Serria has been arming herself while waiting for the carriage.

"That's the first real trip since I started calling you..."

Serria is blushing.

Sometimes it's sloppy to show these shameful faces. I fall in love again and again......

"Right, Celia..."

"It's kind of hard to say honeymoon..."

"Then I guess I should have taken a vacation too. Bad. I didn't realize."

"No, I don't think that would have convinced Mary either, and I'm just happy to feel like traveling with you"

Now that we're in the mood for lovers who just dated each other, it could be a weird story.

But that's a lot better than going into fatigue.

I rode the Durahan fast carriage that came, remembering the expectations and anxieties of a completely different quality from my job.

Like the last time, the carriage went for a destination at an unscrupulous speed for humans.

"This is too fast and scary..."

"I'm used to it. Even with wings, it's easier to travel in these vehicles in the distance."

The other guests in the car (naturally, the Demons) are calm, so I guess this is the routine.

The carriage arrives at its end in about an hour. From there I switch to a different fast carriage and go to the end again.

The carriage on the third one, it seems, was not a fast carriage, at a rate that was not significantly different from that of the human world.

"Celia, is it common for carriage transfers to be a demonic world?

"I'm going to the country, so this is all the transfers I get. Usually city and city travel is the main thing, so there's almost no transfer either...... I'm getting tired too..."

Carriage travel consumes health with carriage travel.

"If you're tired, you can come with me."

"... Yes"

Serlia hesitated a little, but she opened her body to me.

Serlia is more of a family than a demon.

And the end where we got off - in a hell of a mountain, no, it was more precisely on the mountain.

The surroundings are pasture. Animals like cows are left alone, but they're not cows. It's flashy compared to the horns being on human land. And some of them look like Behemoth.

Above such a plateau, there is a pompous laboratory of purpose.

"By the way, it's in the place that you chose where the land was cheap... Or is it a livestock research institute?

"I've never been here before."

Serlia is also pulling too far in the d countryside.

"This doesn't look like entertainment or anything. If I were you, I'd be unbearable in a month."

I don't even think I work here, so I shouldn't even have someone to talk to.

I don't know what you're researching, but it's like a land pattern, a left-handed human going.

I know the president can't possibly move someone left, and a left transition is not a company with so many employees that the concept is born, but nevertheless, why are you here...?

"You, let's go anyway..."

"Right...... Even if we stay here, we can't even sightsee..."

Me and Celia walked about twenty minutes for the lab.

I thought the lab was close, but there was just too little other building to look near the guide, and it was reasonably far away.

So, there's this sign on that building that I finally got to.

"Necro Grant Black Magic Company Gudamar Polozwanna Institute"

"Guddamarpolozwanna is a place name?

"No, this is the Hontara Tara Plain. Probably a person's name."

It's the name of someone from a different world, but it's impactful......

The institute itself was not as small as a farmer's cabin, nor as worn out as a ruin. Even in the middle of the Wang capital, you won't be particularly uncomfortable.

The door is sturdy, so knocking doesn't seem to sound right. It wasn't even locked. I guess thieves don't even get in here.

Inside, there's nothing strange about it. There's just a wide hallway. It's not night, so it's not dark, but it's dim.

Looks like a company that went bankrupt and ran away at night......

"I'm sorry. In Franz and Serlia, who came on business."

I'll try to stick my voice up first. I feel it's against my manners to get in just a little bit.

No reaction. Not popular per se.

"Is anybody there? Necro Grant, Black Magic Company."

Again, there's no response.

"You, why don't you come in? Thank you very much."

"All of a sudden the trap starts and it looks scary... but it doesn't even have an atmosphere where there's a lousy wizard"

Wizards are creeping experiments in secluded ancient castles - such scarred fiction still continues to be made in the human world.

The old creepy black wizard image remains.

This place is away from people, but a little different again. The building itself is clean.

First, I'll go in and open the front door.

"Wow! What, this!

There were countless mukade- dolls lined up inside.

"Sounds like it's made of cotton. Is this ceramic? Is it a souvenir of some land?

Serria said some mukade-goods to her hand.

"Isn't that disgusting for a souvenir? The Devil's values may not be the same as ours."

"I don't think many Demons would want something like this..."

"Sometimes you're deformed by fancy. Some mukade. I wonder if some women think this is cute. But a lot of them are shaping in real life..."

Mystery. Mostly, if you're making mukade-goods, that would mean factories rather than laboratories. Vanitazar used to use the undead to make these in bulk...

As always, there's no sign of anyone, so we decided to head to the next room.

Now, all over the room, it was flooded with frog goods.

Hey, I have eyes for myself and the frog dolls and stuffed animals, and I'm restless.

"Next up for Mukade is Frog...... What the hell, here... Sounds like a suspicious, privately run library..."

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