We asked the president how it went.

The HR department at the other company has used up the rest of the day and has asked me to retire at my own convenience.

Incidentally, in view of Mr. Kruña's physical condition, the president, with his permission, has decided to look through the documents from "Amethyst Printing" addressed to Mr. Kruña.

The president is not convinced of this, of course, that it will also take a while to reintegrate into society, and she told me to pay the compensation as an accident at work.

I went to the other company and really talked straight to him about this being weird. I think the other company was surprised that the president of the black magic company came too.

"But you can't admit it's not that light."

Mary is also a dry or realist around there.

"Yes. So now we're just going to have to contend at trial. If we don't make it clear here that it's an accident at work, it's much more likely to continue in that company to suffer the same damage, and we can't give in here! I'll hire a good lawyer too!

No more black magic, nothing matters! Even with the magic that favors you in the trial, I also feel there's a problem......

"The turnover rate for 'Amethyst Printing' is clearly unnaturally high. Powerful and sexual harassment appeared to have been carried out on a constant basis. There will be plenty of people who were crying in their sleep. You can't stay like this! In the future, I'm going to need you to stick around to keep the victims out of that company."

The president is very rough.

He's also going to be a dog from person to person. The tail in motion is no longer like a weird demon.

"I see...... Then get to where you can go now. It's beyond our reach..."

"Lord Franz, that never happens."

There was a powerful voice coming from behind.

This is the only one who calls me Lord Franz or something.

"Senior Leda!

Senior Leda at that time looks like a lighter, the face of the table. From the moment I saw it, I felt like I was dressed as a thief.

"Let me talk to you. Take off your awkward skin too! Evil kills!

"Um... stop doing things like killing 'Amethyst Printing' employees... Please nasi for a bloody solution...?

Indeed, if it were the power of our company, we would be able to prevail in real fights.

If you're in the magic industry, you still can't make that choice, because I would never say that a printing company should make a black and white decision in real fights.

"I know."

Senior Leda took out a single pen.

"Pens are stronger in some cases than swords"

Does it depend?

"Lord Franz, I need your help with the awkward. You mustn't forgive this company for its unholy evil deeds!

And we were supposed to help Senior Leda in her spare time.

In conclusion, it was not bloody. I'm so glad.

I'm stuck in the alley of the King's Capital at night with Senior Ledda.

I've been standing for quite a while, and if it's winter, I'm about to catch a cold.

"I know the situation of the example company. The awkward are writers, so the story of the printing company comes in relatively."

Well, you and Senior Leda are close to the industry.

"You've got the kind of terroir that bullies newcomers in-house. In particular, the site manager makes the newcomer gossip, and there are several people who take part in the attack. Even if anyone is unhappy, if they want to find out by whistleblowing or something, they'll have to shut up because they'll be crushed."

"Senior Leda, you're really looking into it..."

"The black rumors of" Amethyst Printing "are also famous there in the publishing industry. It's a good company for publishers at work."

Now you should consider yourself a writer only, not a fornicator.

"By the way, are you a former 'Amethyst Print' employee waiting here? If you're quitting, you can tell me as much as you want."

Senior Leda is sometimes lone wolf type and doesn't give much advance information. It's not secrecy, it's possible I've just forgotten to mention it.

"No, I've already collected that information. The Awkward Assault is now the current employee of Amethyst Printing."

"What... That will keep your mouth shut... Seniors have just said that employees are afraid that whistleblowers will find out..."

Well, even if you told me to tell you because I would put it in some kind of magazine, you would never talk to me.

"I know. The awkward also bring about souvenirs."

Souvenirs? No way, I wouldn't give you a cake, would it be a cover-up?

"So Lord Franz wants you to appeal to your feelings. A person named Kruña is suffering, I want to fight for that person - hit that feeling and do it. That's something you can't do with an awkward person who's almost faceless with her."

"Okay. Then I think I can do it."

I don't use black magic, but what we're doing is still black magic.

Try to work things out on the back, not on the table.

Eventually, a young man with a tired face walked down the street.

"He's an employee. Lord Franz, please!

Greatly, Senior Leda pushed me on the back! We have to leave now!

I appear in front of the employees, dude.

I guess I felt a little sorry for you......

"Um, are you from Amethyst Printing? Can I talk to you for a second?

He was extra suspicious if he kept his mouth shut, so I cut out a few errands first. But the other side quickly becomes a suspicious face.

"Oh, there's something about a reporter trying to expose a company problem. I won't tell you anything. Someone who has responded to interviews in the past has been forced to retire after a thorough pair of ears..."

That's all I'm saying, the employee tries to get past me.

I guess you know if you stop your leg, you'll be in trouble. At this rate, you've been ambushed like this in the past.

But I can tell by this employee's reaction that it's a poorly ventilated company.

You can't just back off yet.

"You know a rookie named Kruña, don't you?

When I came up with that name, his legs stopped perfectly.

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