Holiday, I wore a suit at home.

By the way, I also turned twenty, so I bought something that could be just a little excited.

"Yeah, you look great."

Celia joins her hands, smiling and praising her.

However, Serlia has something to compliment me on about everything, so you can't be relieved that this is all she's got yet.

"What do you think of Mary?

"Because Wrinkles are busy giving up Nightmare"

There is indeed a cat nightmare round Mary's lap.

Mary demands a knee pillow from me, while Nightmare puts it on her knees... I feel unfair at any rate. Well, I can't help it because my body size is completely different.

"Take care of Nightmare, but you'll see how I dress."

Soon Mary glanced at me.

"Yeah, well, isn't that okay? It's totally easy."

"Clearly, I don't feel complimented..."

I don't know if it's appropriate as an example. When my wife has a child, I get the feeling that my wife's love has been completely directed at her child.

"No, no, it's a good thing it's not difficult. It doesn't even look bizarre, does it? If evil doesn't stand out, you're right."

"That's right..."

"A good suit is usually something that doesn't claim to be self assertive, but when you look closely, it's very neat and cool, or it fits the person's body and makes him feel much less tired. I think that's what we need to do."

I think I've been stunning enough to say.

With only real age, Mary is more overwhelming.

"Okay. Then I'll go with this."

Both Celia and Mary are leaving messages today. No, there's nothing wrong with you going somewhere while I'm gone, but I have to go alone anyway.

Technically, I'd also be willing to take Serlia by "because he's a demon of use," but he'd only take it like he's showing off Serlia. I don't want to treat Celia like an item like that.

And the other participants are going to be so jealous... If you're jealous of a beautiful girl, you're still happy, but it's only a loss to be jealous of a man.

So I headed to a store near my alma mater.

There is a sign like this in front of the store.

Wangdu International School of Magic, 124th Grade Alumni Association

Yes, it's a reunion today.

Once inside, a girl in the next class and a boy in the same class, who was jealous of getting a job at a pretty good company, were in reception.

I'll send out an invitation.

It's Franz.

Both receptionists reacted similarly to "Ah, he said he joined that black magic company..." and "Franz that he's doing all he can with his sacubus and his love".

I want to deny it, but I also feel reasonably correct, so I have trouble dealing with it......

"There, well... keep the moderation..."

Properly cloud the tea and go inside.

Are you keeping your moderation? I'm not sure yet, but I'm sure the old black wizard would have done something more unscrupulous. Yeah, I'm sure he is.

The party is in a standing meal format. My bar mitzvah at home was like that, but of course the number of people is much higher at this reunion, and the venue is huge.

As I walked in, first, there was a kid who would speak to me.

"Long time no see, Mr. Franz. How are you doing? Even so, I just saw you doing fine before."


There's also my dorm mother, Leeza. Since the bar mitzvah.

Liza is wearing a red dress, too. I feel colourful because of the dress.

"I wonder if I've become acquainted with black magic somehow. It's hard to understand because there's not much to compare."

"Mr. Franz is serious, so if you go in, you can handle it anywhere. I guess it's a bit of a waste that the white magic I studied at school doesn't help that much. Not at all, considering that some people work in a workplace that has nothing to do with magic."

"That's right, white magic is coming in pretty handy. Because you can use white magic, and it's heretical in the black magic industry. I'm still in the process of developing, but I'm hoping we can combine white magic in earnest."

Don't even talk about gray magic, okay? It's going to confuse Lisa.

"Lisa, what's the attendance at the reunion like?

"Right. It's still before the meeting, so I don't know for sure, but I don't know if you have the impression that you haven't come as far as someone who didn't quite decide to get a job or had a bad grade and struggled with it."

Lisa slightly clouded her face.

Oh, was it inappropriate as a topic... But isn't it so deadly?

I've been looking for Sonto, but I can't see him. He's back in town, and the venue is far away.

I wonder how he's doing locally. I wish I was eating meshi.

But from the hallway where the bathroom is, Sonto came exactly.

My complexion is much better compared to when I was nagging in the park.

"Sonto! How are you!

"Franz! I work here somehow."

I talked to Sont for a while, but now he says he's working in the mail.

I'm glad my life seems stable, even if it's not my job to use white magic.

"I feel better because I have a home. I don't have a lot of worries anymore."

"If you don't have a bad relationship with your parents, going back to your parents is an ant."

For one thing, one of the concerns was resolved.

Even though it's not about me, I care about what I care about. Because I got involved.

Eventually a classmate of the host role came forward.

"Have fun today, everyone! By the way, they often have a course called Couples Established at Alumni, Marriage From There, so if you haven't been able to pass your thoughts on to someone you used to like, make a thoughtful confession!

Laughter also flies at what MC says he doesn't know how serious he is.

I showed up about Celia, and all kinds of guys made fun of me and really flattered me, but I was able to have more or less fun.

I miss one person and I'm glad I'm never in the corner.

I can talk to Leeza properly if I have to...

But with the reunion moving on, we're starting to know who's somewhat like that.

Besides, it's all the more so because he was famous even in his class as a brilliant talent.

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