Eventually, the door opened.

Celia stood, dressed like a woman would wear at a wedding.

It's not something as exposed as almost underwear that Celia always wears, something that has a stronger vibe as clear as her shoulders are slightly out.

Unexpectedly, I was falling in love. I didn't even have a voice.

"What do you think...? I've never looked like this before, so I don't know if it suits me..."

"It looks great on you. It's really beautiful...... It's been beautiful before, but I think I've updated my records even more..."

Sometimes I don't get the words right either. I've had many occasions with Celia, but I feel a little different.

"Thank you very much. Okay, here we go."

Serria slowly draws a magic formation on the carpet with her shoes as she chants.

I paint my own magic formations to overlap that magic formations while chanting for white magic in the same way.

Yes, this is magic combined with black and white magic.

After the magic team has finished drawing, we will shut up and stare at each other quietly.

Eventually, Celia slowly opens her mouth.

"I, Celia, pledge my eternal love to Franz, to you alone. As a sakubus, I will devote myself to you."

"This me, Franz, also believes in the eternal love of Serria of Sacubas. Celia is my companion, whether it's Sacubus or not."

Grey magic, he said, is what Sacubas produces when he bonds true love with the White Wizard person he decides to be.

The love that Sacubas brings is generally a slut that hates white magic.

But not all elements of true love are slutty.

True love and lust cannot be completely separated.

That if you return the back, you can also convey true love to Sacubas.

At that time, Sacubas, the black wizard, will embody the value of white magic.

And my husband, the White Wizard, imparts gray magic.

This is the secret of gray magic teaching.

I reach over Celia's shoulder and hold her gently.

Gently exchange vows.

At that time, I felt unprecedented warmth pouring into my body.

There are more magic options in my head that I've never had before.

Grey Magic

-Share of peace

-Share of pain


There are only two numbers, but this "share of peace" should be more usable to save Mr. Kruña.

"You did it, my lord... no, you"

"Oh, already, from now on, it's 'you'"

Celia became my wife, not my user demon.

I'm always ready to love Celia as my wife, too.

"I don't care if you have more than one wife. Because monogamy doesn't only have true love."

"Something's a smashing statement..."

Then nothing seems to change......

"So flush your floating name with others as much as you like, you. Instead, I mix up in some cases too!

"It's a delightful, lonely complication..."

But if you ask me if I don't want to do something succubus with the other kids, that would be a lie, so suppose I follow Celia's rules thankfully......

"Well, your husband"

Serlia takes my button off.

"The gray magic ritual is over and............ let's celebrate our first night"

Oh, you will......

"Yeah, it's our first night as a couple."

Though I'm doing an infinite number of succubus things.

When I slowly took off my dress, there was an unprecedented sense of tension and fatigue.

We slowly confirmed our love with Serlia, especially that day.

"You've just cleansed yourself for a week."

It was pointed out to Celia by certain things.

"So many..."

"Don't say much...... Embarrassing......"

I think I did everything I could.

Full of gray magic, I decided to cast a gray magic on Mr. Kruña.

Outside the company, there is a complex magic formation mixed with two magic formations.

Mr. Kruña stands on top of it with a restless face.

Outside of it were Serria, Mary, the president and Leda seniors, Farfistagna seniors, Tototo seniors, and just enough officials to get together.

"Ho, it works really well...? Doesn't explode...?

"Failure doesn't happen - I think"

"I want you to be absolute there..."

Because there are few practical examples......

"That's the first time I've seen it, too. I've heard a little bit about this magic somewhere."

"Because it's only been passed on in a very small part of the house, even in Sacubus. Instead, I think it's something that stayed around a lot without going obsolete."

"My mother taught me about gray magic. I'm glad I had the chance to live my magic."

While I hear everyone, I perform a gray magic chant.

"Of the ten peace, we will not divide the five into those who wet their cheeks with tears. Woohoo, what a miracle. My peace shall remain seven, and the peace of those who weep shall increase seven. Joy can only be exalted by those who know all about love and despair!

This magic of "share of peace" is precisely the magic of sharing the peace of my heart with Mr. Kruña.

I mean, I'll build a wall of mind.

Then it should also lead to the power to go outside.

If you go outside, you run the risk of getting hurt again. If you just want to be safe, it's much better to stay inside the room.

But then you won't get new joys either. If we don't accept the risk, people can't get out front.

So I'm gonna get rid of that fear with this magic!

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