it in the night and you'll find it."

"Can I leave the main thing around there to Mary? It's pathetic, but Mary is safer than I am..."

"I don't feel sorry for you. The right material. Instead -"

Pampers and Mary slapped me in the back.

"- I want you to think about where that cat can live after that cat cafe collapses. It's an old galley ship."

I realized the weight of my mission.

This is the weight of life. Yes, it's a lot harder, and harder, to do something about the cats there than to bump the bad guys.

"Looking for foster care is one of those numbers... Strive..."

"Ah, you shouldn't expect that. That cat over there, because it wasn't generally cute. I don't think many people want to keep it."

"You're smashing me!

Well, it was slaughtered air, and there wasn't much to connect with...

"Well, as far as I can do it. I'm good at breaking wrinkles, but I don't make them. No, I'm better at breaking it than making it."

The words of Mary had a self-derisive sound.

Now I'll slap Mary on the back.

"It's the right material. I'll make it."

"Heh heh. You're a good chopper. Franz will be a good husband in the future."

"What... husband...?

I'm just giggling. Mary won't answer any more.

And then it didn't even seem easy enough to continue the floating story.

Also, Mary's face becomes something serious.

"And that cat over there is too sick. Just collecting wild cats shouldn't make them so weak."

"Weak wildcats are easy to catch or something...?

"If that was going to be a product, the villains would do it, but that wasn't the trouble in the store. Always, there's still a problem"

Incidentally, the answer turned out to be unexpected with regard to that issue.

When Mary and I got home, Dr. Gudamal was in bed.

"Kushi, kushi! What, this... My body is dall...... After all these years of unhealthy living, I was fine..."

"That won't make you proud of anything!

"I wasn't feeling well on my way home either, but it's hot and looks like a cold or something."

Serria sprinkles a chilled towel on her forehead.

What a bad thing is an overlap. That's what I still thought then.

"Oh, I see. Right, is that what this is about? Then you'll see."

Mary was convinced to arm herself on her own.

"Mary, what's going to happen?

"The doctor wasn't allergic to cats."

"So you caught a cold. It's been a long time."

With the attitude of what she was saying, Mary pointed her palms towards the ceiling.

"You think it's such a coincidence? The doctor had a small body and weak immune system, so he was infected with a cat disease that was endemic in the cat cafe."

"Was that sneeze because of the sickness!

True, if you go into that store and you get sick, it's tighter to assume that there's a cause inside that store.

"I don't know much more about the disease, but you're pretty sure. I think it's because the cat over there was weak. Besides, the density of cats makes it easy to spread the disease."

Increasingly, that cat cafe, you're unforgivable...

The next day was also a holiday (this company is two days off a week), so Mary said she would stick around for a day in the morning and went to the cat cafe.

Dr. Gudamal's health didn't even look that serious, and he seemed to be already recovering. The Demons are still basically healthy. Or so I asked Serlia to see me because I couldn't leave him alone.

I headed to Necro Grant Black Magic.

Sounds like a holiday attendance, but I'm not here to work.

The door to the company is left open, so I can get inside.

Besides, they don't have black magic companies or thieves going in. And, needless to say, gold objects and important objects are inside the safe.

I knocked on the key door in the building.

After a while, everyday President Kelkel arrived.

"Holiday attendance isn't very good. If you're here for tea, you're welcome."

"It's neither. I need you to talk to me for a second."

"When it comes to listening to employees' concerns, that's your job ~"

Ugh, that's right...... For the president, it's going to be a job for Moro...

"Well... it's not a job consultation..."

"Hehe, I'm kidding. Never mind. Come on, I'll make you some tea, come on up ~"

Well, now the president won't tell you to come on a weekday.

What I told you was, of course, about the cat cafe.

One way or another, it was more about what to do with the wildcats brought in at the cat cafe.

At some point Gergel came too and was listening seriously.

Did you feel that there was no other HR just something like a pet? But...

"My feelings are getting heavy, so I'm going to sleep one..."

Gergel left on the way. Position may have caused more psychological damage than we did...

Well, let's keep talking to the president......

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