"Mr. Buftas, you can't do that."

"What? I'm not high hopeful, and what can't...?

He doesn't know why Mr. Buftas was denied either.

"What...? Because I'm not in a position to place an order... You can't say anything extravagant about what kind of kid you like..."

"Ha... I have to tell you this."

Senior Enterya sighed.

"Then think the other way around. Suppose Mr. Buftas is a woman."

"That's disgusting."

I agree, but be patient there because it's hypothetical.

"A man told me he wanted me to marry anyone because he wanted me to. 'I'm happy! I want to get married!' Do you think so?

Mr. Buftas seemed to have been conducting thought experiments for a while, but eventually he became the face that he understood exactly what Senior Enterya was saying.

"You can't. I feel like I'm being fooled as a woman, and I don't think I'm very much loved. Oh, you don't love me. I went into the store and sold out that delicious dish, so it felt like I compromised and ordered something else. I can't even get married..."

Also, Senior Enterya smiles.

If the neutral look is this guy, he's smiling.

"That's right. We only decide who to marry from this world, so it's only natural that there are so many conditions for anyone."

At some point, Mr. Buftas was also at a glance.

"Because of this, I'm going to say it in cooking, but look, when you ask people what kind of food they want, they answer 'Whatever' and muck at you, or conversely, have you ever had trouble referring which stores?

I nodded in my heart, too, that there was.

After all, there's no such thing as a guy who says anything really matters.

Even if I told you I wouldn't put a condition on it, you'd think "This is a bit......" for both men and women if they were the kind of guy in the face who smashed a goblin.

"I get it. You're more honest when you say your specific preferences."

"It is. So what is Mr. Buftus's preference? I'll also ask you questions here if you haven't got enough. Take it easy and give me everything you're thinking."

This is what happened when I arranged Mr. Buftas' preferences in a bulleted style.

-It's more of a type to stop.

-The personality is good for a warm person. The kind of guy who rumbles when angry is scary.

· I don't make that much money, and I'm not stable, so I have trouble being the target of a squandering habit.

· Since flower cultivation is my hobby, I am happy to be a flower lover.

"Heh! Are you growing flowers! Honestly, it's surprising!

You've been really honest with me!

But from the adventurous look of Mr. Buftas, you wouldn't think very much of him growing flowers. Of course, even adventurers try to grow flowers, gather clean seashells, nothing wrong with them, but humans are really flown into the image.

"When you're adventurous, you find flowers in all sorts of places. I take that kind of seed home and plant it. If it blooms, I'm lucky enough to be a real gardener."

"Adventurers and plants seem to go well together. It's going to be all over the place, all over the place."

"Oh, I didn't have that idea. Serlia, thanks."

"It's not like you're thanking me, is it?

Celia laughed at me.

"Besides, I'm not the one who brought this up, Mr. Enterya."

I was annoyed by the words.

Senior, you're doing a brilliant job.

I firmly pulled out information I didn't know from my first impression.

If you use this for business, it will be successful and natural.

After that, Mr. Buftas continued to talk about flowers for a while. They also make flower beds at home. This would match a woman familiar with flowers.

"You ask a bit of a penetrating question. Do you even consider marrying someone who is divorced, has children, or someone like that?

"Oh, I don't care where you are."

Thus, what is difficult to say from the person's mouth is heard out by the senior?

All right, let's steal senior customer service technology.

I didn't expect to come to the Adventurer Guild, but it's been a good experience for me, too.

"That concludes the story of the day. Your request has been fulfilled, so please accept the money at the money exchange later, Mr. Buftas."

"Oh, me, now you get paid... Really, this one has to pay..."

Mr. Buftas also seemed to forget that he had come as an experimental bench.

"Now, if anyone seems to fit Mr. Buftas' criteria, I will contact you. The Adventurer's Guild is here a little bit, isn't it? I think I'll take the form of what the Alliance tells me."

I guess I'd rather check it verbally than communicate it in writing, too.

But there came one big question.

This is how a man's adventurer who wants to marry will also be able to gather. Demand seems pretty good, and if you could pay a consultation or brokerage fee, it should be enough business.

But how do I find a woman better that I can marry her...?

"You know... I don't think there's a woman who fits my terms. No, there may be quite a few women who meet the conditions, but do you think he wants to marry me...? That's a rare chance, isn't it?

I hear Mr. Buftas had the same doubts as me.

His words don't even sound humbling, but I guess they're just meant to be objective facts.

"Heh heh heh! That's right, you'll be able to clear it well! So don't worry!

Enterya seniors with expressions such as confidence. I also saw a bit of vampire-like sharp teeth.

The doya face turned sideways for a moment.

Was that the look on our face?

Anyway, this is part of the job. Senior Enta-ya also said he would show a real example.

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