Pull the president with the artifact to move the audience seats in the stadium.

I'm more focused on the game than the artifact the president has. That's what I do. I have to travel, too, so it's hard.

And I realized something.

"Unicorns, obviously there's more clarity in movement than in the first half...... And the action is intense. It feels like a barbaric ride in the soul of an oak or a goblin..."

Of course, we're losing the first half with scores, so we'll have to turn to offense either way. It is true that there is no doping and we have no choice but to attack.

Still, I feel different from the atmosphere I'm putting out.

"That explanation, it also matches the artifact's reaction. I have red magic that temporarily turns humans into excited states. The artifacts also show a red magic response."

"Then you'd better get close to the Unicorns player who's going to attack you. This way!"

The conductors of the stadium are checked in advance by information boards, etc.

And behind the goal net on the Griffons' side - that is, they lined up around the Unicorns attacking them.

Unicorns players approach with the ball.

The red color of the artifact darkened.

"Looks like a big win. You're magically creating a state of excitement and performing better."

You'll find it blatantly suspicious if a strong wind blows during the game. Even if you use magic in doping, you will use something that acts on these spirits.

So, boss, do you have all the data?

"Yes, but I'd like further proof."

So the president laughed invincibly.

"Because of this, and shall we find the Red Wizard who is supposed to be in the venue? If you confess, you'll have no complaints."

"Is that so dangerous..."

Red magic is often offensive and destructive magic like dealing with flames.

The Red Wizard, who does an unlawful job like this one, is likely to relentlessly get rid of this one.

"I know more or less what they're capable of. More importantly, noble wizards don't do this kind of work."

"If you ask me, yeah"

So to speak, it's a job you shouldn't be known for. Even the Red Wizard wants to hustle about his magical prowess at any rate.

"Gergel, please come out"

"Yes One"

Yes, the president said, and all of a sudden Gergel showed up!

"I see! You make Gergel smell and discover the place!

"No, you don't. It's not like I know the Red Wizard's body odor."

Really. Can't you even search because you don't have any tips? So, what's the point of letting Gergel out?

"Gergel, with your knowledge of chess, you can predict where the Red Wizard is forming, right?

What, chess knowledge, is that where you live!?

"There are several candidates, One. I think one of them will hit one."

And Gergel ran through the stadium refreshed.

"Um... does Gergel really know where the Red Wizard is?

"Don't worry. Gergel is a mighty man who has also been a champion of the Kingdom Chess Championship. You can read ahead with both five and six hands. So you should also be able to read the Red Wizard place!

I'm not questioning the president's words, but is it the same ability to prejudge chess and deduce where the enemy is?

Oh, you're definitely suspicious, me...

"Of course, it's not a hundred. But if you check the spots you can assume, you'll soon find out who's suspicious. Note -"

The president put out something like a pendant with a flat armor.

"-Gergel's current location can be seen in this artifact."

"After all, when you become president, you have a lot..."

"Well, I can magically do enough to check the location of the demon I use, but it only fits for about an urgent phase like battle, right? I even recognize the extras of the demon. You said you went into the bathroom now."

I see...... I don't like that......

If it was Serlia, I'd think about using that for a sake of sake... but I think it's a little more difficult. Even if Celia is good, I don't want to be that special.

Let's not talk too much......

We continued to take data with artifacts, but eventually the president's pendant-type artifact flashed.

"Oops, looks like Gergel found it. Shall we head to the scene?"

Already, the president is moving his legs quickly.

Surprisingly, Mr. President, you're light. At least, it doesn't feel like a president.

And there was a guy at the crime scene with Gergel - a crimson robe that looked warm.

Gergel, you got the killer!

But if you come any closer, you're looking very different. At least there's no air that I caught him.

- A man was giving up Gergel.

"Hands! Oh, you can even do your hand! That's great!"

"One, one!

"Well, now around!

On the spot Gergel had a brilliant spin as he jumped.

"What, four and a half revolutions! Can you even do such an advanced thing! You're so smart!


Four-and-a-half revolutions isn't something you can describe around in words anymore!

Anyway, a totally red wizard-like man is obsessed with playing with Gergel. This is a brilliant feat for Gergel. Turns out I was quite right using Gergel.

There the president gets very close.

"I'm sorry, you can be the Red Wizard, right? My name is Kelkel, and I'm the dog owner."

Make me grin.

"I'd like to ask you something, would you mind?

In the meantime, the man in the crimson robe changed his face slightly.

You look like you realized something was wrong.

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