I studied white magic at the school of magic. It was my idea.

The magic that blesses life - the de facto restorative magic is in white magic.

As a similar thing, even green magic, where botanical magic is at its center, seems to have such a thing. This one seems to be based on the idea of magic that promotes growth, but it can be the same as an effect.

This is all I've ever said about white magic to a doctor who's been on the side of black magic, so I might get him in a bad mood again.

Or should I say something that bothered you. They're not teachers, they're employees of the same company.

"Match the forms with white magic -? Right, right..."

Dr. Gudamal began to return to and from the room.

I walked around the room about five times and stopped.

"It's worth a try. That's a pretty creative approach."

Whoa! Praised!

But the look on the Doctor's face clouds again.

"But there is no such thing as white magic that I can use, nor do I know a white wizard... Do we have to go to the land of man? It's a lot of trouble just to give it a try..."

I raised my hand.

"I'm also a white wizard."

Dr. Gudamal's eyes were wide open.

"No, Franz, you weren't a demon, you were human..."

"At the school of magic, we learned about white magic."

It's late at night, and it's time to go to bed, but me and the Doctor were strangely excited and blinded.

If you care, you have to try.

At first, next to Dr. Gudamal's attempt to sacrifice a sheep doll, I started out like a child, using the magic of the recovery system.

Exactly, this didn't work.

If that makes magic seem like a combination, then that would be odd if the ancestors of the past hadn't discovered it.

After that, I tried to change the conditions a little bit, but it didn't work.

My white magic just activates.

"Yeah...... that's not going to be very good...... But you must still have a choice!

Serlia's got my back, but both me and the Doctor have accumulated fatigue. Concentration is also falling. It may also be due to continued failures.

"You have to try all the options! Sometimes the option of definitely not doing this can be upsetting or flagging - in the sayings of Sacubus and Incubus."

Something's a unique saying......

"But maybe you should go to sleep today...... It will still take some time..."

Indeed. As a student I was fine until about this much time, but after I got a job, it turned out to be a regular and decent life instead... The nights are tight.

"Again, drawing the magic formations separately is pointless... I've never heard of magic formations lined up to produce different magic, and there must be no such thing as research history..."

Dr. Gudamal is also about to give up.

I saw the magic formation at my feet, and I thought,

There are similar parts.

The magic team is the magic team. It would be more normal to have something in common because it's not a completely bullshit line.

"Um, Doctor, can't we blend this well? In two, in a magical formation like one."

"It's not that easy"

Right. In the meantime, will you even make a suggestion there and go to bed today?

"I just wanted to say - if you're talking about an unusual magic formation, you're good at it."

The Doctor wrote on paper a draft of the Sarasa and Magic Formation. It was a few minutes of stuff.

"Wow, you often come up with this! It's the domain of designers!

"I'm a genius. I can do this right away."

Yeah, this guy's a similar type to Senior Farfistagna.

The specs themselves are amazing, but the way they were utilized wasn't a good case.

"Okay, well, let's do an experiment on the last one today!

"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna hit you with all your strength!

Me and the Doctor went on to experiment in one magic formation with those two.

And the right answer came abruptly.

The Anomaly Magic Formation has emitted light!

That is proof that there was a reaction as magic.

"We did it! I followed you!

The Doctor gave a voice of joy.

I looked at the gleaming magic team and I was staring at my eyes.

"Congratulations. By the way, what effect was this magic from?

I hadn't heard that part of the heart.

I was just wondering if I could activate it.

"Oh, this is what makes the target create a powerful desire. In this case, it should work for the surgeon because it's not aimed at someone."

"Generate desire?

The next moment, something strange happened to my body and mind.

It's hard to say...... I'm so excited.

It's like a normal, impossible excitement.

Right now, it's like I can't fit in without hugging someone......

I got eyes on the Doctor.

I soon found out you were affected by the same magic over there.

"Um, Dr. Guddamar... I... I want to do something succubus..."

"Ugh, um... I don't have any experience... I was immersed in research, and I had no relationship with love..."

Celia said, "Then don't worry, I'll teach you!," he exclaimed cheerfully.

Oh, that's the real job......

"But... the Doctor looks, uh, a lot..."

"Wow, don't let the young builder fool you! I live many times more than Franz!

Yeah, it should...... I'm just misled by the way I look......

And then I got the Doctor's "first time."

But is that expression inappropriate? Should I say that I received it from the first to the fifth time......

Celia came in along the way too, so it became more complicated.

It's probably been a long time since I've had such a disloyal sacubus thing...... I can't even say it's black magic.

Sometimes almost all night, we fell asleep on the bed just like that.

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