The next holiday, I went to the office. I didn't come to work on holiday. I've come to see how Mr. Kruña is doing.

Mr. Kruña was having bread with the president in the open space of the company.

"Ah, ph, phra... oh, my goodness..."

You didn't think to see the face you knew at this time, Mr. Kruña turned away a little confused.

"Wow... don't come when you're opening your mouth so wide..."

"Sorry, sorry. But I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Hehe, Mr. Kruña likes to cut bread thick."

President Kerkel is stroking Pompong and Mr. Kruña's head. When you and Mr. Kruña are in line like this, you feel like a mother.

"No more, please, Mr. President. I'm a good adult, too. I'm already nineteen."

"I've lived five centuries, and I'm a nineteen-year-old."

That's seriously true...... There are no living people or anything for five centuries......

"It's because of you, Mr. Kruña, and when you're done eating, why don't you come out with Mr. Franz?

The president assisted me even though we weren't showing it together.

"Right. Mr. Kruña, it's a beautiful day, and wouldn't you like to shop in the King's Capital?

Somewhat, Mr. Kruña seemed lost,

"Yeah. Let's go out"

And he nodded at me.

On the way down the suburban road, Mr. Kruña had nothing strange about it.

I even talked about "Amethyst Printing" from myself.

"The company I went to, it seemed like a good performance, but it's been getting worse for a long time. So, they twitched to make up for it with the efforts of the employees."

"Sounds good."

Leda told me that it was difficult to rebuild the company on its own, and that it would carry out a major reform with other companies' money in it. They're replacing the president, too.

If the company is doing well, nature and internal air will be better. It would mean that I was cornered enough to not be able to do it without working out the newbie enough to be a quick use. We had no choice but to flee to the faith of gut theory.

I thought Mr. Kruña had recovered quite a bit, too. He doesn't look too pale.

But it was around the corner of downtown Wangdu.

Suddenly, Mr. Kruña nodded.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?"

I'll be on my back, too, and I'll gaze at you.

"I'm sorry... I thought the employees of that company might be watching, I'm still scared... my legs are sifting... You're still away from the company here..."

After all, because the company admitted to not doing so at trial, that doesn't mean that it buries its heartbreak. These wounds torment her for a very long time.

I held Mr. Kruña's hand.

"Shall we go to a nearby park? Where there's a fountain."

"Yeah...... I think I can get there"

I was the one who helped Mr. Kruña commit suicide. That's why there was a part of me that I couldn't leave alone.

Really, I didn't think it would have helped Mr. Kruña to smile and not be able to reintegrate into society. Now I can't imagine what it would feel like to be alive if they told me there was nothing good after all.

So this is how I realize Mr. Kruña is my ego, and because it's my ego, I'm going to let him do some more.

The park was much less densely populated than the streets of the Wang capital, and Mr. Kruña's complexion was better.

Mr. Kruña first sits on the bench.

"No, you're embarrassed. I know you can't do this."

I'll be a little further away, facing Mr. Kruña.

"From now on, I want you to let me try white magic. His name is" Angel Support Trumpet ". I can make Mr. Kruña feel a little but positive. It's called psychic magic. It's the magic of the genre."

"What, you're a black wizard. Oh, you were learning white magic at school."

"There's more to learning in school than that."

Carefully draw the magic formation with a cane.

I know it's hard. Still, I couldn't have done anything.

The magic team is finished drawing. The chant should not be wrong either.

Finally, stick the wand in front of the magic formation.

But nothing happens.

Some magic is hard to understand activation, but this is just a failure. I know about that area.

"I'm sorry, I don't think so"

"Why, you apologize. I'm just so happy with that feeling. If I hadn't lived with Serlia and the others in Sacubus, I'd like you to go out with me."

In front of me, Mr. Kruña laughed honestly. But I'm not as hectic as I used to be.

Pretty soon, Mr. Kruña got up and stood right in front of me.

My face is too close and I glance reflexively.

"You feel responsible for helping me, don't you?

Mr. Kruña laughed and followed the head of my nose.

"... ugh, yeah"

"Not if you carry it so much. Mr. Franz doesn't have a sturdy heart. If you're too unscrupulous, Mr. Franz will break more like you. Now I feel responsible. It seems there's a lot of cases where you get too close to each other with this kind of disease, and you fall down together, right?

You've been spotted.

I took a few steps back and sighed.

"Ok, ok. I'll do as much as I want. So don't feel responsible or anything, Mr. Kruña."

"Yes, sir. I'll take care of myself slowly."

How can a heart wound not be quickly healed by healing magic?

I don't know, but I just thought I'd help her a little bit more.

If advanced white magic can be used, I'll have grown up, too, and it's Wynn Wynn.

I slowly shook Mr. Kruña's white hand.

"Well, let's go home"

"Right. It was a great date."

With his hands as luxurious as they seemed to melt, he felt that much of society might be too cruel for a child like him to leave.

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