"Of course, if the factions of those who pulled out seniors win, there may be more they can emerge...... they will probably lose, and when they do, they will be flown to departments that just do boring work. From the odds, it's not a bet to ride."

I guess people who are trying to pull through seniors also have a philosophy. When I hear from both factions, I feel like I'm more right about the vice president who saw through his senior strengths.


"I can't forgive the way I pull people out to get the warlord's head count from the outside. That's a way of not skipping someone else's life. I don't think you can if you're really responsible."

If whoever pulled through was sincere everywhere, they should have communicated the risk. But they kept the matter quiet to Senior Farfistagna.

In that respect, I can't believe them.

Except for the integrity of philosophy and action.

No matter how passionate people are, if you're going to consume seniors for that, I don't want to be seniors in that place.

That was my opinion.

It's the seniors who make the final decision.

"For your information. I'm not saying anything anymore."

"Junior, let's get out of this store. I've already decided the answer."

The seniors took their seats all the time.

The tea I ordered was still almost untouched and the hot air was up.

Hopefully, I wanted to hear the conclusion here, but you don't have the right to let me hear it.

It was quite windy that day and I felt cold enough. There are occasional cold days this season like a bump.

I didn't even have my next destination, but I also felt weird breaking up with my senior right away, and I was walking with him.

Seniors don't talk, and I don't know what to talk about, so we're silent.

And it was when the two of us walked through the town of King's Capital for a while and came to the square of the fountain.

Without touching it before, the senior held me tight.

There are a couple in the square, so it's not that unnatural to do so.

"Thank you, junior. I'm staying with this company."

I think the senior was crying, but he couldn't see his face because he was being held tight.

"Good, really"

Senior, you were walking around looking for a place to hit me.

I'm not comfortable just answering "stay" in words, so this is how I added a way to nod my face.

"I'm so glad I talked to you junior..."

Just so you know, it was worth it.

That's where I broke up with my senior.

It was still a little cold at night, but my heart was slightly pompous and warm.

I can't tell the president, but I, you succeeded in retaining someone important to the company.

I guess that's the biggest contribution I've ever made.

- So, if this was over, Kiri would have liked it, but there was another wave.

We also received a call from Vanitazar. Besides, in such a luxurious hotel......

"Um, let me get this straight. I think I already paid for the last time with my body, so I won't do anything about it. You should have been properly satisfied. Well, thank you for your help, but that's not what I'm talking about..."

To be clear, I declared myself, but when I come before this guy, I still have a fear...

Big things are coming out. I have an aura.

"Don't worry. I'm not asking for anything today. Last time, I was too satisfied. In the meantime, take a cup of tea with no ecstasy or anything in it. There's really no ecstasy in there."

"I'm too suspicious to bother putting a cliché in..."

Vanitazar is more elegantly sitting in a chair and relaxing, but that's not all I can feel safe about.

"Definitely, it's just tea. Betraying you here and breaking your trust would be a great loss to me. I live in capitalism, so I don't do anything to lose."

"That's right..."

If you don't ask me what I mean about Vanitazar doing something I don't like here. I mean, even if I wanted to do something drastic, they'd come up with exchange terms like this one responds to. I don't even need to push it forward.

I drank tea terribly, but it tasted like I could tell that it was luxurious in one bite. There is a perfume of a completely different dimension from what I usually drink.

"It's called 'Peco the Silver Needle', it's the highest quality tea. It's for hospitality."

"You need to entertain me."

One way or the other, I asked for help with Senior Farfistagna, so I have to go.

Good day to see you now that your senior case is cleared? But that's not the place to use it, right here...

I'm sorry right after you help me, but I'm going to be evil pushing you that you have some plans again...

"Hey, Mr. Franz, I've been doing a black wizard for about a year, and how'd it go?

An unexpected question flew in.

I wonder if they really called me in consolation.

"Eh, no matter what they say. It's true that too many things have happened."

No, really. If I had been in the white magic industry, I would have been more plain.

The treatment of Necro Grant Black Magic is good, but I also did some dangerous things. One of these days, some of it's what I wanted from myself and stuck my neck in.

"I guess. That's not limited to the black magic industry, but socialists are quick to expand their options. Safe bridges, dangerous bridges can cross as much as you want. Like, starting a business right after college."

That's a dangerous bridge!

"Especially if it's a black magic world, if you want to connect to the back society, you'll be connected. But basically if you do what you think you should do, that's the right thing to do. It's better than regretting it without screwing up a little bit."

Oh, I'm in mode to say something decent today.

If you look into Vanitazar's eyes, you'll see.

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