For one thing, I was in the same squad as Senior Farfistagna. Celia's following me, too, so it's a group of three.

The collapsing swamp has come so many times before that geography is also in my head. We came to the south side of the swamp.

I do feel the swamp is a lot cleaner than it was last year when I was hired and first assigned. Garbage should have floated like this, but that stuff was swept away by the imps' activism.

"It's a big project! Finally, your husband is entrusted with such a job!

Serlia compliments me as usual, but it's a small company there, so I don't think we can just not participate.

That, but are there any employees who haven't come yet or anything... Probably working in the demon world......

Senior Farfistagna has shown us a slightly more detailed map for actual work.

"Junior, I want you to do this foot-taking little marsh thing."

Collapse marshes represent only the largest marshes and their surrounding place names, and around the largest marshes, they are directly connected or separated, with small marshes pompous. Even if it seems independent, it is probably connected as a source of water in groundwater.

Among them, the foot-taken marshes have never been serviced, even around the rough marshes, which were just dark, because they were just plunged into a dark forest that could be described as a particularly deep tree sea.

In fact, it's hard to just follow. We have to make a detour through the roundabout swamp. Because of that, fortunately, there are no suicides out there. I guess you don't want to kill yourself until you feel that hard.

"I see. You're going to do it thoroughly because it's enough to make it a hydrophilic park!

Celia cares more than I do. I think I'm going to wrap my arms around it, but I'm not going to give you any more arms because of the high exposure originally.

But Senior Farfistagna said something unexpected.

"I hear this foot takeover Konuma will give way as an estate"

"" What?

Me and Celia's voice humbled me.

I don't really care if this is because we're a couple or because we're family, I think people who hear it will generally hear the same thing back.

"That's the estate, right? A collective residential one with a lot of people living in it...... There are some districts like that in Wangdu..."

No matter how much the King's Capital population has grown, it will not be enough that we will have to subordinate the estate to this point. I don't think that day will come forever. It's inconvenient to commute.

"In the first place, the swamp means the ground will be weak, so you can't build a big building..."

"Serria is right. Besides, it seems like you're angry or something, and it looks bad for your health..."

"There's a confirmation that it's okay there. I also did a safety check."

Senior Farfistagna will never be lying, so I just have to believe it.

"Okay. Me and Serlia are going to this little swamp."

I moved to Konuma with my legs removed, feeling what I had done.

The question is, the work on what remains went well.

First of all, the foot takedown Konuma has a low amount of garbage. Few guys come to this place and dispose of garbage.

And - the water is cleaner than I imagined.

Let's just call it fresh flow. Turns out, the water's gushing.

"Well, the name is creepy, but it's a wonderful place."

Serria can also be seen like a tourist or put her hands in the water. Indeed, it seems just right for the ease of travel of the inhabitants of the Wang capital.

"Ah, master, here, it's strange!

Serria raised her voice like a surprise.

"What's up? What happened? What happened?

"The water around here is slightly wet..."

The water gets wet? Wouldn't be weird monster mucus or something......

But I knew the answer right away.

"Oh, yes, yes. It's because the surface of the aquatic plants growing in the fresh stream is wet."

Serria pulled out the aquatic plants by hand. Indeed, the atmosphere is different from that of normal grass.

"That, I'm sure, is a plant that only grows where the water is really clear. I've seen it in the drawings."

"Fine, I think this is incredibly usable in a succubus way. Apply it to your body and you'll be just fine..."

"Celia, I'm sorry I'm having fun, but I think it's time to focus on my work because I'm working hours for once..."

"Oh, right! Sorry, too much tension..."

"Well, at this rate, the maintenance here is going to be over soon. Summon Imp and Wight"

"I will summon Imp, too."

They had given me paper to figure out what to prepare. I don't know if I can call it an estate, but they make some wooden buildings by the swamp.

I mean, is it okay for us to assemble and legally... No, no, there will be no grand doing of illegal things only to the president.

We gave instructions to Imp and Wight to gather wood and assemble a simple building.

When the Imps left, they had free time. That's what happens to work in the swamp all the time.


Oh, Celia has become the tone of home mode.

"Because of this, the water is beautiful, and would you like to play with the water?


"Here's the thing!

As Serria stepped into the pond, she watered herself down.

So the meaning swallowed.

This is a subspecies of the one whose lover waters the ocean.

"I did it."

I'll water Celia in return, too.

Something's starting to make me feel more newlywed.

This kind of outdoor snuggling is also a good thing......

Three minutes later.

For some reason I was running by the swamp chasing Celia.

"Hey, Celia, wait."

"Hehe, you, catch me"

This is also supposed to be the one running on the beach of the sea, but it would be good around the swamp.

Damn, there are a lot of trees around and it can be hard to run.

And a place like that was overwhelmingly advantageous for Celia to be able to fly.

I lost sight of Celia on the way......

"This way?

I'm going backwards through the swamp, tearing the trees apart.

You know, books I've read in the past, things like this that meet beautiful girls in the water, but it's not that convenient.

In front of me, there was a beautiful naked girl bathing in the swamp.

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