"Wow, I'm doing another scandal. It's something you can never get tired of."

Mary looked like that as she read the newspaper.

Sounds like a kid is stretching his back, but that's just a matter of appearance. Mary is as adult as she wants.

"Hmm? What field is scandal? Politics?"


Mary shook her head to the side. I knew I was childish when it came to tricks.

"It's sport, sport. There was a joke on Slowball's team, but the team hasn't reported it to the association in a long time. I mean, you were trying to get rid of it."

Slowball is a sport where you throw and connect the ball and put it in the other team's goal.

With the number of steps you can take to move with the ball, you just have to throw it around and roll it out anyway. And that's where the name comes from.

It seems somewhat plain, but quite incandescent - apparently. I've never been to a game because I'm not very familiar with sports, but I know the rules because I've done it in a magic school gym class.

"There's been too much scandal in the sports world lately, hasn't there? Why, is this happening?

"Come on? Isn't that a coincidence?

Mary put the newspaper on the table with a grumpy face because of my fluffy response.

"Franz, answer too appropriately. Listen to me."

"Sorry, sorry...... But I can't immediately think of any reason why scandals happen so often... Isn't that just a real coincidence? Or if it's a sport, it's easy to list because it's worth more as a story."

It should only mean that people are quite interested in being in the paper.

Burglaries, for example, would happen everyday somewhere, but five copper coins were stolen or a little burglary wouldn't even bother to be written in the paper.

Why, because nobody's interested.

What no one wants to know is worthless as information.

"A lot of people try to read it because they care if they have problems with sports. So, it's often featured in newspapers and magazines, and as a result, it looks like it's full of scandals - what do you say? I don't think that's a bad reasoning."

"Well, Franz may be right about his value as a news value, but I think it's increasing these days."

"Mary doesn't know about the sports world of the past these days..."

Nevertheless, Mary's pointers are often sharp, so I can't even say it's entirely because of her temper.

"Well, either way, it has nothing to do with sports or the work of the creeps."

Mary yawned there.

Yeah, you're absolutely right.

"Sports and magic have almost nothing to do with it."

Most sports prohibit the use of magic by the rules.

For example, if you fly in the air during a sloughball game, it's easy to keep the ball and move on to enemy goals at once.

All you have to do is let the ball you threw put the flames together, and you'll be in the goal right away because no one can catch you.

That makes it unfair as a game.

Things may have changed in a world where everyone can use magic, but wizards are by no means the majority of the population.

Well, as a student, for spending time studying magic, sports are hard to do in earnest.

So few professional sportsmen can use magic.

There's club activity in the magic school, and sports are included in it, but it's bad for the guy who belonged to the club, but from a professional perspective, I think it was probably an extended level of play.

So sports and the magic industry are a world where we never interact.

- I thought we were going to have an exchange.

That day, when I came to work, President Kerkel told me, "I have a job for you to take on."

"Of course, I would take it if the president told me that because I'm an employee, but what kind of work?

"That's right..."

The president put a puffy head on it. Something seems inconvenient.

"Mr. Franz, do you know what a sloughball is?

"I know, but I'm not particularly good or anything... I've done it before, and I know the rules."

Why is Slowball coming out here?

"Oh, that's enough! I want you to join me in my work! I thought it would be better if someone knew about the sport because I don't know anything about it..."

The user demon Gergel, who was behind the president,

"The president only has enough experience throwing balls over here in the field to get them. One"

He said. I treat it like a dog there...

"Um, so what kind of business...?

Even the great guy from another company will take him to a slowball game and entertain him?

"Your client will be here today to ask you more about what you do"

Thus, I was to do a job with the president that I didn't know how to do.

"Mr. Cellia, I'm sorry, but Mr. Cellia has become conspicuous and unsuitable for this job, so could you please come around to Mary's support?

"Yes, I get it. Good luck to your husband!

Celia answered with a smile and left me. The fact that there is a Sacubus is remarkable. I'm pretty mahy because I live here.

Eventually, a client came to Necro Grant Black Magic Company.

The first thought I had when I saw that client man was - "Big!" It was... "

I didn't say it to you because it might hit you rudely, but whoever would think so. He's taller than me for more than a head minute. The head is what we call sports pruning.

Gatai is fine. My arms and legs are thick and I even feel like I'm wearing armor.

"I say Verns, who belongs to the Titans, part of the Sloughball league"

Are you kidding me, Slowball player is my client!

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